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SteamID64 76561197991320838
SteamID3 [U:1:31055110]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:15527555
Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.6
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder Black Edition
Keyboard Corsair K-90
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 ⋅⋅ 182
#19 McDonald's turns me on in Off Topic

Im kinda upset this guy didn't win a darwin award

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Spire MGE Bugs. in TF2 General Discussion

I have reported this bug 2 or 3 times in the mge mod threads but the response I always get is "we didn't change anything in spire, everything is the same as last map versions"

But the truth is that spire is a lot more buggy in the last version than the previous ones

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Steam Box? in Hardware
RikachuWe're such a disappointment.

we're the unwanted kid that created the family business and got sided by their parents and now receives minimum wage and gets treated like shit.

Show Content
posted about 11 years ago
#12 Dreamhack CS gets 250k from cosmetic sales in CS2 General Discussion
ColemanKanecowe should start a riot

wheres our money valve?!?!?!?!

We'll never see it mate. We're basically the Guinea Pig of Valve for things they want to beta before they put in their valued titles. It's pretty shit for us as a community, but we've proved plenty of times we don't need to suck on Valves teat to be a successful community. No one does what we do with as little outside investment/resources.

I refuse to acccept that... With the amount of money we made valve we could already have had 4 or 5 million dollar internationals.

Just imagine, we would get to see b4nny riding a limo to lan, TLR wouldn't have to steal any more trophies, MGE tourneys would be the ultimate test of skill with thousands in prizes, MGEMike would be filthy rich and banging whores with tf2 money. I refuse to believe that will never hhappen.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Newbie Cup Appreciation Thread in TF2 General Discussion
shredderCan we look forward to another cup soon?

Definitely want to do something like this again, altough it wont be any soon, like merchant said, it was really exhausting for me and a lot of the people involved.

Looking into other options as well, such as bball, mge or ultiduo cups

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Dreamhack CS gets 250k from cosmetic sales in CS2 General Discussion

we should start a riot

wheres our money valve?!?!?!?!

posted about 11 years ago
#32 TF2 Update 9/16/13 in TF2 General Discussion

Update 25/11/2013
-Players now lose 1 hp per second when using the escape plan
-Using the Sticky jumper now deals 2 times more fall damage
-Fixed an exploit that allowed to have fun
-Backburner now builds a charge by walking forward

posted about 11 years ago
#14 your most productive/unproductive day in Off Topic

my whole weekend was tf2, not really playing but running the newbie cups, 16h straight on sunday was probably my most productive and stressful day in a long time.

posted about 11 years ago
#253 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
fuuzi0npeople love turning good threads into shit


posted about 11 years ago
#238 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion

I can't begin to describe how dumb these people are.

If you weren't supposed to shoot at the other guy spawning the spawns would be on the fucking ground. Jesus.

"If you weren't supposed to use the quickfix then it wouldn't be on the fuckin game. Jesus."

Things do have flaws, nothing is built perfect, and endif is no different. Sorry, but shooting someone with very limited strafing ability since you are basically falling vertically is tryharding at its best.

posted about 11 years ago
#117 Comp.tf Newbie-Only 6v6 Cup and Wiki Contests in TF2 General Discussion

EU teams got their keys already.

Now just missing the keys for the NA teams will try to distribute them today.

As for the NA server btw, the brazilians didn't win the server, they were fully aware and warned beforehand that if they did win they wouldn't get the server as it was a cup directed at na teams, mawr offered to still give the server to the 2nd placed team (adopted) which is NA, so if they contacted him (I gave details to midnitesite) you should be able to reclaim your server with Mawr, props to him btw.

all in all hoped you had fun through the day and we provided a good show, Imo the final games for both cups were great and really close, so that was awesome, and the casters did a great job as well. Will definitely be uploading vods to youtube later on! :)

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Newbie Cup Appreciation Thread in TF2 General Discussion

thanks everyone, it's great to have so much feedback, positive or negative, everything is welcome! :) hope you had a fun time

