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Signed Up May 23, 2014
Last Posted June 1, 2016 at 2:06 AM
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#62 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization
Yea the MenuOpen part is not really needed, ill take it out to make the process simpler.

And I just used those 2 fonts as examples as they are the 'default' fonts that pvhud uses.

The part about fonts was not at all meant as criticism to your post, especially since I feel like the font options you chose fit pvhuds style very well. My intention was to add/clarify that you can use pretty much any font, even custom ones from your hud, in case some people are confused

posted about 10 years ago
#58 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization
Lockricelong post

are you sure

StopEvent FillUber 0.0
RunEvent ClearUber 0.01
StopEvent FillKritz 0.0
RunEvent ClearKritz 0.01

needs to be added to Event MenuOpen?
RunEvent FillUber/FillKritz already includes RunEvent ClearUber/ClearKritz and would thus function properly without doing this. From my understanding, doing what you suggested would only make the voicemenus disfunctional, since the meter/percentage label would reset everytime upon pressing z/x/c. As it currently is, the animation is triggered by closing the menu, which still leaves people with the option to use the voicemenu normally, as long as they're not closing if after opening but instead selecting one of the voice options. I feel like adding this serves no real purpose except if the intention is to instantly hide the meter no matter what the percentage is.

Adding on what you said about fonts, pretty much every font can be used, the choices you present here seem like very good options. If you have a hud that uses custom fonts and want the percentage to fit the rest of your hud, just take a look into your clientscheme (where custom fonts are defined), scroll down a bit and pick the one that suits your needs.

Sadly, there is no fix yet for the meter/percentage label stopping upon respawning, either this is a limitation that tf2 has (animations in general stopping on respawn) or there is a different animation which would not stop if the player is respawning, that could be used to surpass this. Would be cool if someone had an idea!

posted about 10 years ago
#55 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization
BenNZLpost about Uber/Kritz percentage labels

Just tried this, didn't work. After playing around with it for a while, I figured out why:

BenNZLEdit hudanimations_tf.txt add under event MenuClose
RunEvent FillUberBar 0.0

However, your animations are called FillUber and FillKritz, which is why nothing shows up on the screen since all of the elements have their "default" alpha set to 0.

To fix this, you can add

 RunEvent FillUber 0.0
RunEvent FillKritz 0.0

in hudanimations_tf under Event MenuClose

After that, it's just changing font to fix your hud and adjusting xpos/ypos as you've already explained. Thanks for this by the way :)

posted about 10 years ago
#53 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization
VaskieI would be willing to give a hat or two for someone who could implement this to eveHUD :D

For you and anyone else who's interested:

Then just add:

alias +uber_counter "voice_menu_1"
alias -uber_counter "voice_menu_1"
bind r +uber_counter

to your autoexec.

This also includes the helpful markers that WhiskerBiscuit added, thanks for that :)

posted about 10 years ago
#2209 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
La_maison Good advice

Worked perfect, thank you very much :)

posted about 10 years ago
#2177 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

I'm currently editing the koth hud of my yahud cmyk. I've using the HudObjectiveKothTimePanel file from yahud flv, then changed ypos of the elements. This is how it looks normally:

However, when dead and waiting for respawn, the timer backgrounds overlap the cp icon:

I could probably just edit the wide and xpos values of the timer bgs, but wanted to know if there's a fix for this, already tried changing zpos of the backgrounds.

Also, if anyone has a bigger version of these control points (These are stolen from, I think I saw a bigger version somewhere), I would love you if you uploaded them, thanks!

posted about 10 years ago
#2176 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
UltrazSome progress on what ever i am working on:

I'd say make the targetid more centered for medic (and maybe spy), since these classes might need them. However, I doubt it's possible to edit targetid positions to be different for individual classes. I guess if you don't care about playing med or spy, these should suit you fine.

Hud looks very nice by the way, maybe remove the black background behind timer?

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Alias in my config acting strangely in Customization

Why dont you just bind maskuber to shift and faceuber to c? This way you don't have to worry about aliases and only have to press one button at a time.

This script looks really messed up by the way, too many quotes and binds within aliases, this might work better:

bind c "ubercalls"
alias ubercalls "maskuber"
alias maskuber "voicemenu 2 5; say_team *** MASKED UBER CALL ***"
alias fakeuber "voicemenu 1 7; say_team *** KRITZ OR UBER FAKED ***"

bind shift "+shiftmask"
alias +shiftmask "alias ubercalls fakeuber"
alias -shiftmask "alias ubercalls maskuber"

I also changed the voicebind for masking uber, seeing as the "MEDIC" one is pretty loud and can be easily heard.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Flathud customization help in Customization

Servertimer: "tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1" (just put it in your autoexex)

For the engineer hud: have you tried editing hud_obj_(...) in resource/ui? Theres also an entry of BuildingStatus_Engineer in hudlayout.res, maybe that does something (I'm just guessing here, anyone please correct me if I'm wrong)

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Low fps fix in Q/A Help

Suggestions (some may be obvious):

- make sure that nothing is blocking your vents, proper ventilation prevents overheating
- clean out your vents (they might be dusty etc.)

- check your power settings, you dont wanna have those in energy-save mode
- run ccleaner every once in a while
- same goes for defragging your pc from time to time
- either optimise windows for high performance (computer>properties/advanced settings/performance) or disable desktop composition when launching tf2 (hl2.exe>properties>compatibility)
- disable windows aero

- Razer Game Booster helps to "mute" unneccessary processes while gaming
- process lasso is often recommended, but I'm to dumb for that
- set "-high" in launch options (gives priority, I believe)
- if you aren't already doing it (I think it's required for maxframes), run tf2 with dx8
- updates let your fps go down the drain, I normally do a complete reinstall (dont forget to save your hud, cfg, maps and demos) after every update, some people say deleting the tf folder works, too
- some say that disabling steam community in-game helps with fps, some say it doesn't but you can just try for yourself

That's what I can think of right now, if something else comes to mind I'll update this post.
Hope it helps :)

posted about 10 years ago
#2099 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
fooqplink please?

There you go! Or try Google Drive

Since it's only an edit for myself and I'm running at 1600x900, you might run into some problems with the positioning of certain elements of the hud.

If you do, just adjust the ypos of
- HudDeathNotice in scripts/hudlayout.res for the killfeed
- BlueTimer/RedTimer/RedBG/BlueBG in resource/ui/HudObjectiveKothTimePanel for the koth timers

There also exists a problem with the kothtimer backgrounds overlapping the image of the control point which only occurs while you are waiting to respawn. If anyone has a fix for this, I'd be more than grateful. I don't really have a problem with it, but if you want to get rid of the overlapping, just adjust the xpos of BlueTimer/RedTimer/RedBG/BlueBG

posted about 10 years ago
#2097 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

I currently use an edit of yahud cmyk

- changed button colours + custom background
- changed some hud colours
- used custom vtfs of yahud flv
- moved killfeed
- changed position of koth timer
- imported team + class selection menus from yahud flv
- control points (dont remember who I stole that from, sorry)
- fixed ctf colours with flv vtfs

posted about 10 years ago
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