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Signed Up March 2, 2013
Last Posted September 11, 2021 at 8:54 PM
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#1 TheFragile 9/11 Tribute Video in Off Topic

i have realized the video has been taken down, but does anyone have the legendary video saved? i will archive it forever

thank you soldiers o7

posted about 3 years ago
#15 drop out in Off Topic
omnifici think it could. I'm a line cook at a nice french restaurant. I love the work, and it requires no education whatsoever to do. I could see myself cooking in 40 years

if youre doing it for a job that you /think/ you'll keep in 40 years, stay the fuck in school. dont be a dummy and put all your eggs in one basket, my example is if high school is physically/mentally debilitating for you, not if u got some job u think is poppin

posted about 8 years ago
#11 drop out in Off Topic

depends on the situation. i dropped out when i was 17, 3 months from graduation, cause i couldnt handle it anymore. was in a terrible relationship, depression was going untreated, and going to school was leading me further and further down a i road i wouldnt have come back from. luckily, my mom suggested i drop out. high school isnt for everyone, and obviously the people in here saying ur gonna be a burger flipper are down right morons, everyone has their pace and speed they need to take life. some people excel in regular academics, others dont. i took a year off and worked on my life, helped around the house, learned some valuable life lessons before i went back and got my high school diploma through a independent studies program.

i cant really tell anyone to stay in school, or drop out, its entirely subjective. high school isnt as serious as anyone makes it out to be, and youre not gonna be some loser or nobody because you didnt go through high school. it took me a long time to realize that fact. im working now, in a stable relationship, and doing shit that i love daily. you gotta find a happy medium in your life, and if high school is a detriment to that, consider alternatives

posted about 8 years ago
#44 CoD4 remastered? in Other Games

so... is the cod infinite shit the remaster or something altogether unrelated

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or is everything speculation still
posted about 8 years ago
#8 Elysian Fields picks up kuestif in News

this team is now 1/3 ex LARGE gamers. glhf invite ur not ready

posted about 8 years ago
#16 watching ppl die as a hobby in The Dumpster
eeeidk why you're all saying this is weird or w/e i figured itd be more common haha

i used to shock myself with videos like that all the time, to the point of desensitization. first hand, its fucked. id recommend just not doing it anymore, it literally makes you a worse person in every sense

posted about 8 years ago
#302 b4nny v thalash in TF2 General Discussion

man i was gonna write a whole big thing but i guess the only thing is that ur a dick b4nny

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also i think ur attitude changed from "internationally loved tf2 player" to "asshole who talks shit every opportunity" around the time when u started getting cucked by ur teams carry and there isnt an NA LAN where you can regularly see the people u flame
posted about 8 years ago
#28 sleep paralysis in Off Topic

i get sleep paralysis every now and then. its genuine hell for me considering i have very bad claustrophobia and the inability to move while consciously aware that i cant makes me lose my shit

posted about 8 years ago
#57 tf2 guilty pleasures in TF2 General Discussion

pre airshotting in mge

posted about 8 years ago
#3 kuestif lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

kuestif is a god i love this man

posted about 8 years ago
#262 MLG to host next Major in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#250 MLG to host next Major in CS2 General Discussion

its not gonna happen again dude please

posted about 8 years ago
#7 roamer lft high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

edy spaghetti. what can i say about this beautiful man. great person, good gamer, and an all around great guy

posted about 8 years ago
#65 Campus employee assaults white student in The Dumpster

everything youre saying makes you sound like a cornball

i agree what w shes saying in the video, but shes being really combative and rude to some random dude which isnt cool

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Team Secret changes in Other Games

what the fuck is up with top level dota? eg wins ti, cuts aui for rtz. secret wins a major, cuts misery and w33 for rtz and universe. this game is weird

posted about 9 years ago
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