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Signed Up December 10, 2013
Last Posted October 24, 2018 at 12:03 AM
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#3 config issue in Q/A Help
Tysronedid you copy paste the whole thing?
I'm pretty sure instead of soldier_primary/secondary/melee it would have to be scout

No I didn't copy the whole thing. I only changed the "medium; white; ring; off" etc.
And all viewmodels of all classes don't show up :(

posted about 11 years ago
#1 config issue in Q/A Help

I am currently using broesel crosshair switcher to disable my primary viewmodel.
Followed all of the instructions and edited my soldier settings in settings.cfg

Here's what I put:

alias soldier_primary "medium; white; ring; off"
alias soldier_secondary "medium; white; ring; 54"
alias soldier_melee "default_melee_crosshair"

I did the same thing for scout but the problem is that all viewmodels don't show up.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Broesel Crosshair Switcher in Q/A Help

I need to disable my soldier's primary viewmodel as well as scout. I read the instructions on how to change the crosshair, settings, etc but it didn't seemed to work. I tried changing the settings.cfg but it disabled everything(secondary, melee,etc.)

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Broesel Crosshair Switcher in Q/A Help
atmotry the readme

i did :( followed the instructions but i dont know a script about viewmodels that works with the switcher

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Broesel Crosshair Switcher in Q/A Help

I need my soldier & scout's viewmodel off for the primary weapons. I messed up on my first try using this :( I need scripts and am I supposed to place the file in the tf folder or in the custom folder? Steb-by-step process would help B^)

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 9 10 11 12