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I essentially scrapped a4 and started fresh with this. This fixed a lot of broken things, and made the map much more similar to pl_badwater. I'll make changes as needed, but the goal is to keep the maps as similar as possible.
For those who don't know, Hooky decided against working on cp_badwater, so I went ahead and picked it up. Shoutout to Mangachu, Jenny, and Otterfiend for helping me with ideas. Also thanks to you guys on the forums pointing out when I'm an idiot, which is pretty often.
If you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them. I'll be playtesting this with friends this next weekend probably (with a slightly modified map). If you want to playtest it yourself, please stream it/ record demos and stvs. I'm looking to see how it plays in 6s, HL, and pubs. I hope you enjoy the map!