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SteamID64 76561197998944560
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Country Israel
Signed Up February 17, 2013
Last Posted September 2, 2024 at 6:48 AM
Posts 481 (0.1 per day)
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Mousepad LGG Saturn Pro
Headphones 7Hz Salnotes Zero 2
Monitor BenQ XL2540K
1 ⋅⋅ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ⋅⋅ 32
#38 Vanguard in Map Discussion

After playing the Maincall.tf cup that hosted this map alongside koth_sandstone and cp_sunshine, I wanted to share some feedback about the map.

From it seemed is that the map layout is unique and nothing to what were used to, the map was fast paced for most of the part, however at some situation when we wanted to advance forward quickly the cap time seemed quite slow than usual, which seemed odd to us and forced stalemates instead of fast pushing and quick defending.

The map is confusing, like any new map you first play, you get the hang of it sooner or later, but this map featured so many routes to flank, to get in middle, the options were almost unlimited, a good and a bad thing, which should be probably double checked.

Overall the map was very unique and quite nothing like were used to, the design is beautiful with some points of the map you'd want to stop and stare and inhale all that awesomeness.

I've managed to find one clipping bug:



Great job fubar, please don't stop making maps, you're a talented son of a bitch.

Edit: extra thing I've found, which I found amusing, an Africa continent clipping:


posted about 10 years ago
#216 Saloon.tf in Projects
23:58 - CHERRY * Saloon.tf: I'm amazed by Valve honestly
23:58 - CHERRY * Saloon.tf: I used to criticize them
23:58 - CHERRY * Saloon.tf: but damn
23:58 - CHERRY * Saloon.tf: it was so damn fast to whitelist my bots
23:58 - CHERRY * Saloon.tf: :D
23:58 - JackyLegs * Saloon.tf: wait what
23:58 - JackyLegs * Saloon.tf: what does that mean
23:58 - CHERRY * Saloon.tf: that
23:58 - CHERRY * Saloon.tf: those account
23:58 - CHERRY * Saloon.tf: have captcha turned off
23:58 - JackyLegs * Saloon.tf: oh so its good
23:58 - JackyLegs * Saloon.tf: ok
23:58 - CHERRY * Saloon.tf: *accounts

they whitelisted his bots, it won't affect him.

posted about 10 years ago
#76 KOTH Sandstone in Map Discussion

This hasn't gotten much attention, but, the map maker is working really hard on this map trying to perfect it for playtesting yet not much have come, it has been played a few times on TF2Pickup.net but not much feedback came out of it.

Will be played in the following Maincall.tf cup tonight and the next few days, the map maker is stoked since his map finally gets some playtesting.

My team and another one agreed to playtest it, and even just 30 minutes of actual playtesting can help the maker change so many things to improve it.

Other than that, no, it hasn't gotten played, like many maps out there.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Weav.TV in Esports


posted about 10 years ago
#366 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

A lot of shitty stuff has been happening to me + with really bad depression and stress I haven't had the mental energy to go back on Steam yet.

But I promise. You'll all have a good, well-running version of Sunshine out very soon. I just need to polish it off and compile it. It should be a couple more days, max. It's leagues better than rc2 and comparing it to rc1a is ridiculous. It'd better be changed in the map rotation once it's out. RC4 is/will be so much better.
posted about 10 years ago
#684 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Has ESEA considered changing their Whitelist? there has been a discussion going around in this thread.



The map name isn't koth_pro_viaduct_pro5, it's koth_viaduct_pro5 now.

posted about 10 years ago
#588 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

how come they didn't update sunshine to the rc2 version?
the rc3 version seems much better but it has fps issues and phi is offline again for 21 days already so it won't get rc4 anytime soon.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Looking for girls to play TF2Pickup.net with. in The Dumpster

why did u get unbanned from etf2l

posted about 10 years ago
#6 100% Responsibility vs. Blame in Off Topic
SheepylolSetletI usually blame enemies for being better or the map, rather than blaming myself or my teammates.
No. We usually don't blame the enemies or the map but blame setlet and only setlet.


posted about 10 years ago
#3 ozfortress Summer Cup Premier: Day 2 in Events

cool, always nice to see some aussie action!
can we get any idea on the teams participating or any information would be great really

posted about 10 years ago
#168 ESEA-I S18 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#58 New Years Resolutions in Off Topic
CHERRYWent to a party.
Get a job somehow.

i heard they were hiring:

posted about 10 years ago
#15 koth_viaduct_pro5 release in Map Discussion

found more holes randomly:



some aesthetics things that caught my eye:
this stairway and the board on top of it seems misplaced and awkward:


for some reason these gaps are driving me crazy:



im with benroads on moving back the pack to where it was, this is just awkward and misplaced:


you can also build on top here, and get there as an engie without needing a wrangler (not sure if this is much of a problem, but since you removed the ability to build on top of rock, i guess this makes some sense aswell):


really hope you can put out a new version soon enough before ETF2L S20, ESEA S18 and UGC S15, since all 3 are coming up and this map is crucial in every league.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 New ESEA Whitelist in TF2 General Discussion

my bad on that one but i did mention the decrease in reload speed however

posted about 10 years ago
#7 koth_viaduct_pro5 release in Map Discussion

great job, love the changes!

fubar mentioned in his stream that this lighting issue can be fixed, but it wasn't?


some clipping issues with the fence:



you can shoot through the rock here:


which differs from the other side(slight advantage):


you can stand on this edge:



hole in the map i found by mistake, the house also clips:



this crack wasn't covered but it's not a big deal:


posted about 10 years ago
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