Account Details
SteamID64 76561198092318161
SteamID3 [U:1:132052433]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:66026216
Country United States
Signed Up March 2, 2014
Last Posted April 6, 2014 at 8:27 PM
Posts 13 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.1
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Madcatz RAT 7
Keyboard Quickfire TK (w/ Cherry MX Brown Switches)
Mousepad random mousepad
Headphones Beats HD
Monitor ASUS VX238H
#13 QTCHud in Customization

I've seen another hud with the exact same menu and scheme... mind giving some credit to that user?


posted about 10 years ago
#3 Transparent viewmodels concept in Customization

I really like that concept, mind giving a dropbox link? Also, I like that no animation on your weapon switching, mind giving me the scripts? Thanks man, nice work.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 nvidia inspector help in Q/A Help

I accidentally deleted my team fortress 2 profile... what do I do now?

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization

What should I do if I accidentally deleted the team fortress 2 profile?

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization
AloSecKC__Does anyone know how to get the textures stabby has in his stream?are you serious? i'm telling you how to it and literally linking you a step-by-step guide

if it didnt work for you, it's likely you did something wrong.

also, making your game look like stabby's game isn't going to make you better at spy or anything. play with the settings that you like and are comfortable to you

edit: woahhh this post sounded sassy

sorry bro :[

Another thing that I want to cover is that I believe I'm not getting it because of a driver related issue.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization
AloSecKC__Does anyone know how to get the textures stabby has in his stream?are you serious? i'm telling you how to it and literally linking you a step-by-step guide

if it didnt work for you, it's likely you did something wrong.

also, making your game look like stabby's game isn't going to make you better at spy or anything. play with the settings that you like and are comfortable to you

edit: woahhh this post sounded sassy

sorry bro :[

Oh, no it's fine man. I just like how it looks, with less clutter and all. I just really like how it looks with the blockyness.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization

Does anyone know how to get the textures stabby has in his stream?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization
cosaKC__AloSecKC__zeSIMONAlso, "mat_filtertextures 0" for blocky, "mat_filtertextures 1" for blurry textures, regardless of the texture resolution!
I just put that in Autoexec.cfg, still not getting the huge blocks. Please go to the link in the main post and watch his stream video. Those blocks are clearly larger than what the string "mat_filtertextures 0".
he's using nvidia inspector tool to change his picmip to lower than the game itself allows

tutorial here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiCUrCFEfT8

Does this method change the model textures as well as the world textures? Also, is it compatible with the latest versions?
It changes everything and its illegal in esea

Just tried it, and it didn't work. I have tried this before as well...

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization
AloSecKC__zeSIMONAlso, "mat_filtertextures 0" for blocky, "mat_filtertextures 1" for blurry textures, regardless of the texture resolution!
I just put that in Autoexec.cfg, still not getting the huge blocks. Please go to the link in the main post and watch his stream video. Those blocks are clearly larger than what the string "mat_filtertextures 0".
he's using nvidia inspector tool to change his picmip to lower than the game itself allows

tutorial here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiCUrCFEfT8

Does this method change the model textures as well as the world textures? Also, is it compatible with the latest versions?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization
zeSIMONAlso, "mat_filtertextures 0" for blocky, "mat_filtertextures 1" for blurry textures, regardless of the texture resolution!

I just put that in Autoexec.cfg, still not getting the huge blocks. Please go to the link in the main post and watch his stream video. Those blocks are clearly larger than what the string "mat_filtertextures 0".

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization
LionxYou would need chris's maxframes config if youre not already using it.

I've also tried that, it's not giving me the blockyness that stabby has.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization
sirkiddonvidia sli tool and inspecter both dont work with newer drivers 2 change lod

if you want them to work change the nvidia driver to 260.99 and turn off windows update so the driver doesnt auto update

My graphics card (GT 650M) is not compatible with that driver, so I can't do that either. Any other suggestions?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Blocky Textures in Tf2 in Customization

Hey guys!

I've been having trouble with getting blocky textures in-game, like stabby-stabby, for reference. I would like it to look like it does on his Stream. http://www.twitch.tv/stabbystabby/c/3746085[/url]
Now, I have tried a couple of methods, including the NVIDIA SLI Profile Tool, and also through NVIDIA Inspector. None of these have been working, so if some of you guys know how to do this, I would kindly appreciate if you could please let me know! I am running on DX8 right now, if that is necessary to know.


EDIT: I'm on a mobile chipset , I have a GT 650M

posted about 11 years ago