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SteamID64 76561198046693328
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Country United States
Signed Up July 24, 2013
Last Posted October 21, 2017 at 12:04 AM
Posts 23 (0 per day)
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#4 dx8 pyro update in TF2 General Discussion

Dont know why or how but my flame particles work perfectly fine with dx8. using amd and rolled back drivers.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 in TF2 General Discussion

for stadium to not be dead people need to play on it
for people to play on it it needs to not be dead

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Viewmodel Script for a specific case in Customization

I use something similar. Not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for.

alias quickswitch1 "slot2;slot1;r_drawviewmodel 0;viewmodel_fov 0"
alias quickswitch2 "slot2;slot3;toggle r_drawviewmodel 1 0;toggle viewmodel_fov 90 0"
bind shift quickswitch1
bind e quickswitch2

Primary and secondary viewmodels are hidden. Hope it helps.


r_drawviewmodel 0
alias quickswitch1 "slot1;slot2;r_drawviewmodel 1;bind mouse5 quickswitch1.1;bind mouse4 quickswitch2"
alias quickswitch1.1 "slot1;slot2;r_drawviewmodel 0;bind mouse5 quickswitch1;"
alias quickswitch2 "slot1;slot3;r_drawviewmodel 1;bind mouse4 quickswitch2.2;bind mouse5 quickswitch1"
alias quickswitch2.2 "slot1;slot3;r_drawviewmodel 0;bind mouse4 quickswitch2"
bind mouse5 quickswitch1
bind mouse4 quickswitch2

Awfully complicated because of the way your setup is slightly different. There might be a cleaner way but that was what I came up with. Cheers.

posted about 8 years ago
#281 in Projects

The site could use some improvements for sure but the main reason it's dead is because there is absolutely no reason to switch over when there is already a fully functioning lobby site. This is what happens when you split the player base. It was big the first few days but there was never enough people playing or switching over. Naturally people will play wherever there is more people and everyone is back playing center now. rip

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Best looking race? in The Dumpster

my race

posted about 8 years ago
#53 GUIDE: Weapon-specific Custom Crosshairs in Customization

weapon_stickylauncher instead of weapon_stickybomblauncher
no idea about the milk. what do you have the jarate vtf file named as?

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Updated Omphud? in Customization
indecencySmesiI updated it.

DL Link

The timer is a bit broken but nothing too serious and It doesn't have the MM UI in the menu but i can add it if people want it.

scoreboard does not work on 4:3, it cuts off so that the only thing you can see is the kills
can someone fix it? :(

Use scoreboard_bottom in resource/ui

posted about 8 years ago
#2 mouse polling rate in TF2 General Discussion

high is better

posted about 9 years ago
#2 ASUS N53 not finding 5GHz in Off Topic

Try going through device manager to your adapter and mess with different settings.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Skeez lft highish open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

same dude same

posted about 9 years ago
#25 FPS at 144 but feels like 20? in Q/A Help

Has there ever been a fix for this? I have a 7850. My fps never dips below 60 but I'm feeling some extreme choppiness at random times when I'm moving my mouse. Seems pretty random but it doesn't usually happen immediately after starting TF2. Easily replicable on tr_walkway by letting the bots run for a few minutes. I've tried updating graphics drivers, changing mat_queue_mode, disabling aero, setting a max fps but nothing really helps.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Removing non-hud crosshairs in Q/A Help

crosshair 0 in console?

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Hud Help %itemname% sign in Q/A Help

Scroll all the way down and it'll list the files as well as the changes if you click on them. The first file is clientscheme.res

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Hud Help %itemname% sign in Q/A Help

An update not too long ago causes this. Your best bet is to use a different hud that's more updated. Alternatively if you're not lazy you could make the changes to the appropriate files yourself.,_2014_Patch

posted about 10 years ago
#7 need help with zowie fk in Hardware

Just play with what you feel comfortable.

posted about 11 years ago
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