SirRemixThanks for holding this cup, I really learned a lot about 6s, it was a great time for my entire team :)

Thanks, this is really reassuring, this is exactly what I wanted to get from this cup, if the hell I went through this weekend got some new people into 6s and they had fun doing it, then it was all worth it! :)

SaxualContentShoutout to mawr for supplying and dealing with servers on his bday =)

Absolutely, any blame to the guy is misdirected, he did everything he could, on a sunday, on his bday, he helped me a lot through the cup where the issues were mainly on my side, major props to him. I can definitely vouch for him and will be looking up to him for any future events if he's interested.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Newbie Cup Appreciation Thread in TF2 General Discussion


refer to the post above for my general opinion on the cup and my thanks to all involved

off to bed ^_^

posted about 11 years ago
#112 Comp.tf Newbie-Only 6v6 Cup and Wiki Contests in TF2 General Discussion

As for the SA players, its my fault really, I checked their profiles one by one and their ugc profiles as well, and apparently they had no experience and they also were on the lowest competitive brasilian division. I checked over 500 player profiles and the experience they had over a period of 2 days, some mistakes were bound to happen altough I'm not happy with it at all.

Our server provider had no problems, it was my fault, I was very unexperienced and tried to run a cup in a ruleset I was very unfamiliar with in circunstances I was completely new to, this lead to apparent servers and config issues caused by me.

I am sorry about this and I apologize to all teams involved that felt that way :(

Now onto the good stuff.. I do think there's something good out of it.

The good, ducky <3, such a beast streamer, he stayed with me for more than 10 hours straight, we just finished now at 4 am pt time and he took it like a trooper, I love him more than anything right now, any success from this I owe it to him.

Thanks to MagicalKillaCow for really getting this thing to take off, I never even interacted with him and he was a top notch guy that helped us for more than 3 hours, together with basshead which was also a great help. Not forgetting pledge of course which was such a beast as always and subbed for MagicalKillaCow in time for the finals.

The EU part of the cup I think was a really great success and everything was very smooth from start to finish. Congratz to Rushers, they played amazingly well and are a great div6 team, I am gonna be supporting them this season for sure. They showed the power of teamwork.

Now onto the NA cup, there were apparent issues, delays at the start because I couldn't get the servers ready (my fault) and many many issues, admitedly na players were also much more "beligerent" in the sense that I received a lot more complaints than in the eu cup. We still got it done tho. Thanks to Kip who casted with us for 4+ hours, shes such a sweetheart and so amazing, you are one of my favorite people now for sure! :) Also big props to shredder for helping out and being amazing at not pressing the push to talk key :D (you did great tho :D). And thanks to wolf and Noona for joining us at the end to close off the deal.

Not forgetting of course our main sponsor mawr servers, we had some issues today, but trust me it was my fault, in fact mawr went through every single one of these issues with me and helped me fix them as fast as possible, on a sunday, he's great and the community should be thankful of someone like him helping out. The servers were great as well, altough we already know how it is impossible to please everyone!

Thanks to my wiki team at comp.tf as well. They were a great help and were amazing as well!

I got strong feedback from this and trust me I will make good use of it, I know I did a lot of mistakes, some of which I really regret, my decision to allow some teams in was not the best, but I can assure you I tried my best. It's kinda hard to coordinate a 50 team (300 player) event, let alone my first time doing it. If I ever make this again, which I would really like to, I will make sure to correct the mistakes I made and come better prepared.

I'm really proud at what was accomplished in the great plan of things, I got cut of options from vanillatv and tf.tv just 1 day before the cups and we managed to pull it together at the last minute and make a 10+ hour cast marathon out of nothing but community contribution.

I love our community <3 Now off to bed, Im exhausted and working tomorrow is gonna be a pain for sure.

posted about 11 years ago
#108 Comp.tf Newbie-Only 6v6 Cup and Wiki Contests in TF2 General Discussion

3rd map in a few moments, we are missing 1 caster

posted about 11 years ago
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