get out of ugc
drop IsPwn
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198027325929 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:67060201] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:33530100 |
Country | Rainbow Nation |
Signed Up | May 18, 2013 |
Last Posted | January 11, 2025 at 12:45 PM |
Posts | 2127 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | i'm bad dw about it |
Windows Sensitivity | i'm bad dw about it |
Raw Input | |
i'm bad dw about it |
Resolution |
i'm bad dw about it |
Refresh Rate |
i'm bad dw about it |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Razer Viper (Wireless) |
Keyboard | WASDKeyboards v2 w/ usb-c port |
Mousepad | ltt deskpad (the big ass one) |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 598 Cs |
Monitor | LG 32GK650F-B 32" QHD |
it's my understanding that the error code "0x00000006" is given when source runs out of memory
it's not really something you can fix. assuming this isn't happening on launch but instead in-game, you can try to get everything to shit-tier graphics + no hats mod + whatever else you can find and see if that works. but yeah, that computer is gonna struggle to run tf2 regardless of what you do.
By my count right now, we will have ~13 IM teams. This is an estimate based on the people without teams and stuff that I've talked to about it.
If everyone I've talked to about it + malicious activity + all the other "confirmed" teams play, there will be 16 teams in IM. I'll only be comfortable if 3 more teams COMMIT to being formed, though. We're super close, just DO IT. I'll help you sort roster hijack stuff. There is definitely a team or two of high-top IM people still lft. Definitely 3 teams total. Just do it. :)
If we do keep IM around this season (and it still is "if"), we need to have a serious discussion as a community about why 70+% of open moveup teams die when they get to IM so this doesn't keep happening. Like... why would you not want to play with better people against better people?
I am talking to a few people about making teams/ offering to assist in roster jacking.
If you want to make an IM team but don't have a roster, HMU via tftv dm ASAP
-leeKevinIsPwnWe need five more teams. Who's gonna step up, ya'll? There's plenty of people still looking around.that means 30+ people need to commit to teams in the next 34 hours ...
not quite. this means a 5 people need to commit to making teams in the next 34 hours, and the teams need to be formed by wednesday morningish, assuming there is no extension. honestly not far-fetched at all, people just have to actually do it.
We need five more teams. Who's gonna step up, ya'll? There's plenty of people still looking around.
>> <<
There's a list saam made for you. Ignore the order if it triggers you. Just make some freaking teams PLEASE thank you
I don't know if this is a huge deal, but I'm honestly pretty proud of Valve about this. I talked about it briefly in my new thing. Basically, there's been some remarkably stupid youtube drama going on lately in the TF2 community, and one of the things people are screaming at each other about is whether or not Delfy is helping TF2 with his exploit videos.
There was something brought up about how something he did in a video was fixed a day after the video was posted, and in response this got posted:
A month before Delfy's video about this particular exploit, a small-time youtuber and TF:Classic contributor, Sigsegv, made a video showing valve the technical aspects of the problem and sent them an email with details. Essentially, that bug (and many more) had been fixed for a couple weeks, but Valve didn't want to break anything before i58. Honestly, that's a good sign from my pov. Small sign, but good sign.
-leeso I guess this isn't happening because these x D are happening
yes, unfortunately (for intermediate, not our team. our team is fat).
ya'll need to make some teams or IM gonna die
I posted this on another thread a few days ago. Has some non-high-school stuff, but this is the advice I can give you:
full disclosure: only 21, but i can provide the perspective of someone who wasted a ton of time in highschool that is currently a junior in college. enjoying high school/getting your shit in line for college is going to be the main focus of this post. i'll start with that stuff
- take more band/art/whatever-extracurricular-you-like classes in high school. you are better at computers than your future programming teacher i promise. do stuff you enjoy in your electives, and learn the other stuff much more efficiently online. taking "fun" electives allows you to make friends with similar interests to you while giving you a break from the monotonous hellhole that is high school.
- want a scholarship for college but you aren't good at the ACT/SAT/whatever? there are lots of things you can do. play an instrument and join the athletic bands program, work on writing (for scholarship essays), look up ways to get scholarships and stuff from everything and everywhere: from your university as a whole, the specific college you're in, your highschool, local churches, charities, whatever.
- don't panic about grades in high school too much, they only matter marginally
- look up the status of job markets for things that you are working for in your major.
- find a state school that has a really good program for what you are getting into. for me, the university of memphis (which is where i'm from) has a stellar school of music. i wouldn't be going here for some of the other schools, but i can get the education i need much cheaper here than some fancy liberal arts college, with pretty much the same quality (if not better).
