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Signed Up August 31, 2014
Last Posted December 18, 2021 at 12:34 PM
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#11 50 dolar glorious gift card in Hardware

bought it, gave half the keys upfront and half after the code worked
gmmk pro on the way >:)

posted about 3 years ago
#14 ultiduo_dan_b3 in Map Discussion
SideshowToo many big words for me to understand, I don't even know whether that sentence means anything any more. How is the medic more versatile and what is dynamic play?

Just that a medic has more options, and things change/not get stale

posted about 9 years ago
#12 ultiduo_dan_b3 in Map Discussion
SideshowIf you think koth_ultiduo_r_b7 made medics play passive you were playing the map completely wrong. You have to get involved much more actively than in baloo, with your ubersaw, taking shotguns, distracting. Yes, crossbows are less important on koth_ultiduo but there is definitely more aggressive medicing on koth_ultiduo if you're playing the map correctly in any way.

I was not necessarily talking about medic's aggression, I was more focused on his versatility on more open maps allowing dynamic game play.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 ultiduo_dan_b3 in Map Discussion
Kanecospammy-ability to cap point regarless of where you're standing (You can cap it while standing on platform or standing underneath it)
My feedback is, don't do this please.

I really dont like this new wave of ultiduo maps following baloo style. The magic and the premise behind the original ultiduo map was that you had to put yourself at a disadvantage to cap the point, which made it much more dynamic and intense.

Imo, baloo plays like ass, but because it's probably the best ultiduo map aesthetically it gets a lot more playtime and cup time than the original map nowadays, but its basically a contest on who can outgay eachother the most for the point.

I understand the main criticisms for baloo like maps but, personally I feel like those maps create a better dynamic between the Solider and Medic. From personal experience as a med, I feel like there is not a lot I can do on maps like koth_ultiduo other than surf from the cp to the bridge above. Where as on more open maps like baloo, I have more options (Surfing to the health pack, behind the cover by the stairs, on the point or behind a pillar). It allows the medic to be more effective and stay alive longer which creates a different play style of maps which I prefer, instead of it being a Soldier dominant meta.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 ultiduo_dan_b3 in Map Discussion
sevennnKutchKutchFrom looking at how the spawning area is, it looks very annoying to get out without eating a ton of spamya might want to add some walls or something

Or just increasing the distance between the two doors. This might be difficult with the size of the map, but in my opinion it might benefit from increasing the size of the overall arena, unless you are intending to make medics have a harder time.

You might want to just make the spawn behind either side of wall with the doors at an appropriate length apart.

Beyond that I really like everything else with the map, the health pack placement looks interesting and so does the cp

posted about 9 years ago
#3 ultiduo_dan_b3 in Map Discussion

From looking at how the spawning area is, it looks very annoying to get out without eating a ton of spam

posted about 9 years ago