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Signed Up July 6, 2021
Last Posted July 10, 2021 at 7:17 PM
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#10 lft main demo maybe scout s7 in Recruitment (looking for team)

One of the funnier players I've come across and has the best intentions. The amount of potential this guy has is amazing and is deff worth your time!

posted about 3 years ago
#37 A statement in Off Topic

Also sorry for no enter key usage. It didn't look that bad when I wrote it but now it looks like cave writing.

posted about 3 years ago
#36 A statement in Off Topic
dovebobucan someone read this and tell me if he's a pedophile or not
you can read my initial post on this player

i am the user who came out and brought light to this discussion

Original post has a massive amount of miss info and is just to spread hate. Report me if you think I am.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 A statement in Off Topic

Hi, my name is Cat. Recently I have been accused of being a pedophile. I am at a lose for words. I asked rgl to give me some sort of proof that I could give but the have not. They gave me this . Why wouldn't they help me, for 8 months this has been happening. The amount of pain and suffering I have gone through because of this shit when a simple response saying that it was dealt with 8 months ago and I was a victim would have been fine. Instead of a have to do this. Make a stupid fucking post to make people online believe me because I could get no help. 10/01/2020 I had the worst experience in rgl. I was added to a group chat of 3 people from the team Walrose. I was mentoring Colonel Sanders at the time because he was having trouble with some of the basics with the game and I knew Jakks from the team and he had asked me to mentor him as well at the time. The other person was number91 who I do not know what his role in all of this was. All I know is that Jakks was a banned player on a alt and he wanted to make me out to be a pedophile. All I can remember is joining the call and it's was sorta normal for the first minute or 2 then Jakks started acting weird. All I remember was he said something sexual to me and I couldn't believe it so I asked him to say what he said again and he did. I asked him one more time to make sure and he said he would text it to me. This is what he said . This imgur link is from the original report. I am lucky to even have it seeing rgl would have never given me the link. All I can remember doing is saying something like what the fuck is wrong with you guys before I left. I blocked a three of them and left that group chat. Right after I went into my team discord and immediately asked the only 2 teammates in call. E404 who was our medic and a amazing person who I'm so thankful for the help he gave me and for being my friend at the time and AP who is a moderator or admin on the tf2 discord. I ask that you do not harass them. They are amazing people who helped me while I was in shock from what had happened. They said to talk to our team mentor who was KatrynaMichelle. They were more then amazing, they helped me so much, made sure I was ok and even is still helping me today with this horrible accusations. I ask again not to harass them. They are such an amazing person for helping me and without them I wouldn't have had any idea what to do. Here is a full convo with Katryna almost right after it happened . I submitted my report and a few days later Rgl admins talked to me. Sanders got banned, he took alot of the blame and I don't even think he told them what truly happened because he was scared. I believe he was 12 at the time. For that to happen to someone at that age is so fucked up. They was nc is makes it easy for horrible people to get into comp and I've hear of way to many horrible experiences come from nc. I understand that lower divs are more big then higher divs but as an intro to comp I fell like there has to be some way to fix this stuff. Jakks who was alting after he was banned a first time was banned again. He ruined Sander's future in comp. I know he would still be playing to this day if he could. he had a bright future and I know he would have been great at comp. He was playing on a shitty laptop playing around 20 to 30 fps still powering through like a beast. For Christmas he got a real gaming pc and he would be doing great in comp. I understand how people could people could have thought I was one. The player Cheeto (do not harass him), who after making a post calling me a pedo, leaking my face (removed after people on the thread to him to remove it) and deleting it after I had left my side of the story, had given people false information and had people spread it around. I had privately messaged Cheeto who who changed his name during all of this to ask him to explain the truth to people seeing he had saw it. Here is the dm . Here is a side by side comparison of his original post to the one being spread around . I find it deeply upsetting that this happened after I had been asking rgl for help for 8 months. I understand that there wasn't alot they could have done but this kinda of stuff should not being happening and I think it's time that rgl adds some kind of rule against this. If I didn't have this evidence I wouldn't have been able to prove to others that I was not what I was called but I victim who was being attacked and harassed for something they wanted no part of and was trying desperately to forget. I ask that rgl would learn from this and add extra steps to help protect victims. Even disclosing to someone that I was a victim and the case was took care of when talking to someone about the many many reports I had done would have stopped it. It is so sad that I have to even do this to protect myself. People that know me are painfully aware of how much trauma I have been through in my life. When I was younger I used to talk on this app called amino, it had chat rooms and voice calls. When I was 15 I was groomed by a black lady living in nyc for 4 months before they were banned from the amino(server) after the leaders and moderators had found out what had happened. I know what it feels like to be groomed. I have constant issues with how I see my body and I hate it. I will never be able to love my body or myself after what she did to me and I would never want anyone to feel the same amount of pain I do when I look at myself. I don't ask you guys to go and harass anyone. I simply ask for you help to fix this and make rgl add something to protect victims. No one should have to be scared to open discord and see these horrible things. If I wasn't stronger today then I used to be I would have killed myself and during this happening there was even an attempt made. I am glad I am not dead and I know that the small few people who care are happy I'm not. I ask that all of the people who have been harassing my team, team leaders and friends to stop. I understand that I was presented in a bad light but you all now know. Please leave these people alone, they don't deserve this. You could have just sent all your hate to me, they did nothing but know me. I ask that all of this hate stops please. I am a victim, I did not want to tell my story but instead was forced to, I hope you all are happy.

posted about 3 years ago