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Country Ireland
Signed Up November 20, 2014
Last Posted February 4, 2016 at 5:00 PM
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#61 Gamers Assembly LAN confirmed, signups open in News

Any point in an open player bringing a pc? Are there mixes or someting during down time? Going purely as spectator doesnt sound great.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Weird Network-Related Lag in Q/A Help

Thanks for the responses. Wired isn't an option for me at the moment unfortunately.

I actually fixed this problem..sort of. I ran a network card driver installer, which said drivers were up to date but gave me a repair option. Did that, and it fixed the problem.

Although, fired up again today and the lag was back. Ran the repair again and problem fixed.

Not ideal, but if repairing continues to fix this issue then I guess I can't complain.

I had a friend also experiencing similar issues, also on wireless. He had a USB network adapter, and ran a driver installer for the repair tool... and it fixed his problem also. Should be noted that my network card and his adapter were both TP Link.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Weird Network-Related Lag in Q/A Help

Screenshot of netgraph: http://i.imgur.com/HVbsISJ.jpg

I'm rubberbanding since Saturday 30th. The lag is really odd.. there's 6 even "ticks" as seen in the screenshot, and this occurs once every 5-6 seconds. It's all perfectly consistent, which I find really odd.

Restarting router (and switch, and modem) earlier today fixed the problem for a while. Played a few games, then closed the game. Went to play some more a few hours later, and the lag was back.

Tf2 on my brothers PC (wired to switch - im wireless from a router, which is connected to the switch) doesn't get this issue.

It's also not specific to Tf2. Csgo and Reflex get the exact same lag.

Obviously I can just restart my network, but that's troublesome to do often. Anyone know why this might be happening, or how I can solve it?

posted about 9 years ago