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Country Australia
Signed Up April 24, 2013
Last Posted April 9, 2018 at 10:09 PM
Posts 135 (0 per day)
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#86 GoT season 6 in Music, Movies, TV

does summers death symbolise winters coming

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Downsides of Ubercharge? in The Dumpster

ubercharge controls the pace of the game. If it gets taken away the meta will simply be, wait for the other team to push a choke and win the fight with incoming spam. This mentality also applies to the other team, so you'd have games where teams just wait for the other team to push.

This can also make the game pure dm, which would make it a lot more of a cluster fuck and confusing especially for new comers to the game/new spectators.

But I do enjoy doing dry pushes

posted about 8 years ago
#15 OZF 15 Premier Recap in News
Corsau got 40+ like 3/5 maps lol

Evidently did something with the heals though right?

posted about 8 years ago
#21 OZF 15 IM Grand Final: UNI-cycle vs. The Resurrected Six in Events

im just a poor boy that cant afford a gold scattergun ._.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 OZF 15 IM Grand Final: UNI-cycle vs. The Resurrected Six in Events
terahertzFuck up The retarded 6 please alan

ROFL +w +mouse1 is the name of the game

posted about 8 years ago
#2 OZF 15 IM Grand Final: UNI-cycle vs. The Resurrected Six in Events

requesting bren cast

posted about 8 years ago
#16 OZF 15 W6: Jasmine Tea vs. ego in Events
BrutalixLets do this!!!

You've been double dunkin' and droppin hacks all your life for this moment Brendan, do your muzz m8 proud

posted about 8 years ago
#5 ozfortress reveals prize pool for OZF 15 Premier in News
riotbzcorbtDoes this mean the winner of OZF 15 is more or less confirmed to attend i58?The admin team would like to distribute the entire prizepool to the winner (if they elect to go overseas and represent the community at i58) or allocate the money to first, second and third place. It is the choice of the competition winning team captain to take all the prize pool to compete at i58 or decline and redistribute the pool.regardless, it is more or less confirmed that jasmine are going to i58 anyway

rip terminator and yukinator

posted about 8 years ago
#5 OZF 15 W1: Long Live the Meta vs. Cooking with Coolio in Events

requesting 24/7 sam cam as he gun's down heads with the australian man

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Help with python in Off Topic
this is where i learnt how to code using python, really good imo, step by step and covers majority of the language.

posted about 8 years ago
#149 Best Plays in TF2 history in TF2 General Discussion
ScilliantHarbleu at i52 to secure the victory in golden cap against iM.

harbleu single handingly shattering the hearts of an entire tf2 aus community

posted about 8 years ago
#5 New ozfortress head president admin. in The Dumpster

sorry guys he is not a representative of the ozfortress community

posted about 9 years ago
#676 post your desktop in Off Topic
audietaskbar completely removed

link please friendd

posted about 9 years ago
#20 i55 URo6 – froyotech vs. Reason Gaming in Matches

so keen for mike frag vid

posted about 9 years ago
#7 who do you main in smash? in Other Games

melee: falco, falcon, marth
brawl: falcon, marth, shiek, ness
sm4sh: falcon, yoshi, dk, shiek

falcon pride :-)

posted about 9 years ago
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