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Last Posted February 2, 2013 at 10:42 PM
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#40 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware
TwinqeWere you planing on paying for one in-store (Do not do this) with just cash? If you buy from anywhere online (You should do that) you will need some sort of credit or debit card. If you're too young then you will need to ask for your parents' help, but I don't see why that would be an issue anyway as if you don't own a credit card in the first place then you're not likely paying for it.

Lenovo laptops are also fairly cheap and pretty good gaming laptops, if you must have a laptop. Look here: http://shop.lenovo.com/SEUILibrary/controller/e/web/LenovoPortal/en_US/catalog.workflow:category.details?current-catalog-id=12F0696583E04D86B9B79B0FEC01C087&current-category-id=C46D71ACFD7C4475B8E490358F8CA8C3&menu-id=products&ref-id=products

Even if I was a child I don't think I'd ever ask my mother for help. She criticizes me for everything I do. I am paying for it but not with credit card. I'm going to be using my college card with works similar to such or a debit card. I thank you for the help!

posted about 12 years ago
#38 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware
tehh4ck3rIt'll be fine for TF2 as long as the CPU isn't bad but if you want to play any other non-source engine modern games you should get a discrete GPU.\

edit: you might want to have a look at this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834215392&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_sp=&AID=10440897&PID=3332167&SID=u00000626

There worrying thing is I heard you need a credit card for that place, and I don't have one of those. Unless there is another way

posted about 12 years ago
#34 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware
TwinqeYou don't actually need a laptop for college, despite what everyone may say.

For the HD 4000: http://www.notebookcheck.net/Intel-HD-Graphics-4000.69168.0.html

It's... adequate. I mean, with a max FPS, or even high FPS config you'll likely have no FPS issues, but other than that it's hard to tell. My advice as always is to get a deskstop and save money/build a better system.

It's more of a personal preference for a laptop really. I mean, more privacy to me and all and I can take it where be if needed. Plus I can't drag a Desktop to and fro college. c:

posted about 12 years ago
#31 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware

They took the laptop off then back on only with half as good specs. So I worry that may not work well.
There is a laptop EXACTLY like the one about, except instead of a nvidia it's a hd graphics 4000. is this adequate? :c

posted about 12 years ago
#30 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware

Can we please not fight here guys? I have Windows 8 because there isn't an option to pick Windows 7 on the laptop. I'm sorry if it seems iffy to some of you people, and I'm sorry if you're not a fan of such system, but it was the only OS choice available for the laptop. again, I'm sorry if it upsets anyone. :c

posted about 12 years ago
#21 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware

I know I haven't said anything the last couple days, guys. I just want to say thanks again for all your help, and I should get my laptop around the 4th. :) Everyone take care, and I hope to see you guys on TF2 sometime! <3

posted about 12 years ago
#16 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware
herofor the love of god get a SSD.

Is that a major difference between a SSD and an HDD?

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware
cefyrinI was in the same situation as you, used to get ~20 fps. I have pretty much those exact specs now and get 200+ constant.

I had completely missed your reply yesterday! so sorry!
200+ is a super jumped from 20. I would guess a fps_limit would be in order?

Foxi used to buy gaming laptops (although I'm sure cooling technology has come a long way since then)

make sure your laptop stays cool while you play so you don't end up with melted junk like i have several times in the past

I wonder if that happened to this one as it's always gotten hot easily. I'll look into a cooling pad of sorts and see. thank you :)

posted about 12 years ago
#11 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware
mjust curious whats preventing you from getting a desktop?

It needs to be portable for college, as well as mom refuses to get rid of our 2004 desktop with 30 GB hd and viruses so no more desktops as we already have one.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware

@Saber + Brownymaster - Short and simple, thank you :)

@Joe - Pardon me for my sillyness, but what is the HDD? Is it the harddrive? I'm not computer savvy. I'm ever so sorry!
Edit: I'm feel incredibly silly. I never knew the HDD affected such things.

@Devon - oh my gracious me! I guess the person who told me before was way off! 120 is quite the jump from 10. thank you~

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Is this good for TF2? in Hardware

Hello everyone. I'm sorry to just pop in and then start asking questions off the bat. I do hope it's not bothersome!

You see, I'm in need of a new laptop, mainly because my 3 year old one is wonking out on me. It crashes, freeze, has drivers fail often if not constantly. the poor thing can't handle much anymore. I also want a new one because of wanting to play TF2 decently. On this one I can barely get 1-15 FPS on low settings WITH DX8! It's only 20-30 with Chris Max FPS Config, and it's troublesome as it always freezes whenever a Spy tickles me in the back. Quite annoying really...

Honestly, I just want to know if TF2 will be playable with this laptop. What I mean is... basically what the FPS will be at low and high settings. I tend to play in 800 x 600, only because it's pretty much impossible in full screen. I've tried to search what my FPS would be for weeks, but haven't found anything. Below are the spec of said Laptop... I hope they're not too bad, but considering when you've been playing a lappy with a Intel Dual Core and Series 4 express family anything is bound to look better.

Processor 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i7-3632QM processor (6MB cache, up to 3.2Ghz)
Operating System Windows 8, 64-bit, English
Display 17.3" High Definition+ (900p) LED Display with Truelife
Memory2 8GB3 Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1600MHz
Hard Drive 1TB 5400 RPM SATA Hard Drive
Video Card Nvidia GeForce GT 630M 1GB

I'd really appreciate a good estimate for these. Again I'm sorry for coming in randomly and asking questions. I thank everyone who helps, because honestly with getting it in the next couple weeks it's good to be prepared. thank you again, everyone!

posted about 12 years ago