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Country Canada
Signed Up February 9, 2018
Last Posted January 27, 2025 at 1:12 AM
Posts 30 (0 per day)
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1 2
#22 Is it me or has there been a lack of mentors? in TF2 General Discussion
kabbirI could help with mentoring for a small fee. Just DM me.

check ur DMs.

posted 1 month ago
#251 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

insert skull emoji here

posted 3 months ago
#15 extended logs.tf firefox addon in Projects
could you make it, so it loads somewhat fast? right now it takes a solid minute for me

i can't, the rgl and etf2l apis are rate limited, this is around the fastest they can go. but you shouldn't have to wait that long later on for other logs, the data is cached

also switching between etf2l and rgl for the div would be useful
and detecting gamemode from the logs and retrieving a division for the gamemode would also be a welcomed addition

maybe later :)

posted 4 months ago
#13 extended logs.tf firefox addon in Projects

changes (1.2.4)
- now on chrome
- updated to also view most recent division played instead of highest played

posted 4 months ago
#11 extended logs.tf firefox addon in Projects
Duel_ClipKore4nDuel_Clippretty good extension, only complaint is that the way it determines someone's div is weird, it seems that if someone was rostered on a higher div team then drops down it seems to show their previous div as their current div.
oops it shouldn't be doing that. can you link me a player where you can see that and maybe an imgur/screenshot too
https://logs.tf/3697650#76561198287685317 shows up on this log for unity, shows him as invite while his most recent season is IM

oh i misunderstood, it's supposed to be like that. it's always the highest recorded div, I think it's more accurate than the most recent

posted 6 months ago
#8 extended logs.tf firefox addon in Projects
Duel_Clippretty good extension, only complaint is that the way it determines someone's div is weird, it seems that if someone was rostered on a higher div team then drops down it seems to show their previous div as their current div.

oops it shouldn't be doing that. can you link me a player where you can see that and maybe an imgur/screenshot too

posted 6 months ago
#1 extended logs.tf firefox addon in Projects


only for firefox

give 5 stars pls :D



posted 7 months ago
#9 critheals in overwatch in Off Topic
brodyis there any other pvp fps that has slow ttk + hp regen? like at all? obviously theres games like cod, dirty bomb, battlefront with hp regen but fast ttk but that works well. closest i can think is halo even tho ttk was faster and regen was only shields. plus most of those games lack healers, health packs, shields, tanks etc

paladins :D

posted about a year ago
#19 juju lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

will be a good contester in invite as long as you can get him to do some team demo reviews, better his attitude, improve his teamwork, block him from going phlog pyro/sniper to mid, take criticism a little better, make clearer comms, and lock him on demo

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Ultiduo_Oxygen in Map Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#1 cp_korea (5cp) in Map Discussion

i wanted to make a map.

looking for some feedback.

it's a 5cp map very much inspired by sunshine, process, and propaganda.

it is a wip

fallout themed

Current Version: b4

Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12owieTmGCrHg7pP6fOzugjwHkAnGpClU?usp=sharing

- https://tf2maps.net/downloads/control-point-hologram-strip.3877/
- https://tf2maps.net/downloads/hologram-capture-point.397/
- https://tf2maps.net/downloads/revised-japanese-sakura-cherry-blossom-trees.5500/
- http://frontline.tf/
- https://tf2maps.net/downloads/nuclear-waste.381/

posted about 4 years ago
#153 RGL S3 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
#2 LFP high main scout perma-sub in Recruitment (looking for players)

not lfp anymore

posted about 4 years ago
#1 LFP high main scout perma-sub in Recruitment (looking for players)

our flank scout inkyy is having internet issues and we don't know when it'll be fixed
looking for a high main scout with good experience
if you sub you're likely to play during playoffs

add me on discord/steam to talk

must be available 930 - 1200 est for scrims and matches

scrims monday - thursday

Flank Scout: ???
Pocket Scout: Me
Pocket: Asi4n
Roamer: Flatline
Demo: Alfredodan
Medic: Theo

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Kore4n_/
Discord: Kore4n#5758

posted about 4 years ago
#1 lft high main in Recruitment (looking for players)

Changed roster after being placed in main

Looking for a roamer with good experience and wants to win main

Add me on discord/steam to talk

Must be available 930 - 1200 est for scrims and matches

Not too many scrims

Flank Scout: ???
Pocket Scout: Me
Pocket: Asi4n
Roamer: you???
Demo: Alfredodan
Medic: Theo

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Kore4n_/
Discord: Kore4n#5758

posted about 4 years ago
1 2