Bit3rFor some reason my medic ubercharge number shows up a percentage sign after the number.
I installed fonts and hud correctly that i am pretty sure, but it still shows up like this.
Anyone could help please?
That's how it is by default, the % coming after the actual value. To hide it, just mess with the width of resource/ui/hudmediccharge.res or the width of the hudmediccharge entry in scripts/hudlayout.res so it only shows numbers, if that's what you want.
ninjajiroHow do I edit these things circled in the picture?
Thanks in advance!
I'm not too sure about this but the files associated with them look like:
Good luck (sorry if things don't work / anyone can feel free to correct me)
deetrI want to copy the main menu and class selection screen from another hud into my current hud, what files do I need to overwrite? Also what do I need to copy to keep my current in-menu keybinds working (eg q to back out of a menu instead of 0 and r to random pick a class)
The main menu is resource/ui/mainmenuoverride.res, class slection is classselection.res, team select is teammenu.res.
For in-menu keybinds, you need to use "labeltext" "&Q" or whichever key you want to press and then a "command" line - so look for labeltext and the command to match. Looks like for R for random, put "&R" after labeltext here
RawrsorFor some reason as soon as I changed these buttons, they won't actually open their loadouts. Anyone know why?
From the looks of the default charinfoloadoutsubpanel.res
You need to make sure ControlName is ImageButton and Command is "loadout soldier" and the other classes.