9:27 PM - tri: 5 mins from now
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198027325929 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:67060201] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:33530100 |
Country | Rainbow Nation |
Signed Up | May 18, 2013 |
Last Posted | January 11, 2025 at 12:45 PM |
Posts | 2127 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | i'm bad dw about it |
Windows Sensitivity | i'm bad dw about it |
Raw Input | |
i'm bad dw about it |
Resolution |
i'm bad dw about it |
Refresh Rate |
i'm bad dw about it |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Razer Viper (Wireless) |
Keyboard | WASDKeyboards v2 w/ usb-c port |
Mousepad | ltt deskpad (the big ass one) |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 598 Cs |
Monitor | LG 32GK650F-B 32" QHD |
9:27 PM - tri: 5 mins from now
fen_This is really cool but I don't see the general practicality for people to use it unless the person. Discord made it so much easier to find scrims and pugscrims without the hassle of contacting and adding people on steam, and scheduling on esea makes it equally as easy.
Cool little project but I don't see the practicality of this over a much faster scrim finder that's like IRC
you don't find the scrims in the google doc. that would be a nightmare...
this is a tool that simply helps teams that are pickier about scrims (mid im+ generally, but others as well) keep track of scrims easier.
Negasora and I made a neato little google document that makes scheduling scrims a lot easier. It's incredibly unfortunate that the tftv discord is only ever used for last-second scrims, but that's just the nature of a game as small as ours. Here's a little video showing how to get the document for your team and what it can do when you have it:
Download the document.
Go to google spreadsheets.
I'll be updating/ fixing stuff as issues crop up. But yeah, here you go, I guess!
Huge shoutout to negasora for going hard in the paint last night/this afternoon so that this could be released today instead of a week+ from now.
been to several shows and love them all, but i REALLY liked pippin. probably my favorite so far.
fade-KevinIsPwnfade-kevin since you've at least worked on some events with some of the people that are going to be working on toth do you think you could convince them to mention it on stream? even if they're lower level players that haven't heard of stadium or go on this site yet at least it'd get the word out and provide a impetus for site growthi am (unfortunately) not involved with toth at all. i don't know how they could play 36 hours of TF2 shooting the shit and not bring it up once, though. :P
if any of the personalities mentioned stadium it'd probably get a boost, even a la muselk shouting out tf2center and dropping playel level but that's better than an empty site
hey funke if ur reading this can you make a vid on stadium or something it probably wouldn't be that hard to convince like 12 people to lobby with you for the video please
Oh snap I misread your initial post and came off as a bit entitled there, lol. I thought you were talking about faceit.
There really is no reason to mention stadium at this point. Unless faceit fails spectacularly (it won't), there's no real advantage to using stadium over it.
fade-kevin since you've at least worked on some events with some of the people that are going to be working on toth do you think you could convince them to mention it on stream? even if they're lower level players that haven't heard of stadium or go on this site yet at least it'd get the word out and provide a impetus for site growth
i am (unfortunately) not involved with toth at all. i don't know how they could play 36 hours of TF2 shooting the shit and not bring it up once, though. :P
I need you to do me a big solid tonight. We have some regular coaches/ helpers admining tonight because I (and some of the other normal admins) are busy/ not online. PLEASE make it easy on these people and coach some mixes tonight. The mixes will be drafting from ~9EST-1EST. Mumble info: chi4.tragicservers.com 64737
TF2Center has never particularly cared about general user experience, this is nothing new. Just chill out until FACEIT is released.
i will quit tf2 when there is no more tf2 to quit, and i think there are many people in this boat with me.
this game's p fun dude
in depth (and very quiet) opinions
We played with what was essentially this whitelist last night in scrims, so I think I can provide an interesting perspective on the whitelist. :)
largely good changes. played with this whitelist last night. we won running a very standard lineup + demo using loch n load and quickie bomb. this won't change much other than the casual community's perception of us.
things i'm a bit concerned about:
-atomizer (though it gives me an excuse to run shotgun again WOOO)
-rescue ranger (though it isn't particularly good after the nerf a few months ago)
-gunslinger (though it is pretty easily countered)
-jarate (though having a sniper close enough to throw it is kinda a feed)
I will never understand why we always wait till there are like 3 minutes left to pay up. It'll cost just as much then, ya'll.
Anyone have a confirmed team list?
NationDid they just extend it?
Yes, by two days.