- don't take test-prep classes (ACT prep, SAT prep, whatever). these classes will condition you to doze off/ shut down during the real deal. those classes are hell. it's the intellectual equivalent of the word "damp". just take the tests at least once a year (starting in like 7/8th grade, or now if you are past that). that's what i did, and i ended up with a 32 on the ACT (despite not being particularly good at school). being able to put what you learn throughout your middle/high school career into the perspective of the big tests is a seriously beneficial skill. if you're going to pretty much any state school, this is the number that makes or breaks your academic scholarship offers.
- take AP classes. you're going to be forced to take a class during that time slot anyways. might as well make it count. taking AP/ dual credit classes just means you don't have to do it again in college. so you can have it easy in highschool then have it hard in college or just have it hard in high school. you also save a good amount of money. the choice is p obvious in hindsight, but no one ever phrased it this way to me. i came into college with ~13 credits (which is still a decent amount), and every semester that I look at the plan and see something i already did in highschool, i thank former-kevin. i just wish i did more. it would have made it much easier to focus on classes within my major.
- talk to the guy/girl. assuming you're not weird/creepy about it, the worst they'll say is "no". if they're rude about it, they were shitty from the get-go. i only started doing this late in high school. i didn't get any "yes"s (i only asked a couple people and was a p big weirdo tbh) but who gives a shit? that stuff would still be bugging me if i hadn't just asked.
- start your resume now. it will be so much better when you need it if you start it now. really. go do it now. fill it out as you go.
moving on to general tips
- eat healthy. this is something i only started doing recently. after a month you realize "oh crap why did i never do this earlier?" eat some dang vegetables. cook some good food every once in a while. i've recently started looking at every food as having a tasty to bad-for-me ratio, and i wish i did it through high school. grilled chicken, bell peppers, and asparagus? pretty tasty, not bad for me. i should eat this. country fried steak, mashed potatoes, and gravy? very tasty, but also pretty terrible for me. i probably shouldn't eat this unless it's really good.
- this also ties into the health thing but i couldn't find an easy transition. buy a big bag of carrots. every time you are "hungry" for potato chips or whatever terrible thing it is you want to eat, say "am i hungry enough to eat some carrots right now?" if the answer is "no", don't eat the damn chips. if the answer is "yes", go enjoy some delicious carrots, dude.
- don't be fake. be funny. everyone has a certain level of humor in them, and everyone can appreciate a clever joke/pun/whatever.
- be respectful to everyone. this isn't something that i didn't know growing up (gotta love being raised in the south), but it honestly shocks me how people can treat each other sometimes. being a good person feels better, makes life easier, and is how you want others around you to be.
lastly, tf2 tips
- play in esea sooner. playing in ugc for more than a season (if you really want to get good at tf2) is worthless.
- main a 6s class if you don't. they're more fun anyways.
- try to play on teams that are better than you. i managed to do this by not being a terrible, toxic person. it's a lot harder now that i'm leading a team to just get a fat stack around me, but it should always be the goal. don't be ridiculous in the teams you try out for, but being on a team where you can learn a ton from your teammates is a very nice thing.
the301stspartanAlso, not sure what you mean by "you cannot hold the "ra" sound"? You can hold the r as long as you want, you did it yourself?
i definitely held out the "ah" sound, after the actual R. big difference. and yes, there are more ways to pronounce an R, just like there are more ways to pronounce anything. i didn't mention it because it had no relevance to the question.
i am definitely not going to get in an argument about the letter R today though so bye
how do u roll ur R's i wanna be like GRRRAH like desiigner :)
The thing that stops most people from rolling their R's is that they don't realize that there are two R sounds. One sounds like you're confused ("errrrrr"). This is the one mostly used in conversational english in the USA (and most other places). The other sounds kinda like an L ("ra"). You can hear it in many older languages
You can hold the "er" sound out, but you cannot hold the "ra" sound out because it will just be an "ah" sound.
If you've never made the "ra" R sound before, you can do it by thinking about saying "lah". To change "lah" into "ra", just barely don't touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth but do everything else the same.
If you push air a bit harder through the "ra" sound, you can get the rolled R.
It took me like 2 minutes of figuring it out in like middle school. That said, making different sounds has always been easy for me because of my speech classes throughout elementary school (I couldn't pronounce "R"s at all). So it might not be as easy for everyone idk.
This is the most detailed response I've given a shitpost ever.
netwrkjrkpretty sure you guys care more than b4nny and thalash at this point
by a significant margin, i might add.
this type of content will work really well for raja imo, fits his style.
literally no one here cares about tf2 youtuber drama though.