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SteamID64 76561198229732172
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Country United States
Signed Up March 7, 2016
Last Posted April 12, 2016 at 7:27 PM
Posts 4 (0 per day)
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#796 flatHUD in Customization

I have two questions;
1. Can you make an override making the charge meters labeled?
2. When entering a server the stats are being cut off and shifted to the bottom left corner. I run the game at 16:10 resolution if that is a problem.

posted about 8 years ago
#1130 rayshud in Customization

There is the glitch of every time I join a server with this hud, the weapons are covered with broken textures. I don't have any mods that change the viewmodel. Also the current spell button is being overlaped by the health cross.

posted about 8 years ago
#1091 rayshud in Customization
disengageKuranosukeI asked this in your steam group and someone responded that i should ask you through this so I have a problem with when I choose a class, the eyes are missing which is very creepy. I checked with other huds just to make sure this isn't my custom folder screwing anything up but it's actually this hud. Please fix if possible!These are the commands to turn on facial features:
r_eyes 1
r_flex 1
r_lod 1 // Needs to be set to 1, otherwise they will still be disabled.
r_rootlod 1
r_teeth 1

The eyes are still missing. I think it's a glitch from the HUD istelf

posted about 9 years ago
#1089 rayshud in Customization

I asked this in your steam group and someone responded that i should ask you through this so I have a problem with when I choose a class, the eyes are missing which is very creepy. I checked with other huds just to make sure this isn't my custom folder screwing anything up but it's actually this hud. Please fix if possible!

posted about 9 years ago