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Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ⋅⋅ 53
#54 Donald Trump in World Events
eeedidnt trudeau lose the popular vote?

He was low in the polls for a long time before the election, and then turned around and won 184/338 among 5 parties, the biggest majority government since 1984.

e: the double ninja

posted about 9 years ago
#48 Donald Trump in World Events
namassinThe problem with sanders is that the majority of his voters are younger, which means they need to get out and vote if he wants to win.

That was the main fear for Trudeau in Canada and he swept the election, in part because moderates didn't like the conservative Harper. I don't think it'd be surprising to see the same thing happen in America, they're in pretty similar positions after all.

Stay true my American friends.

posted about 9 years ago
#60 m0rehud black in Customization
fightbig image spoiler
Show Content
trying to remove the shadows from all the numbers, shadows for health, damage numbers, and the killstreak counter were easy enough to find, but for the ammo all the shadows were disabled by default in HudAmmoWeapons.res, where else would the shadows for the weapon ammo be?

The game automatically changes their visiblity to 1 when they're supposed to show up, so to disable the shadows you'd need to change their ypos to 9999 or something dumb just to get them offscreen.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 does stretched resolution really help? in Q/A Help
the301stspartanjoltekzthe301stspartanwatch out guys a downfragger is on the prowl
literally asking to be downfragged
Firelets just play on a tv to have giant hitboxes yes
and that won't change shit. 4:3 stretched allows larger hitboxes because, well it's stretched.

What's the difference between this and just lowering your fov?

Pretty sure it's just vertical fov that changes.

16:9 fov_desired 75 and 4:3 fov_desired 90 have approximately the same horizontal fov (16:9 is still slightly larger, 90 effective horizontal fov is actually fov_desired ~73.7 but that's not valid), but vertical fov is still 75 and 90 no matter the resolution you have. So you get the supposed benefit of smaller horizontal fov without sacrificing vertical fov.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Games you played as a kid in Off Topic


I just played with the chao

posted about 9 years ago
#4 The Sideshow Story in Off Topic
the size of a summer sausage (image: http://sportsrapport.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/usingers-summer-sausage.jpg)



posted about 9 years ago
#2198 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
SmesiI don't see anything wrong with the animation "code" but even after i use all my uber the animation is still there.
event HudMedicChargedStop
//StopEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0
//StopEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.0

Uncomment those out. With these commented you're not actually ever stopping the loop, so even though the stop animation fires the uber animation keeps going.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Animated crosshair? in Customization

I'm pretty sure you could.

1) Have a dot/circle material (probably inside huddemomancharge.res for safety, hudlayout.res if not possible) with scaleimage 1 and set it to be alpha 0 so it doesn't appear normally.
2) Set up the MenuOpen hudanimation to change its alpha and resize the dot/circle material in the 1.0 second charge time.
3) Set up the MenuClose hudanimation to change its alpha back to 0 and resize it back to normal.
4) Script pressing M1 to open a voicemenu, and releasing M1 or pressing M2 to slot10 to close the voicemenu in sniper.cfg with a crosshair switcher for your primary only.

There might be some unforeseen issue but that's the general gist of it.

WholegrainJust by saying you want it for huntsman alone eliminates it from being possible in TF2. It's probably possible for primaries using something similar to broesel's crosshair switcher, but that depends on whether you want it to focus when you draw the bow or just having it out.

Either way, this kinda thing usually isn't what this forum is for. You might wanna try /r/tf2

Tftv has the most ongoing hud discussion and the most talented hud makers in the tf2 community. Telling someone to go somewhere else is just silly, when in all likelihood this is literally the only place they'd find someone who can tell them how to do it.

posted about 9 years ago
#50 Think of a new name for me please in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#2 How to extract hud elements from other huds? in Customization

The general thing to do is
1) copy over whichever hud files you want
2) copy over relevant hudlayout stuff
3) copy over any fonts used by 1 and 2 and set them up + colors in clientscheme

Bigger health/ammo is increasing the tall value of their font in clientscheme.
Killfeed is huddeathnotice in hudlayout.
Damage numbers is huddamageaccount.res
Scoreboard is scoreboard.res

posted about 9 years ago
sacSchweppes. For a second there I thought he was implying that the supposedly "racist west" is responsible for this tragedy.Heh, he probably did, as he is just another useful idiot who can't do anything but hate their own country. a fifth column installed by a superpower who dissipated. Marxist subversion, is something that lasts for decades.

Are you seriously calling DavidTheWin an idiot who hates his country and is also a marxist just because he says ISIS needs strong islamophobia to radicalize people? What the fuck.

Even if you disagree with him, where does marxism come in?

posted about 9 years ago
SpaceCadetsaamAnd a huge amount of mass shootings are by white people...Do you run and put on a bullet proof vest every time you see a white person?
Is it enjoyable to talk about 2 completely unrelated situations and try and make them seem the same?

Most mass shootings have been mental health issues gone bad. A terrorist attack is a group of people intent on harming another group of people. Both can be stopped and prevented but they both required a different approach to solve. That is why they are different and separate issues.

And that group of people is ISIS, not Muslims.

posted about 9 years ago
#103 Transparent Viewmodels in any HUD in Customization
PolkaIs there a way to toggle on and off the transperancy?

You could do basically http://www.teamfortress.tv/4134/how-to-use-multiple-hud-crosshairs and just treat the hudlayout step as the crosshair you use.

Obviously isn't exactly going to work if you already use this for a crosshair but eh.

posted about 9 years ago
#4434 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
RawrsorWiethoofdThat looks amazing!

Please tell me you did that through #base includes for the clientscheme (that should be possible if you haven't set that up already, changes like that should persist after HUD updates and don't require touching the defining color scheme files).

Define color names in Color {} section, and #base include to set a 'MenuBackgroundColor' in the BaseSettings to be 'Green' or whatever colorname was defined in the Color {} section in clientscheme should work.

I actually haven't tried anything with #base yet, I'm not 100% how it works. Is there any documentation on it?

Type #base "filename.res" at the top of any .res file.
Have filename.res follow the same structure but include different things.
It'll then use anything defined in filename.res but not in the original .res file.

That's pretty much all there is to it.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 The 100 in Music, Movies, TV

I liked season 1 but only got a few episodes into season 2 and didn't really enjoy it then. Does season 2 get better or is it mostly the same?

posted about 9 years ago
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