Account Details
SteamID64 76561198017339669
SteamID3 [U:1:57073941]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:28536970
Country United States
Signed Up August 31, 2012
Last Posted November 21, 2015 at 8:38 PM
Posts 107 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.0
Windows Sensitivity Default
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder 3.5G
Keyboard Some cheap one
Mousepad SteelSeries QcK+ Mass
Headphones Corsair Vengeance 1500
Monitor Some Asus one
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#1 Rusty Gamer LFT (maybe backup?) in Recruitment (looking for team)

I recently discovered that starting in January I am going to have a lot of time to play videogames for a few months as my class schedule will be a lot lighter than it has been. I don't know my exact schedule for that time just yet, but I am fairly certain I'll be able to play almost every night. I have been itching to play again and so decided I would put this thread out just to see what's out there. For now my availability is pretty limited, as I work on Mondays and Wednesdays during scrim time and have a ton of work in my classes. I will be on vacation for a large majority of December (14th - 31st) but should be back after New Years. I am willing to play before then, however have finals coming up in two weeks so school takes priority.

I am super rusty and have not officially started on a team since Season 14, but here is my ESEA profile for those curious https://play.esea.net/users/478617?tab=history. My most recent team was bird noises, who I backed up for in the latter half of S19. I have the most experience on Pocket and Roamer however I would also be down to play scout if a team is willing to put up with me. I haven't really done anything other than hopping in DM occasionally or the very rare pug in the past couple months, so I will probably be doing a lot of re-learning as my gamesense is likely lacking. If I had to estimate my skill level I'd probably say somewhere around mid-open until I shake off the rust. I would say that I fit in pretty easily with others and I don't really rage. Hit me up if you're in need of a gamer!

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Roamer LFT high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Better than Ben. HEH.

Seriously though, nice guy, and the only person in the universe who can get ben to mge. Last time I played against him his DM was great but haven't played with him too much in a competitive format. Best of luck Defiler!

posted about 9 years ago


posted about 9 years ago
#8 karova lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

He's an animal, pick him up.

Very chill and fun to talk to, best of luck karova.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Mid open med/ roamer lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

I haven't played much with Spyromancer since he started playing comp, but he was fun to play with when we were in the same pub community. With 4 seasons of exp I'm sure he has a healthy amount of knowledge he could bring to a team. Best of luck man.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 train & Voll LFT s20 IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

Really fun to play with and really good. Have had a lot of fun playing with them on and off the past couple months. Best of luck guys.

posted about 9 years ago
#127 shitty gut knife giveaway in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#4 valkeri lft med in Recruitment (looking for team)

Valkeri is really chill and was good at the game and fun to play with when we last played together. Best of luck!

posted about 9 years ago
#3 brulee - Medic - LFT Mid-Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

brulee is very nice and one of the more dedicated people I've come across in this community. In addition to already coming with a decent understanding of the flow of the game and mechanical ability, she is eager to learn and willing to put in hard work to get better. Plus she makes spreadsheets. Once she gets some consistent scrim time in the 6s environment and becomes more confident in her choices, I think she would fit on any mid open team just fine.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Scout/Soldier Looking to backup in Recruitment (looking for team)


I'm JJ and after a long hiatus I am looking to get back into 6s. I know that the season has already started, and due to my work schedule changing in the upcoming weeks, and a move that I will be going through, I am looking to ease in through a backup role rather than go full-on starter. My past experience can be found here: http://play.esea.net/users/478617?tab=history

My strongest class would be soldier (have exp on both pocket and roamer), however I can also competently play scout and medic. My dm is okay, however due to a lack of playing consistently over the past couple of years my gamesense needs to be sharpened a bit through some spectating and some practice. My schedule is generally pretty open during regular scrim times, however Wednesday nights and sometimes Sundays aren't reliable at the moment. This may or may not change during the summer. If you need someone to ring/want to try me out, my profile is here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/47890429428/

Thanks for the consideration!

EDIT: Joined Part Time Fraggers for a match or two because they have a player on vacation, but still looking actively for a backup role, preferably on a fragging class. Thanks for all the kind words everyone <3

posted about 9 years ago
#7 medic lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

I haven't talked to ques in forever, largely because I've been inactive and super busy, but he was a great player when we played together (S11.S14). He has a good personality and can take criticism fairly well. He is not afraid to dish it back and has a tendency to be sassy as well. His gamesense and mechanics were good when he was playing a couple seasons ago so I have no doubt with a little practice they'd come back up to par in no time. Would do well with a good IM team in my opinion.

He will also send you links to clothing and other accessory sites every day in mumble. Lots of insight on fashion to bring to the table.

TLDR: Good personality, good gameplay, sassy, fashion advice.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Ques lft demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've known ques for a couple years now and he is genuinely an awesome person and one of my best friends in this community. I can vouch that whenever I played with him he always put in a shit ton of practice. He is very smart and aware of his weaknesses, and works to fix them. Ques takes criticism, but gives it out where he sees fit too. He has a voice in mumble and calls quite a bit (though all of it useful), so I would recommend picking him up if you need a demo that talks a lot. I haven't seen his mechanics on demo in a couple seasons, so I can't vouch for his rollout speed or dm, but when we played in S14 he did both adequately for IM, and I'd imagine with some practice he would get right back into the swing of things.

TL;DR - Ques is a great guy and a really dedicated player who could do well on demo in mid-high IM with some practice and the right team. Best of luck!

posted about 10 years ago
#12 gandalf lft mid-open medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've played a lot of pugs with Gandalf and she was always a solid med who was willing to listen and completely awesome to talk to when I played with her. I haven't played with her as much of recent so I can't speak of her exact skill level, but she will definitely contribute a great personality to any open team. A good choice to pick if you're in need of a med with a good head on her shoulders. Good luck Gandalf!

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Valkeri LFT Med IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

Good guy and solid med. Was a lot of fun to play with and talk to the couple weeks I did. He learns quick, is dedicated, and would quickly become a welcome addition to any low/mid IM team with some practice and experience. Gl dude

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Casting: ESEA Open: Rill Dill vs. Goldman Sachs in TF2 General Discussion

gg :)

posted about 10 years ago
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