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Last Posted February 6, 2014 at 9:44 PM
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#133 ESEA-O Grand Finals: Quantum Flux vs. BUDSQUAD in Events

inb4 Powah 6k on mid

posted about 11 years ago
#94 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
harbleuPlease don't fall for squids lan troll people. I don't want to see him enjoy himself from all of the speculation.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let us have fun
remember when his stream title was ex-legendary mixup scout playing tf2 and people thought he got cut from mixup?

"The best damage number is your killfeed." -Squid 2014 when people asked why he was going carnmode

posted about 11 years ago
#91 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
JackyLegs:,( and I got my hopes up seeing S15 mix^ at i52..why squid..YOU JUST WON LAN WITH ONE OF THE GREATEST COMEBACKS IN THE HISTORY :(

Well he was saying on his stream that he probably won't be on mixup after LAN. I would love to see s15 mixup at i52, but maybe big Ashleygamer will make his return in squid's place.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Slin and Squid either make a team or join one together...

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Stalemates Revisited in TF2 General Discussion

I personally found quick fix fun to play with, dunno about you guys. But the map idea also requires a lot of rethinking. Pretty much all last points are hard to bomb in, and changing that would require a lot of redesigning and new strats. I think the most effect solution would be to find a balance between 30 minutes, in which the winning team can run the clock, and 60 minutes, in which time is effectively not a factor and there is no incentive to push regardless of who is winning.
Test out different time lengths in off-season perhaps?

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Stalemates Revisited in TF2 General Discussion
DeepMake it easier for roamers to bomb in on a lot of maps. Pushing Gully 2nd for example is really tough to get a suicide in, Granary last is completely impossible. Badlands last is impossible. Its these scenarios that force a team to run an offclass because their roamer wasnt successful.

I dont think there will ever be a way to remove the stalemate entirely as long as Uber exists. Ban Uber, and you wont have nearly as many stalemates if both teams run kritz all the time.

I think you have an excellent point in that we should make last points easier for roamers to bomb in. That will definitely end the stifling type of play I see when a team is holding Blands last. However I also think that your point about uber is a bit too extreme. Banning one of the most quintessential weapon in order to make play more exciting would be counter-intuitive. When quick fix was allowed, I absolutely loved the whole new aspect of the metagame-the rock paper scissors of uber, kritz, and quick fix.

Quick fix in my opinion is a medigun that promotes fast pushes. With the increased medic mobility, every standard 6s class has great movement capabilities. While the re-addition of quick fix to the whitelist would be a good decision, I also think that Quick Fix with its higher healing rate lets teams turtle more on last. Its also a bit too op in general. opinions?

posted about 11 years ago
#64 Real Talk with Stabby stabby - UGC Highlander interview #2 in News

Harbloo!!!! cant wait.
also i think Hildreth should write a book

posted about 11 years ago