Account Details
SteamID64 76561197971152439
SteamID3 [U:1:10886711]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:5443355
Country United States
Signed Up October 6, 2012
Last Posted June 15, 2023 at 7:57 PM
Posts 590 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.2(0.7 scout/snipe)
Windows Sensitivity 5.5
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer DeathAdder Chroma
Keyboard Razer Blackwidow Stealth
Mousepad Razer Goliathus (L) Speed
Headphones Sennehiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor Philips 144Hz
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#38 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects


TL;DR - There's an issue with the RGL pug site that occasionally causes it to download huge amounts of data. I assume this doesn't collect somewhere and is just temp internet files that get purged but I don't know. This is especially relevant to those who have metered internet or just slower internet. I suggest closing the site when you're not using it, even if it's in an inactive tab. Dolphin says he is aware of the problem and is looking into it.


Unfortunately I have metered internet. I can get unlimited data but that costs even more and it's already pricey. The local company practically has a monopoly here so we're at their mercy. I calculated that 400 gigs a month is more than enough for me and my typical use. End of May I was getting warnings that I was coming close to my limit (at which point it adds more data but for a super steep fee) but didn't look into it. In the first few days of June it got maxed out and I started investigating what the hell was happening since my usage behaviors have not changed.

Some of the days would have massive usage spikes compared to the average. It was all download, not upload. I live alone. It was all from the ethernet connection, so no wifi theft. Windows showed that it was Chrome browser that was the source. My computer is generally always on, Chrome is always open, and I have a ridiculous amount of tabs open at any given time (I didn't think I'd become that guy yet here I am). I needed to figure out which tab(s) was the cause of my problems and this was a lot harder than it needed to be. It's very frustrating that the built-in task manager in Chrome (right click on top bar) does not have a running count on network use, only a live "speedometer" of sorts, despite breaking everything down by tabs and hosts. A friend helped me find a program called GlassWire, the base version of which is free, that breaks down which hosts are causing network traffic. After a few days of running with nothing suspicious one night it finally showed me what I needed. It was the RGL pug site ( that was the culprit. The tab open to the site was not supposed to be active. At any given time most of my tabs are not "active" but are just placeholders until I click one to awaken it. I now learned that they can become active via websites doing stuff in the background with no input from me.

Between ~1130pm and 3:03am it ate up 4.7 GB

30 minutes later it was up to 7.4 GB. At this point I'd seen enough and cut it off.

Here's what my average daily data usage looks like from a couple months back.

Here's late May/early June when I got blown up. Over 100 GB on some days there. It's been expensive.

Anyway I'm sure most people have unlimited internet and many here don't pay for it but save your internet if it matters to you and hopefully Dolphin can fix this soon. I don't pug much and while in-houses are nice there's something great about having a proper "public" system that's ready to accommodate pugs if enough people add up. I do miss PugChamp being around. The few games that I did play on this site were super fun and balanced (maybe just luck) so I really want to see this system grow and thrive.

posted about a year ago
#8 spaceship DM leaderboard + tournament in Projects

Good intentions but not a good idea. This will incentivize a lot of kiting/running away which will reduce quality of play. This is also why MGE tournaments are generally a bad idea (at least the 1v1 ones).

edit: chell's idea is pretty good. better than k/d.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 ghoulpit contract crashes game in Q/A Help

Apparently for some people if you enable the ghoulpit map halloween contract it will crash the game and will refuse to start up on any map until that contract is no longer enabled (even after restarting game or on listen servers, etc). Glad I didn't end up reinstalling 25 gigs of game. Pass the word along if you know someone afflicted by this.

posted about 2 years ago
#90 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion

Plugin to make all the hitboxes stock size is the best option. IB will still be the better choice in most cases because your missed shots often still hit for damage. I just like my long spam and rollers that chase people.

