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Signed Up July 28, 2021
Last Posted January 18, 2025 at 11:49 PM
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#12 KIHBAE lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 1 month ago
#3 lfp adv in Recruitment (looking for players)

that's crazy

posted 1 month ago
#1 Meelo lfp adv in Recruitment (looking for players)

I just wanna play, looking for players that want to improve and have a good head on their shoulders

P scout: alfredodan? Ness? You?
F scout: me
Pocket: IDare
Roamer: Mur? You?
Demo: kira? You? Bigbank is standby demo until we have a mainroster demo
Med: mur? Ness? You?

Message me on discord or add me on steam

posted 1 month ago
#11 KIHBAE lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 2 months ago
#64 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
ktaeohKIHBAEdoes that change anything? you still chose to post it on a public forum to make a point against...?
The fact remains that you slandered me and you have nothing to show for it

oh and that you clearly don't think before you act
Lmao I stepped away from the thread and moved on. But you know what nah you're a known dickhead run that shit back and burn all the bridges

dis u?;
Not mine again btw this was made by someone else who clearly knows of your reputation

You really pulled a screenshot from beef I had with someone privately (that's not you btw) in dms, posted someone's screenshot of a dm that was posted in a private discord channel within a private discord server, spread false information about someone with no evidence, and also posted a video that slandered someone when you said you'll keep bm in dms 24 hours ago. wow

At least I don't display private conversations for the world to see

sorry I didn't plan on making posts that required me to do this sort of stuff ever but someone had to post private screenshots and false information about me without context. I'll try to keep that in mind next time

posted 2 months ago
#60 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
ktaeohKIHBAEktaeohKIHBAEYou picked the player that literally refrained from bming and shit talking during scrims, matches, and in public chats to slander? To my knowledge, that screenshot was posted in a private chat, on a private server. You thought it was a great idea to post it on tftv? Seriously?
Also, I want you to show me where I malded in public in the rgl discord. I don't even type in rgl discord public chats. You keep manifesting 'evidence' to justify your shit talk.

Wow I didn't know RGL main leaders channel with 15 people was a public chat that everyone in RGL had access to

I don't have good dm and I never claimed to. Regardless, my point still stands. I did try making plays and you took all of my deaths out of context for some reason and used it as evidence to make a point against...? Again, I never claimed I was the god flank scout, that I was better than kami, nor that I carried my team so I don't get what you're using this as evidence against lol. As a matter of fact, why are you bringing kami into this? I'm on good terms with him and I view him as someone who's put in the work throughout this season to improve. You dragged cody in first and now kami?

All I stated was that I refrained from being toxic in scrims, matches, and in public chats which still remains true
All you did was post a video calling me bad at the game when all I've done is defend against false claims against me. You keep making yourself look worse and worse somehow
do you think before you act?
I didn't make the video
ktaeohOkay after talking to some people I thought it was ok to shit all over the half of the team that was toxic all season in a public thread, but I went too far and I apologize for that.

I saw the opponent's TL malding in public in the rgl discord and I thought it would be okay to reciprocate that attitude, as someone said it was like being a sore winner to a sore loser. But it's not cool to fight fire with fire even if I thought it was deserved at the time, and it wasn't fair to the rest of meelo who were actually the exact opposite and super chill during the season.

I don't want things to get cringer so I removed the attachments that embarrassed meelo that I posted and I want to apologize again and say that I'll keep the bm in private next time :thumbsup: Sorry and gg to all in ur future games

does that change anything? you still chose to post it on a public forum to make a point against...?
The fact remains that you slandered me and you have nothing to show for it

oh and that you clearly don't think before you act

posted 2 months ago
#58 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
ktaeohKIHBAEYou picked the player that literally refrained from bming and shit talking during scrims, matches, and in public chats to slander? To my knowledge, that screenshot was posted in a private chat, on a private server. You thought it was a great idea to post it on tftv? Seriously?
Also, I want you to show me where I malded in public in the rgl discord. I don't even type in rgl discord public chats. You keep manifesting 'evidence' to justify your shit talk.

Wow I didn't know RGL main leaders channel with 15 people was a public chat that everyone in RGL had access to

I don't have good dm and I never claimed to. Regardless, my point still stands. I did try making plays and you took all of my deaths out of context for some reason and used it as evidence to make a point against...? Again, I never claimed I was the god flank scout, that I was better than kami, nor that I carried my team so I don't get what you're using this as evidence against lol. As a matter of fact, why are you bringing kami into this? I'm on good terms with him and I view him as someone who's put in the work throughout this season to improve. You dragged cody in first and now kami?

