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Last Posted December 23, 2014 at 6:05 PM
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#9 A good backpack manager? in Q/A Help

If you can, add me on Steam and I'll try help out more.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 A good backpack manager? in Q/A Help
AleX"The Application couldnt start correctly (0xc00000022). Press OK to close the application" - translated from Portuguese

Did you install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable first? You need that installed in order for it to work, so give that a try and let me know.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 A good backpack manager? in Q/A Help
SizzlingCalamariPaging Jengerer with customer EPR. Ticket Number: 5UE

Page received. Response code: ETfiUYij

I'm curious, what errors are you getting, AleX? The only ones I'm aware of are the "waiting for response from Steam" hangs. If you can give me the message (or what you do before it errors) I can take a look into it. I'm not currently actively developing the item manager, but I'm hoping to keep it functional.

Edit: Just an FYI, you can't run both the item manager and TF2 at the same time. I may have just realized I don't have a safeguard for this.

posted about 10 years ago