Hi, i’m looking to Purchase the best possible Cpu, ram and motherboard for TF2; i don’t play any other games that are that intensive, hence the build is centred TF2. Budget: £185-270
Current Pc specs:
• Intel Duo E8500
• DQ45CB Motherboard
• 1x4gb sticks of DDr2 Ram
• R9 290
• Aerocool Integrator 500w Bronze Psu
In addition to the above i also have a GTX 570 with a Direct Cu II cooler(it’s like 2.5-3 slots wide and is somehow only ~50C on Furmark Overclocked. I’m a student and don’t have much money and it will be unlikely that i will be able to make major upgrades for at least ~2 years.
If i sell my current Cpu, RAM and Motherboard + the GTX 570, combined with my current funds, i will have ~£185. If i sell the R9 290 with my current cpu, ram, mobo then i will have a budget of ~£270. The reason i am considering selling the R9 290 and keeping the GTX 570. Is due to APUs such as the 2400g.
I am completely open to purchasing parts used from places like CEX(Ryzen 1200 is £50 there with a 2 year warranty) and ebay(all my parts - other than PSU - are from there.). Novatech is another Uk company i found that also sells Motherboards dirt cheap over here - B350 boards can stoop as low as £35 sometimes with deals.(although idk about there reliabilty - the VRMS usually don’t have heatsinks so OCing could be problematic with them.
So what is my Best course of action here? Do you think a ryzen 5 2400g with a GTX 570 is decent or are there better options? I’m also considering getting a better PSU as i’ve heard Aerocool can be a but dodgy. I’ll be using Masteecomfig no matter what.
Thanks guys.