All I stated was that I refrained from being toxic in scrims, matches, and in public chats which still remains true
All you did was post a video calling me bad at the game when all I've done is defend against false claims against me. You keep making yourself look worse and worse somehow
do you think before you act?

posted 2 months ago
#51 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

The only person I am disappointed in is Tristen.

To clear things up, I do not think CCP won because they had minaaj. Yes, I think minaaj is as good if not slightly better than Cyrus. That being said, would CCP have lost because they didn't have minaaj? No. They put in a lot more time than meelo did and they improved a lot over the season. They earned their 1st place.

What I am upset about is how Tristen handled the ringer situation twice this season. The first time was during bagel week. Highlander Gaming (HLG) requested to ring minaaj to replace pumpkin, HLG's scout player throughout the season up until that point. Due to the clear difference in skill level, we denied him. We presented logs and an explanation as to why we denied minaaj as per RGL rules. Not only did it take an hour past the match time to come to a decision, but he just let minaaj play because 'it doesn't matter you're gonna be in playoffs anyways'. ??? (this match is also a match that could have given us first place seed in playoffs, so it did have an impact). Is that how you make decisions as the division admin? To make things better, he's not even the one that responded. Kitteh had to deliver his message in his place and close the ticket.

The second time is this grand final. As I stated earlier, I don't think minaaj being rung for cyrus is as big as a difference compared to minaaj being rung for pumpkin. That being said, the actions that Tristen took during this ticket is what I'm upset about.

Tristen stated minaaj was not a 'default ringer' since ktaeoh was the default ringer as per RGL rules. So, we denied minaaj and presented our case about why we were denying him. Tristen seemed to understand our point of view then and asked CCP to look for another ringer that both teams could agree on. CCP acknowledged this message. Meelo stated at this time that any scout in main besides minaaj would be approved (and obviously any other scout that we both agree on). This all took place around 5:30-6:00 PM est, 4 hours before GF. CCP didn't present a ringer at all until 8:41 PM. That ringer was pinaepple. I don't think it's hard to understand why we denied him. Tristen also asked CCP at around 9:20 to present screenshots of their attempts to find a ringer on their own. CCP posted screenshots asking other players past 9 PM. Thus, there was a clear lack of effort from CCP in looking for a ringer. Meelo on the other hand was reaching out to scout players in main, one that's made playoffs as well to offer as a ringer. All were denied of course. However, to CCP's defense, Tristen also didn't state anything about minaaj actually being denied as a ringer and just told CCP to 'try to find a different ringer and let me know if you can't fine one'. He remained very vague about this entire situation despite CCP asking for decisive decision regarding minaaj. Then at around 9:50, sometime after our pregame started, Tristen just said 'there's no time so I'm just gonna let minaaj play' and then went radio silent. Despite CCP's lack of effort to cooperate regarding this ringer situation, Tristen just let minaaj play again last minute.

That's why I'm disappointed in Tristen and why I agree with what hami said earlier in the thread. I think ringers that BOTH teams agree on are fine. (ktaeoh for CCP, iDare for meelo, JJ for GLORIOUS) What I don't think is fine is when a team is allowed to ring a player when they are not cooperative at all with the other team regarding the ringer. In grand finals at that. To be honest, I don't blame CCP. They'd obviously want to ring the best player that they could. I think it's the admin's job to notice the lack of effort put in by the ringing team and mediate the situation as best he can by communicating effectively. He failed to do that twice.

Also to clear up some false information

ktaeohKIHBAEHamiI don’t think in this case it would have made a difference as ccp looked a lot better and fluff is good, but I do think this is a good time to bring up a discussion on ringer vs sub culture.

IMO, the current rules give way to much leeway to teams who literally are showing up to an official, scheduled match without 6 players on their roster. Why should the team who show up with a full roster ready to play have to be inconvenienced by having the enemy team literally get their choice of possible ringers who fulfill some vague criteria about being “close to the skill level” of the player they’re replacing.

Subs exist for a reason. You SHOULD be getting subs on your roster to sub in. Ofc, you can always claim that your subs can’t play, they’re away etc (even if it isn’t true), but in that case, the enemy team is really doing you a courtesy to allow you to play the match without a full team. Allowing that team to then pick whoever they want is a little crazy to me. In many cases (again, maybe not in grands this szn, just in general), the team needing a ringer can just pick someone better than their actual player who still qualifies as a default ringer, and now the team who are showing up without 6 are at an advantage?? How does that make sense? The team that has their full team should have MUCH more leverage about allowing players to ring.

