Kaptain 13 airhots, AMS 15 (even though Kaptain is still the best)
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SteamID64 | 76561198104464257 |
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Country | Netherlands |
Signed Up | March 27, 2014 |
Last Posted | December 14, 2014 at 4:31 PM |
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The hardest part of competitive tf2 to me is having a life. I've been trying to get into it for about a year now, but I just don't have the time to dedicate multiple evenings per week to tf2, courtesy of uni, gf and an active group of friends that already think I'm a gaming addict every now and then. Let alone enough time to practice my dm enough to actually hit someone. Tf2center is the furthest I've got so far.
So I'll have to stick to watching streams, vods and youtube and I just want to say: I love them!
Thank you Lange for your amazing production work, your amazing streams (probably the American stream I've watched most) and for your incredibly contagious enthusiasm! And while I'm at it, thanks to everyone creating this amazing viewer experience for fans like me: Admirable for being the greatest potato ever to grace this earth with their presence. Sideshow for being hilariously crazy. GentlemanJon (and indirectly Zoob) for the only statistics I've ever enjoyed (can you be my new statistics professor?). And all the people I can't even think of right now for their amazing contributions.
I don't see this community dieing soon, as long as we have gorgeous gamers like Admirable, Sideshow, Jon, Zoob, etc. I can only hope someone can fill in the enormous gap you leave behind Lange, you were the gorgeousest of gamers!
The only award that matters: will Sideshow be caster of the season?
I'm a big fan of the Scandinavian names: Hymzi, Bybben, Knutsson, Zebbosai, Cookye, Zappis, Darn, Ryb, Zen, Crizzl, Rake.
All so short and catchy, no nonsense with numbers and caps lock.
Exfane was also an amazing name, especially when he was tagged as The Insane Exfane.
Worst alias in EU Prem? gf18_idiot or kileR4fuNN' :P. Still some of my favourite players though.
Newborn is in streamchat, answering questions and being a nice person.
This is a sad day for the medic class. Many have died, many have dropped.
Oohhh HELL YESSS, I am a fan already. Fl1p & Flippy in one team.
Jinzha5-4 Russia, 4-2 Russia
4-2 please, I pray to you Putin.
5-4 Russia, 4-2 Russia
I often miss Fully Chargeds and then not find them back on youtube. Will the VOD be uploaded? I love these shows, would really appreciate it :) .
I think Oceanlab - On A Good Day was played on TFTV1!! Great music all around, good job streamers.
OsirisJinzhaI'm currently watching Froyo vs iM on Snakewater (group stage), don't think this one was castedIt was casted on TFTV2, I think. It was casted while there were games live on both channels, not sure which of the two, but it definitely was casted.
Ahh okay, I was still on vacation on friday, so I only know the youtube casts and the replays on Arie's site.
Epsilon's group stage missing really really sucks, there was a lot of frag movie material, as can be seen in the youtube VODs.
I'm currently watching Froyo vs iM on Snakewater (group stage), don't think this one was casted, but damn it's good aswell. Sheep 5K, Yuki 6K, 8 airshots for both pockets. i52 was glorious (except for the match we don't talk about)