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Last Posted July 18, 2020 at 2:21 PM
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#53 Ban the crossbow in TF2 General Discussion
KonceptKylo_renI can agree that the crossbow can be annoying to play against but remember you have a med with the crossbow as well man. It can heal about 75 HP at point blank / short range meaning that well that's about a medium range direct rocket. Not a lot, I mean. Roamer's main job is to kill the med or to take a pic and well bombing into the 300 health pocket or 260 HP demo won't help a lot if you are alone.

Makes the game slower......Hmmm, i disagree. Without the crossbow, HP will be a lot more valuable and therefore engagements, especially on the flank, will be less frequent. COnsequentiallly the game slows down. Imagine a passive playstyle team without the crossbow. They would go like full turtle with engi on the second point.

I think the crossbow is balanced. It's a weapon which rewards skill (or spam in case of damage intended arrows) Gives the medic another weapon which he can use to heal. The uber-building attribute made it that much better.

I can't recall in the past where the crossbow was abused or OP. Harbelu's snakewater play maybe but that was skill not luck.

Oh.....Shade dropping Knox with it across snake mid.......right.
ah well except that it is a perfectly balanced weapon at this stage
The healing and uber gain are the problems. If 75 was the max health that you could heal rather than the minimum, it'd be a bit less of an issue. Also the whole arrow building thing makes tracking ubers really difficult unless you know that a team is going to do it every time a stalemate is about to be reached. It's just things are at the point where if you're not running the crossbow you're throwing

Harbleu's double kill at i52 was really a triumphant victory over a situation that couldn't have been set up any more perfectly for him. Both of the remaining members of IM where low enough to the point that an ubersaw swipe and crossbow bolt would kill them both. Not to discredit the fact that that play alone was arguably the single best play to ever happen at a tf2 lan

Also that was TheFragile who dropped KnOxXx during that i55 snakewater match, unless you're counting shade's pick onto KnOxXx at i49 on process :)

Yeah sorry, i was referring to TheFragile. I knew it was one of the two so I picked shade. Think we can count both as spamming xD
Anyways I think the arrow building attribute was an unnecessary add and the weapon was fine on its own. For the rest i think its ok cause landing an across the map crossbow is really hard due to projectile arch and enemy's in between

posted about 7 years ago
#50 Ban the crossbow in TF2 General Discussion

I can agree that the crossbow can be annoying to play against but remember you have a med with the crossbow as well man. It can heal about 75 HP at point blank / short range meaning that well that's about a medium range direct rocket. Not a lot, I mean. Roamer's main job is to kill the med or to take a pic and well bombing into the 300 health pocket or 260 HP demo won't help a lot if you are alone.

Makes the game slower......Hmmm, i disagree. Without the crossbow, HP will be a lot more valuable and therefore engagements, especially on the flank, will be less frequent. COnsequentiallly the game slows down. Imagine a passive playstyle team without the crossbow. They would go like full turtle with engi on the second point.

I think the crossbow is balanced. It's a weapon which rewards skill (or spam in case of damage intended arrows) Gives the medic another weapon which he can use to heal. The uber-building attribute made it that much better.

I can't recall in the past where the crossbow was abused or OP. Harbelu's snakewater play maybe but that was skill not luck.

Oh.....Shade dropping Knox with it across snake mid.......right.
ah well except that it is a perfectly balanced weapon at this stage

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Freestate leaves froyotech, retires from TF2 in News

I've said it once already. Free you were a pleasure to watch people might call you clockwork's heir but you were more than were Freestate. Your big plays and humble personality made me realise how good you really were.
Nursey may remember s21 lower bracket finals on sunshine when you surfed spam and dropped her in the middle of EVL's last point. Glorious to watch.
You shall be missed and i wish you luck

posted about 7 years ago
#8 ESEA S24 GF MVP's in LAN Discussion

The casters from the finals

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Best hud,crosshair and sensitivity? in Q/A Help

to be honest its all down to what is confortable to you

posted about 7 years ago
#68 Freestate quits TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
TomSkirrettnuttynutnutI think if Froyo picked up yomps and corsa then this could possibly be an ultimate newgen NA team. Maybe, just maybe, even close to i55 Froyo level. B4nny should overcome his ego and think of the possibilities.I think i52 Froyo would reck i55 Froyo...

i52 froyo had lansky......all ill say

posted about 7 years ago
#66 Freestate quits TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
ThalashKylo_renWhy?? you were soo good. I still remember the play against Crowns e-sports (the current team se7en) in the UBF of i58 when FROYO wipes except Free and then he sneaks in and meatshots raymon with stark and thalash watching.i didnt play for crowns at i58 don't blame me for hafficool's failures

Yeah lol i forgot you weren't playing for them xD

Well then Hafficool and starkie

posted about 7 years ago
#51 Freestate quits TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Noooooo Free :(

Why?? you were soo good. I still remember the play against Crowns e-sports (the current team se7en) in the UBF of i58 when FROYO wipes except Free and then he sneaks in and meatshots raymon with stark and thalash watching.

Or the 50 minutes shaved off the clock at ESA holy shit MVP of the finals

You were good son, real good maybe even the best

Wish you luck in your future endeavors

posted about 7 years ago
#63 ESEA S24 GF: froyotech vs. EVL Gaming in Matches

Well, This is becoming interesting.....

posted about 7 years ago
#18 esea grand finals tonight in TF2 General Discussion
Cornpop16glasswhy isn't it on the schedule? who's casting?
Event doesn't go up until the match date and time is confirmed by either the teams or on ESEA.

oh that explains it

posted about 7 years ago
#13 ESEA S24 UR1: froyotech vs. Jamal E-Sports in Matches

I thought this was going to be closer than this. Jesus christ FROYO pound. Hope the UBF is gonna be close at least

posted about 7 years ago
#526 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects
Stempiazs27 please? :3

Please?? I will love you forever

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Help us choose our team tag in Off Topic

We have shortlisted three tags for our 6's team and we ask you to vote for our poll to aid us in choosing our tag

P.s: The team name is "Electric Fairy Eggs"

thank you

posted about 7 years ago
#1 MGE partner..... in TF2 General Discussion

Hello im looking for an MGE partner to practice soldier with.

EU only because well im european

Skill level: please relatively low i am kind of new to the comp scene in terms of playing and would appreciate someone to help me "train" my DM.

Thank you very much

posted about 8 years ago
#33 OPTIONAL TF2 update for 3/14/17 in TF2 General Discussion
ClarkKylo_ren, I don't have the option to do that.

Try restarting steam

Verify Game file intergrity

If that doesn't work i can't help you mate im sorry

I had that option so im saying what worked for me

posted about 8 years ago
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