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SteamID64 76561198027325929
SteamID3 [U:1:67060201]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:33530100
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up May 18, 2013
Last Posted January 5, 2025 at 10:19 PM
Posts 2126 (0.5 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity i'm bad dw about it
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i'm bad dw about it
i'm bad dw about it
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i'm bad dw about it
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper (Wireless)
Keyboard WASDKeyboards v2 w/ usb-c port
Mousepad ltt deskpad (the big ass one)
Headphones Sennheiser HD 598 Cs
Monitor LG 32GK650F-B 32" QHD
1 ⋅⋅ 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 ⋅⋅ 141
#100 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

i wanted to run around the venue and pull all of that plastic stuff off the new monitors

so bad

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Specast! | A Comp TF2 Podcast! in TF2 General Discussion
DuckyAre you planning on bringing more people? A podcast with only 2 people can get a bit circle-jerky and boring...

Other than that it's a pretty cool idea.

Yeah, the goal is to have one guest every episode. The first episode we didn't have one just to make sure everything worked out, but expect a guest next time around!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Specast! | A Comp TF2 Podcast! in TF2 General Discussion

Hello and what's up tftv? KevinIsPwn here bringing in the new year a bit late with the start up of a new podcast for 6s events from iron to invite. We'll be dishing up what you, as a spectator of competitive tf2, need to know! It's a shame that Fully Charged NA has gone on such a long hiatus, and I think it has left a gap in many peoples' hearts that is dying to be filled. While we may never reach it, our goal is to provide content of that sort of quality. I'm going to be the show's main host, and "The Wounded Stapler" will be tagging along to make sure everything is clear to new players, and he will be providing some entertainment. We'll see how this first show goes, preshow starts about 20 minutes after this post.

Here's how the show is going to work:
There is a very basic set of show notes for each episode.
The episodes will have one major story and several minor stories to go with it.
I will explain the story, Stapler will give his newly formulating opinions on it, and we'll talk about it.
After all the stories are finished, we will have a cat-in-the-tree type story where we talk about something interesting that is happening in the community or anywhere in the world of gaming.
At the end of each show there will be some sort of giveaway.

posted about 10 years ago
#71 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
potdownpourto be fair mix^ have kind of been cunts all season so im sort of sad they won.
but whatever, gg
Yeah...the iT players besides rr- all seem nice so I felt bad for them too.

rr was the chillest player i experienced at lan. that may have been the tired... but yeah.

rkBest LAN trashtalk was ruwin calling someone a "snowflake".

timestamp PLEASE

posted about 10 years ago
#49 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
harbleuJust to clear it up squid nor I said the n word all finals. Please don't spread lies Kevin. Great lan everyone. Hope we put on a good show.

Hey harb. Sorry if I misheard you or your voice. I was pretty sure I heard it from across the venue, sure enough to post about it, but I believe you when you say you didn't.

Mix^ had a great lan, congrats on the win and sorry.

posted about 10 years ago
#33 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

I get that m^ won, and I get that trash talk is a thing that happens. I just thought it was a bit much, that it went a bit too far.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
visitnigKevinIsPwnmix^ yelled and talked more shit than the cs players. good on them for winning and everything, but harb calling people slurs at the top of his lungs was not a high point for tf2.
Where have you been? He's been doing this ever since attending his first lan, and if you actually do get into your opponents head, its just another strategy to win. Shittalking happens in every sport, you have obviously have never even watched a single CS match.

If your strategy to win is screaming "N****R" across the venue, I don't like your strategy.

necro edit for censoring a word that i had/have no business writing out

posted about 10 years ago
#21 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

mix^ yelled and talked more shit than the cs players. good on them for winning and everything, but harb calling people slurs at the top of his lungs was not a high point for tf2.

edit: this post was wrong. it wasn't harb that yelled that out my bad.

posted about 10 years ago
#367 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I clicked the wrong "quote". Meant #353. Mobile is hard.

posted about 10 years ago
#349 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
KevinIsPwnUnfortunately I had to leave to catch my ride. I'm definitely coming to any other lan I can, or was a really great experience. Watching match on spotty 4g now.

If you were at the venue you'd understand. Harb had been screaming trash at iT all morning

posted about 10 years ago
#346 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Unfortunately I had to leave to catch my ride. I'm definitely coming to any other lan I can, or was a really great experience. Watching match on spotty 4g now.

posted about 10 years ago
#292 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I know a lot of people don't like reddit, but I sure would have loved to know about lan events when I browsed it and didn't know about this site. So yeah.

posted about 10 years ago
#291 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#290 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

nvm got on my computer

posted about 10 years ago
#284 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I hardly believe you guys. I swear if I wake up some poor old man...

posted about 10 years ago
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