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Signed Up October 18, 2015
Last Posted November 29, 2015 at 2:12 PM
Posts 32 (0 per day)
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#49 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
xattuuPuppy21Hey guys, could you help Katie and I with something? We are trying to make a sort-of calendar for our pugs and we were wondering when good times would be for pugging madness. We have tried to post them from time to time but it seems like everyone is either in a scrim, doing a different pug, pubbing, at work, etc. May you please give us feedback please for a better pugging experience? Thank you!well esea is over except play offs so scrimming will be down a bit. also youre going to have to compete with other pug groups right around the same time, that just how it is. you can set a time to play or just start them when you have people who want to pug. idk why people get upset about announcements in this thread, if theres too many then leave the group, they arent that hard to close

I'm highly aware of it, and good point. Recently, in the psat 4 days, PUGs have been going really smooth, and we havent had a un-secuseful annoucnment.

posted about 9 years ago
#43 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
frenzyxPlayed a couple of these pugs, was really fun had a blast will play them again, anyone looking for a fun group of people that just wanna pug i recommend them this group. These pugs are more geared towards people that play open and know their role when playing, i would not recommend this group to a new players. Admins are super nice and respectable, just play by the rules and you won't get banned. Join up :)

Glad you enjoyed!

posted about 9 years ago
#41 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
DirtyMortCrayonNippleKatieill porbally be shitKatie I aplogizie if i did.Katieor compliementsKatie2 Sucesful ones were ran
16 announcements today for pugs


lol. responded abou it

posted about 9 years ago
#39 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
CrayonNippleKatieill porbally be shitKatie I aplogizie if i did.Katieor compliementsKatie2 Sucesful ones were ran
16 announcements today for pugs


haha, though if spam is a problem, please do let me know
8 pugs were ran today, that being about 2 pear each, which I think is fair, due to people leaving for stuff.

posted about 9 years ago
#35 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
maelstromSmesiwhy did you guys send me an invite?
Do research first before sending random invites.

Relax, they're just trying to spread word and get new people to join. If you don't like it, take a second to click decline. No biggie.

It's funny because you wasted more of your time posting in this thread about the issue then if you would have just declined and gone on with your life like how any other sensible person would have done. But to each their own I guess.

EDIT: lol that was park who sent the invite btw, how about you "research first" before you blame others? :)

Im not choosing any side, but thank you, for pointing it out.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
Smesiwhy did you guys send me an invite?
Do research first before sending random invites.

I did not invite you. I responded to the comment, stating I only sent invites to people that are my friends. I aplogizie if i did.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
ConkyKatieaierathese became invite only the second i clicked join D:
What do you mean? These pugs arent invite level, more towards open players.


It has been fixed, was dealth with last night. My deepest aplogiez.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
strazyyyKatiewattersonKatieIve been playing tf2 for about year and half competiively now
your profile isnt even a year old...

Ah yes.
Its an alt, and yes my other account has a season of silver and steel. This next season will be my first in gold

Here is the account:

Vac is real yes. I was bad at the game, and used wall hacks for cs:go

Can confirm thats my real account if nesicary.

are you not allowed to play in UGC if the VAC ban doesn't affect tf2?

Oh yes, you can playin UGC. I just thought the VAC would have a negatative affect on anything i do.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
aierathese became invite only the second i clicked join D:

What do you mean? These pugs arent invite level, more towards open players.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion

Good night of pugs.
2 Sucesful ones were ran, pretty smooth
Pugs died due to 6 people having scrimmages.
Nothing bad, pretty smooth
Will try to start earlier, and later

posted about 9 years ago
#17 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion

any relation to this person?

No clue.
The avatar of mine is from the generic avatars. I found it under one of the games

posted about 9 years ago
#15 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyKatieVac is real yes. I was bad at the game, and used wall hacks for cs:goKatieI was bad at the gameKatieused wall hacks for cs:go
Yeah, that's how you improve.

Yea, right
I regret it, and was a bad idea

posted about 9 years ago
#11 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
SnarkenGet ready for the flame war boys!

From what I've seen of Katie, she's pretty competent. I don't really want to put fuel in the fire so...
I think before things get out of hand and derailed, we should just focus on the topic of the pug group. I've been looking for a new group to play in for a bit and these gamers seem promising.

Will see how pugs go, hopefully good

Feel free to ask more questions

Pugs shall hopefully be good

posted about 9 years ago
#8 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
you don't seem like a ugc gold medic main... all thats there is 12 days on a steel team

Have reasons, and thanks for pointinong out, Im aware it could appear fishy, or edgy

I left due to life for that team. On my other account, a season of silver, so steel and silver experince overall.

Other account listed in previous replys.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 New Pug Group in TF2 General Discussion
crayyyylmaoWasnt there someone like this a while ago, also claiming to be somewhere in IM and turned out to be an alt of a hacker?
My bad if I'm mistaken, but just wanted to check

Yes, Im aware of that post on tftv a while
State, Im going to play my FIRST season of esea open, neither am i close to IM, ill porbally be shit, i need experince.
Gold may even be a slight sturggle, for me, my first season in it as well.

Account other: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ghfp/

posted about 9 years ago
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