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Signed Up January 22, 2015
Last Posted April 15, 2015 at 1:06 AM
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#73 Eyesight thread in Off Topic

20/40 on left and 20/30 on right, I wear glasses but not all the time, just when I need it in class and stuff.

Also I've had migraines related to my sight so I use glasses then aswell.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Good music to get pumped up in Off Topic

I've been listening to mainly latin and rap music to get pumped.

Danza Kuduro
Shell Shocked

posted about 9 years ago
#63 college acceptence? in Off Topic

Im still in high school and I have plans on applying and hopefully making it into some ivy league school, but I'm probably going to have to stay in-state (University of Florida or FSU) due to crazy-ass tuition rates :(

But my question for all those applying or have already applied to schools is
1. How heavy is the competition for scholarships? Are they looking for people for insane extracurricular's or people with insane 5.0 GPA's, perfect SAT's etc?
2. I have plans on going into the medical field and becoming a doctor, but after learning a bit about the cost, is it worth joining a medical program and having to carry the debt for awhile, or should I think about some other subject (Im intrested in Computer Science as well) where the debt won't follow me for the rest of my life and my children's life?

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Looking for some good comedy shows in Off Topic

Brooklyn 99

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Recent Spotify Update in Off Topic

I loved the ui update and that when you press the X button it actually fucking closes now

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Swole Goal (Fitness) in Off Topic

I have goals of loosing about 30 pounds, getting taller, and gaining more muscle. But I havent been able to find my motivation yet and my school is getting into my schedule and taking up almost all my free time.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Super Bowl in Off Topic

Im going for the pats

posted about 10 years ago
#41 Florida Lan is back for 2015 in TF2 General Discussion

Im 2 hours from Orlando but I feel like this is gonna be just around the time I have exams :(

posted about 10 years ago
#76 Single Player games in Other Games

GTA and Watch Dogs B)

posted about 10 years ago
#98 Remove Sniper Scope in Customization
KioskIs this fixed yet? lol

Yea Im pretty sure they fixed it in the last update

"Fixed an exploit related to the Sniper’s scope HUD panel"

posted about 10 years ago
#58 Common Core in Off Topic

That explanation makes no sense...

posted about 10 years ago
#41 Common Core in Off Topic
Red_I guess I'm younger than all of you and being as I just came through middle school, elementary school no more than 4 years ago. I guess I'm in a position to talk about this stuff. I'm not entirely sure if I learned the "Common Core" way but a lot of the stuff seems pretty familiar to me. I didn't think the questions were super vague but I recall some questions like that that I didn't get as a kid. And I do remember doing latice in 3rd grade (someone mentioned it here) It was actually great for a younger age because to me it followed a very simple format and you are able to see the math right in front of you and actually build the mental capibility to add and subtract numbers quickly. A year later after I actually understood math like that I dropped it but the same basic priniciple was there. Regardless I'm not educated on this subject at all but it doesn't seem too bad to me. It's just different.

tl;dr I think it just reinforces the steps of learning, leaving the more complex shortcuts for later

Same with me I'm just a freshmen in high school and what I remembered learning in elementary school is not the same with what I see now. And I'm not sure if this applies with all states with Common Core, but Florida is now making every course have its own EOC (End of Course) Exam, which in my opionion is absurd plainly because students already have to worry about other exams such as AP/IB/Cambrige Exams. And what I found the most stupidest part of this whole EOC thing is that even the most minor classes, such as being a office/teacher aid, still have EOC's

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Common Core in Off Topic
TurinI actually can't do some of my brothers 5th grade math homework because the questions are so vague. Before common core was enforced, the math they did at his district was pretty good with questions that have a real answer, now almost all of his assignments actually don't want an answer that makes fucking sense.

It makes my younger brother stress out because he can't do it. I'm taking my calc 2 right now and when he asks for help I normally can't help because what they try teaching is fucking retarded. Lattice Multiplication? Not a single soul actually does that outside of elementary school. Counting Tens? Everyone does it subconsciously, trying to explain it in the way they do is insane. The term "number sentence" is something from no child left behind and it's just as bizarre.

It's trying to do good, but it's going at it very poorly. EDIT: Owl, are you actually saying this is a good way to teach kids? Like it's confusing to adults, how can kids be expected to handle any of this bizarro-math well?

This is the same with me. Im a pre-calc student and I cant solve half these supposed "Sunshine State Standard" math problems that they give my third grade sister. Half of them are 4th-5th grade level, and the teachers don't go over it in class and half of them aren't even possible to solve.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Common Core in Off Topic

I have a younger sibling (3rd grade) who is in the common core curriculum, and after seeing the tests that she take, Im very and disappointing with how schools are trying to teach, and also how states are teaching it mainly because of how poorly written the questions are or the expectations for many students.

I want to hear what you guys think about this Common Core scenario, and if you think your state's is doing a good idea doing it, because in my opinion, Florida is not.

posted about 10 years ago
#106 friends needed in The Dumpster

Hey man Happy Birthday hope you have a gucci day B)

posted about 10 years ago