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SteamID64 76561198043039058
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Country United States
Signed Up December 19, 2012
Last Posted January 16, 2015 at 10:20 PM
Posts 15 (0 per day)
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Mousepad a legal pad
#1 roamer/maybe scout/maybe med lft mid-low open in Recruitment (looking for team)

used to play a lot and then i quit for like 8 months. was scout on a low-mid open team for like 3 days, and then that team died. i tried to sandbag steel with some friends and that ended up being a disaster.

recently came back and have been reborn as a roamer, but i'd be willing to scout or med if it felt right.

starter or backup doesn't really matter too much. mostly just looking for a group of rad dudes who wanna play together and get good at shooting things so i have a reason to take this game seriously.

posted about 10 years ago
#26 my website in Off Topic
SBARROHOTTOPICis this like some vaporwave shit

literally the hippest person on

so fucking hip it hurts

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Lactose LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

i am dumb and am incapable of reading dates.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 NBA finals game #6 in Off Topic
AbramelinIt's hard to get interested in the finals when you're team has been in the dumpster. I kind of lost interest in the NBA overall after the Pistons traded for fucking Iverson. They've been awful ever since.

I was hoping they'd snag Oladipo in the draft, but he'll be gone long before they pick.

One of my best friends is a Pistons fan. I have no idea how he does it. It helps that he's a born and raised Detroiter. And I feel the same way with the Wizards, but at least they're looking like they're going to be a playoff team next season.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 NBA finals game #6 in Off Topic
TheManWithNoNameatidereyes, joey crawford was an official in game 1 and 6.
just like in 2006 :(

luckily, we will always have 2011!

Never forget. Truly my greatest sports memory. I kinda lost interest in the NBA after the sham that was the 06 finals and then the sweep in 07.

And then I remembered how much I love basketball just in time for the 2010 season. I definitely almost cried a little when Dirk held up the trophy.

Back to these finals tho: Game 6 was definitely one of the 3 best games of basketball I've ever seen. LeBron did his best Dirk impression in the 4th after not really doing much of anything on offense through the first 36 minutes, and then he caught fire in the 4th.

I used to sleep on LeBron really hard and he just annoyed me in general, but he's been playing out of his mind for the past year and a half. It's like after he won his first ring, a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders and he's fully aware of how amazingly gifted he is. The dude was born to be amazing at putting an orange ball into a cylinder. He makes dumb basketball decisions, but that's when you remember he's still only a human. I couldn't even imagine being scrutinized like that 24/7.

posted about 11 years ago
#170 yahud in Customization

I switched to the alternate TextWindow.res file, but sizzling stats still doesn't work. Am I doing something else wrong?

posted about 11 years ago
#32 punk rock :3 (emoticons are punk as fuck) in Off Topic
zephyrNo one's mentioned The Wonder Years?!

Real talk, Fireworks is like The Wonder Years, but better because they don't have the wack keyboards and stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 punk rock :3 (emoticons are punk as fuck) in Off Topic
I was only going to post the Fall and got carried away

This is a pretty good post. Double Nickles on the Dime by Minutemen is one of my favorite records ever. RIP D BOON

Mission of Burma is amazing. The way their guitars sound on every track is so unique.

Television is phenomenal too. That said, I've really only listened to Marquee Moon. Mostly because it's so damn good that I don't want to be bummed out if the rest of their stuff isn't as good.

Lifetime is pretty awesome too. I really listened to them a lot when I was 17-ish. And The Ergs! did an EP called Jersey's Best Prancers that was sorta an homage to Lifetime and their album Jersey's Best Dancers in both name and album art.

Oh and leave it to the dude named after my favorite album from favorite band to post some Steve Albini, Agnostic Front, and Swans. I knew you had good taste.

posted about 11 years ago
#265 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

John Stockton is my favorite point guard ever and when I thought I wanted to play medic it made a lot of sense.

I used to go by Kersed when I played CoD and Halo and stuff. That comes from a song by a band I used to really be into when I was 15 or 16. Chances are I'll go back to that name at some point.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Magic the Gathering in Off Topic
panzerxiiiVintage is great. Honing an old deck by strengthening it over time is so much fun :D

I run a 40-card R burn deck (guaranteed three turn kill), 60-card RGW Naya pump-up deck, and 60-card G elf grenade deck.

Vintage is cool, except for the fact that Dredge just kinda beats everything. Legacy is really the best format. It's got the cardpool size of vintage, but there's so much room to play different decks. Most vintage decks play more like combo decks what with turn two Blightsteel Colossus kills and stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 NBA fans - playoffs in Off Topic

Dude went huge against the Nets. I was really in awe. All the really lousy years Nate has had since the Knicks traded him made me forget how dangerous he can be when he starts getting hot.

Oh and watch for my boy Josh Smith to continue in game 5 against the Pacers where he left off in game 4. I've got my fingers crossed that Dallas will be smart and make a move for him this off-season. I'm really going to miss the duo of Smoove and Horford tho.

posted about 11 years ago
#237 Collection of Custom HUDs in Customization
MYLEScool dude pictures

Yo Myles. Could I get your HUD? Or at the very least the name of the font you use in this screenshot?

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Roamer/Pocket soldier LF Decent/Good Open team in Recruitment (looking for team)

probably the coolest dude i've met playing tf2 so far. he's pretty good at the game too.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Adding Epoch's stream to the sidebar in Requests

this guy is legit. he married my mom and she's happier than ever

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Tagg, get your wallet ready in Off Topic
vilereminds me of when kids would bring a suitcase full of food and candy to sell at school to make some extra cash. and no, they weren't for fundraisers.

This was a seriously lucrative thing for a lot of kids at my high school. There were kids that would have their lockers and backpacks full of candy, soda, and other stuff.

It was kinda funny because I lived in Baltimore County so instead of kids selling drugs like in the city, people sold junk food.

posted about 11 years ago