Will it suck when you need a ringer for real, and the enemy force you to take a weaker player? Sure, but it’s really not their problem that you don’t have a useful sub and they shouldn’t be forced to just accept a good player. In a big game like this grands, just reschedule if possible, and if it isn’t possible, then again, not sure why the team who have showed up with a full roster are forced to just let the other team get the best possible option.

@ tristen

lmfao dis u? people really thought u were gonna win yapping all season and then dropping this? NVM LINK REMOVED

I want you to show me where I yapped all season saying that meelo was gonna win. Please. I have never said in any way shape or form that Main was free this season or that I thought meelo was the best in main. All I did was play the game and did my best to win.

ktaeohOkay after talking to some people I thought it was ok to shit all over the half of the team that was toxic all season in a public thread, but I went too far and I apologize for that.

I saw the opponent's TL malding in public in the rgl discord and I thought it would be okay to reciprocate that attitude, as someone said it was like being a sore winner to a sore loser. But it's not cool to fight fire with fire even if I thought it was deserved at the time, and it wasn't fair to the rest of meelo who were actually the exact opposite and super chill during the season.

I don't want things to get cringer so I removed the attachments that embarrassed meelo that I posted and I want to apologize again and say that I'll keep the bm in private next time :thumbsup: Sorry and gg to all in ur future games

You picked the player that literally refrained from bming and shit talking during scrims, matches, and in public chats to slander? To my knowledge, that screenshot was posted in a private chat, on a private server. You thought it was a great idea to post it on tftv? Seriously?
Also, I want you to show me where I malded in public in the rgl discord. I don't even type in rgl discord public chats. You keep manifesting 'evidence' to justify your shit talk.

posted 2 months ago
#36 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
HamiI don’t think in this case it would have made a difference as ccp looked a lot better and fluff is good, but I do think this is a good time to bring up a discussion on ringer vs sub culture.

IMO, the current rules give way to much leeway to teams who literally are showing up to an official, scheduled match without 6 players on their roster. Why should the team who show up with a full roster ready to play have to be inconvenienced by having the enemy team literally get their choice of possible ringers who fulfill some vague criteria about being “close to the skill level” of the player they’re replacing.

Subs exist for a reason. You SHOULD be getting subs on your roster to sub in. Ofc, you can always claim that your subs can’t play, they’re away etc (even if it isn’t true), but in that case, the enemy team is really doing you a courtesy to allow you to play the match without a full team. Allowing that team to then pick whoever they want is a little crazy to me. In many cases (again, maybe not in grands this szn, just in general), the team needing a ringer can just pick someone better than their actual player who still qualifies as a default ringer, and now the team who are showing up without 6 are at an advantage?? How does that make sense? The team that has their full team should have MUCH more leverage about allowing players to ring.

Will it suck when you need a ringer for real, and the enemy force you to take a weaker player? Sure, but it’s really not their problem that you don’t have a useful sub and they shouldn’t be forced to just accept a good player. In a big game like this grands, just reschedule if possible, and if it isn’t possible, then again, not sure why the team who have showed up with a full roster are forced to just let the other team get the best possible option.

@ tristen

posted 2 months ago
#5 War Paint Popularity in TF2 General Discussion
zhernbattle scarred steel brushed is The Only Correct Option

this is clean wtf

posted 4 months ago
#324 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
cayorneguys he just has high sens that why he goes from aiming like a spaz on 1.2/360 to having perfect gm voltaic tracking guys hes just good you guys are just mad hes good guys

nah he uses mouse accel clearly... that can't be cheats

posted 5 months ago
#298 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

looks like my $2 AC fee went to good use. ggs only

posted 5 months ago
#224 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

I'd be curious to see how the new elo system that's being worked on will tackle the issue of a player having different skill levels for each class

atm almost every single pug I've been picked on soldier has been poverty because my soldier has the same elo as my scout despite the skill disparity between my two classes being huge... I'd like to play demo too but I know I'll get yelled at for being ass :/

posted 5 months ago
#9 RGL S16 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
tacocatonly 5 teams on the spreadsheet plus peni team dead, welcome back div-1 family

don't say this.. I'm getting ptsd

posted 5 months ago
#12 bigbank lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

one of the most chill and level headed friends I met on TF2

also an amazing mentor, he's smart

a chad irl too

posted 5 months ago
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