posted about 3 years ago
#46 sin karma? in TF2 General Discussion

I don't have a stake in this but I'll play devil's advocate and say that most of this looks very explainable.
Metalworks last clip looks both very suspicious the way that it "locks" but also very much like a lag spike.
Clearcut just seems like him checking every spot and calling "main" right before looking there and the intuition was right. I make similar calls all the time and often I'm wrong about my paranoia but it keeps my teammates focused on checking hiding spots.
There's clips of me doing this and I think sin's sens is faster than mine(8"). If you do a quick flick and then unflick back it does not show the full motion in world view and generally looks glitchier.
Zanda's clips--these look very natural to me. 1st one is a lucky blind det. He could not stay to watch the trap any longer and once he broke line of sight he det (may as well) and got lucky. 2nd one is another lucky blind det. For a moment it looked like the bombing soldier might land in choke to attack him and he had sticks on the left wall by the arch. He det as he put one at his feet and got lucky with the ones still on mid. Not shown are the 100 other times that the demo dets and nothing happens.
"he is reacting to their push before anyone sees it while staring at a wall" - Idk what I'm supposed to see here. He's spamming doors and gets blindsided by enemies and then saved with uber.
I've known plenty of people with horrible aim kind of like this (though most of them are low players) but this does actually look really bad and sus. Could lag combined with stupid aim look like this? Idk but it's frustrating to watch because you almost can't miss by just gently putting the crosshair at their feet since they're standing above you on an incline.

I'm not saying he's innocent or guilty, just saying to look at these clips objectively. The weird aim/lag stuff is sus but freaking out over him checking corners, spamming doors, and some lucky blind dets (standard demo gameplay) and treating those like a smoking gun is just not the way to go.

posted about 3 years ago
#16 instrumental metal? in Music, Movies, TV

sorry about the quality

there's some 'vocal' at the end of this one though

posted about 3 years ago
#5 custom TF2 figurines in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah I'm not sure about that jar business but I guess nobody's gonna stop you.
(This is my previously promised Christmas bump)

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Server List A2S in Bug Reports

Since this doesn't seem to be getting fixed could we at least put

real big at the top of the Servers page? I think a lot of people used it as a convenient place to find servers to join.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 custom TF2 figurines in TF2 General Discussion

Check out this Etsy shop that makes TF2 figurines. They're resin printed and can be customized with items and their poses. The quality is nice, hefty but also with fine detail, and the seller is super good to deal with. I think that price is really great. This would make a great gift for a fellow gamer (or yourself). I might bump this for Christmas later. See some of the other sample pics on the site as I only included a few to catch the eye.

Show Content
I'm not a figurine enthusiast. I don't know anything about figurines except for this one that I got of my demoman--because how cool is it to have your own little custom guy represented?
posted about 3 years ago
#290 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

Incredible performance. I hope WG stays together and same for FROYO. I hope this motivates both teams and inspires all our players to strive for new heights.

posted about 3 years ago
#20 May I ask talk about the current pandemic? in World Events

posted about 3 years ago
#4 sandstoner LFT IM/main soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

Very strong mechanics (I think he's an mge bro) and he's got some decent experience by this point but...

That comes with noteworthy amounts of ego and a good chance of him getting into shit-talking-fests in chat which may end up getting him/your team banned out of the league. He's the kind of guy that naturally makes a lot of enemies and rivals. Tread carefully.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 lfp RGL S6 Main in Recruitment (looking for players)

Team has been completed. Thanks to everyone who applied. And thanks to everyone who bumped my thread here---and also eat shit and die, circlejerkers.

Looking for players for RGL S6 Main. Looking for scout (probably combo) and a soldier (probably roamer).

Likely mid-high Main. We plan to play the standard Sun-Thurs, 930-1130~ est. Must be able to mostly be here for those times (and by extension of that: no HL players). Performing decently well is important but just as important is being easygoing and fitting in with the mumble atmosphere.

medic: Bedeviere
scouts: Crutch and ?
soldiers: ry4n and ?
demo: Jaguar

please add me on steam:

posted about 3 years ago
#187 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

I've seen groups of 2-4 guys join on sunshine (the fastest map to lose on) and pick medic and then afk in the spawn basically. So that sabotages the team into getting rolled real quick and they still pick up a ton of ladder points or whatever they're farming. Annoying. At least hit them with the thumbs-down report thingy after the game ends.

Overall I find these faceit pubs to be very enjoyable. It's refreshing when most of the people in the game aren't day-1-noobs and are actually trying and playing the objective. And no random crits and no hackerbots.

posted about 4 years ago
#18 florida man LFT s6 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Powerful gamer, capable leader. Always striving and improving. Can play any class well.

posted about 4 years ago
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