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Country Wales
Signed Up June 1, 2013
Last Posted September 15, 2014 at 1:52 PM
Posts 9 (0 per day)
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#1 [Stream] LeftismTF2 in Requests

Stream Link: http://www.twitch.tv/leftismtf2
Country of Residence: UK

TF2 wise I stream 6v6 and HL and the occasional pubbing, etc. Also will play a random game for variety (Hearthstone, etc). Planning on streaming all my team's officials and PCWs this upcoming season (Top Gear Enthusiasts).

In reality, only just started streaming TF2 recently (probably started around a week ago after I managed to get OBS working) so I can understand if this application is turned down for a lack of TF2 content at the moment, although I plan on rectifying this over the season.

In 6s I play Pocket Soldier (Div 4) and Medic (Where I've played as high as Div 3) as well as Demoman.
In HL I play Demoman (Div 2-ish)

Quick Exp. 6s
Crack Clan// Blue (Medic / Div 3)
Welsh National Team (Medic)
Every other team has been in Div 5.

Quick Exp. HL
Crack Clan// Highlander (Medic / Div 3)
Super Secret Monkey Mafia (Demoman / Div 4)
30% (Demoman / Div 3)
Chromosome Crew (Demoman / Div 3/4)

Let me know if there's any other details you need.


posted about 10 years ago
#28 Twitch offically aquired by Amazon in Off Topic
AloSecLeftismPossimpibleI imagine amazon putting up buy links for music instead of muting everything. That would be wonderful.
But which is the lesser of two evils? Muted music or a pop-up asking if you want to buy it?
joking, right? obviously a pop-up is better than muting

Sorry, reading text with sarcasm that wasn't there. :(

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Twitch offically aquired by Amazon in Off Topic
PossimpibleI imagine amazon putting up buy links for music instead of muting everything. That would be wonderful.

But which is the lesser of two evils? Muted music or a pop-up asking if you want to buy it?

posted about 10 years ago
#3 amazon in "late-state talks" to buy twitch in Off Topic

Without sounding ill-informed - is this better than Google buying Twitch? :S

posted about 10 years ago
#10 ETF2L Season 16 Grand Final: Epsilon eSports vs. willy wonkas chocolate factory in Events
ArcadeSurprise upset time? Epsilon to have become too complacent?! I have hope.

Bigger than K1ck winning ESL.

posted about 11 years ago
#32 koth_coalplant (koth_ash redux) in Map Discussion

You mean changing the map lighting?

Changing that is one of the simpler jobs in Hammer.

- Map > Map properties to change the skybox
- Then it's basically changing the settings to the shadow_control, fog.controller, light_env, sun_env(? - Assuming your map actually has a sun), tonemap_cntrl and maybe logic_auto if you have settings in there.

Really, playing with the lighting isn't one of the biggest ballaches to change in Hammer. :P

posted about 11 years ago
#29 koth_coalplant (koth_ash redux) in Map Discussion

Oh, I see. My apologies then. :( Misread your post! :D

I don't think Snakewater was too bad (I think it has the same skybox and ambient lighting as Blands). I think Metalworks isn't as bad because of the amount of artificial lights (floodlights, etc) -- although in certain doses and at interesting angles it does create some nice visuals.

Also, away from lighting, but the ramp under the point looks/feels very steep.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 koth_coalplant (koth_ash redux) in Map Discussion
kirbyLeftismIs it possible to have the Foundry Skybox + Lighting settings? The map looks quite miserable and dark looking at these screenshots. :(
Metalworks and Snakewater are the same, more so for Metalworks. I've never been a fan of "dark maps". This is one reason why I really like Process. It fits the TF2 theme so well.


I don't remember mentioning neither Snake or Metalworks.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 koth_coalplant (koth_ash redux) in Map Discussion

Is it possible to have the Foundry Skybox + Lighting settings? The map looks quite miserable and dark looking at these screenshots. :(

posted about 11 years ago