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Signed Up May 23, 2014
Last Posted June 1, 2016 at 2:06 AM
Posts 257 (0.1 per day)
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#68 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Was able to add the BonusHealthCross to my TargetID's thanks to f_blue, however, the top of the cross is cut off. I already tried changed the "tall" values in GUIHealth as well as moving the TargetIDs further apart (to prevent clipping, idk) but the cross is still cut off. Hope someone can help me out here.


Also, I tried fixing the "unknown"-bug on the scoreboard by deleting the "GameType" and "PlayerScoreLabel" entries, but one "Unknown" still remains, as seen here: Link Any Tips?

posted about 10 years ago
#23 basic rollout vids in Videos
ExquisiteStoneImo we don't need someone else doing these rollouts AGAIN, there are a billion & one videos on almost every map, you could better make a new thread with links to these rollouts and people who actually spent time on making their rollouts.

You could ask if the thread could get stickied for example.

To expand on this, if you were to make such a thread aggregating all rollout vids that are out there, I would gladly link it here for newer players to benefit from. At the moment it only includes one link to a few basic rollouts since I didn't want to clutter it too much, but I think that a large collection of possible rollouts would definitely help.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Moving killfeed in Customization

To give a bit more information, the xpos-entry refers to the horizontol position of the killfeed (or any other element), meaning changing the xpos will move it to the left or right, while the ypos-entry refers to the vertical position, meaning by changing it you can adjust the killfeeds heigth on the screen.

If you move your killfeed to the bottom, you might want to also edit "MaxDeathNotices" so the killfeed does not overlap with the control points or go off the screen. Just play around a bit until everything is as you wish. Editing your hud is mostly trial and error, so don't get frustrated.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Looking for similar music to what I listen to in Off Topic

Create a account, listen to music for a few days, get suggestions

posted about 10 years ago
#18 looking for cookye's first frag vid in Videos

While we're on the topic of lost frag vids, does anyone know where "Blaze's play on Pyyyour" (on Granary) went? Was from Esea S11 Lan I believe and has suddenly disappeared

posted about 10 years ago
#29 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help
mr64bitPyyyour's great vid:

Added, thank you very much

posted about 10 years ago
#4 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I'm using an edit of yahud cmyk.
How would I go about adding the BonusHealthCross to my target id?

Health with Bonus Health Cross:

Target Id:

posted about 10 years ago
#26 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help
MagpieI found these interesting

And of course...

Thank you very much, added the Scout Jumps video. Since the video about roamer spots is part of a series that I already linked, I decided not to add it separately.

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help

Updated the posts, added new category "povs/analysis/demo reviews" and some other stuff as well. I know I probably forgot a ton of people, just tell me who/what and I'll add it. Same goes for "Teamwork" and "Main(Calling)", I'd like to have some more material there. I know there are some great guides/videos out there, but I can't for the life of me remember where. Would be great if someone could help out.

Next category to be added is Broadcasts.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help

Hoolis Team Cohesion Guide has finally been added, going to add some more stuff in the following days when I find the time

posted about 10 years ago
#878 yahud in Customization

There's a BG entity in MainMenuOverride which you can set to "0 0 0 0" to make the Background invisible. You should then be seeing the upward background which I believe you're referring to since it used to be the background for 5MD. This could be wrong, haven't looked into the code of the new hud yet, but this is how it was done for FLV, so I'm assuming this hasn't changed.

posted about 10 years ago
#2443 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

I have a few questions. So I'm trying to update yahud CMYK. So far, I've gotten the in-game taunt selection screen to work (Picture)

The Loadout Menu works as well, with a tiny exception:

The Loadout Button is white, which makes the Icon on it barely visible. I'd like to change the button's colour to a light gray (or better yet, change the colour of the icon), but haven't figured out how yet. Here's what I have in classLoadoutPanel.res (just the update stuff):

Also, I need help with adding the parachute icon, the damage numbers on scoreboard, and on how to fix the "unknown" map/maptype bug on the scoreboard, would be cool if someone could help me out here, thanks!

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Noob making progress little by little in Videos

Changing to a crosshair that's more visible might also help your aim a lot.
You can do this by going into "Options" and then clicking on the "Multiplayer"-Tab to the right. I'd recommend the cross, which is used by many people because of its simplicity and visibility. Green and Yellow are often chosen as colours since they are very bright and thus tend to differ from the background, meaning you see them better.

In general, for practicing your aim or other specific things, tr_walkway and tr_arena are training maps where you can train your aim against bots, which you can "program" to do specific things (like strafing, jumping etc.). To play these maps, just download them from the link, then extract them into your "maps"-folder, which is located in the "tf"-folder in your TF2-directory. After that, you can play them on a local server by either typing e.g. "map tr_walkway_rc2" into console or by clicking on the "Create" button and choosing the map from the dropdown list.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help

Added for the map part, how could I forget this. Thanks!

Devonwhere is hooli's team chemistry thing

Searched on google but didn't find anything. If someone has a link, that would be much appreciated.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Graphics/FPS Discussion in Customization
d4m0- long post -

Can you link the poly packs you're using and do they work with sv_pure 2?

I have -high in my launch options and I haven't experienced any instability. Another way to boost FPS would be to go into your TeamFortress2 folder, right-click on hl2.exe>properties>compatibility and disable desktop composition at launch. As d4mo said, make sure your pc is running well (use CCleaner and Defraggler regularly) and check your power options to make sure they are set on high performance.

posted about 10 years ago
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