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SteamID64 76561198024152565
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Country United States
Signed Up April 8, 2014
Last Posted April 7, 2015 at 7:12 PM
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#40 TeamFortressTV is looking for talent! in News

I would definitely be interested in doing casting if there is still a spot left. I have always had my own little fantasies about casting TF2 so I guess this is my best chance eh? Warning: No prior casting experience.

posted about 9 years ago
#31 WHAT we NEED to do to get comp tf2 more players in TF2 General Discussion

Whether UGC is terrible or not, screw it. I have decided to have my team tell anyone they see in a pub that seems adequately skilled to come either to UGC or right here to TeamFortressTV. Give them some advice, tell them the basics of ALL the comp styles so they don't feel restricted to just HL or 6's or even 4's. Everyone should do this, this is the best way to really get people into it. Show them some videos people like Marxist have made and stuff like that of which we have available to us to really get them into the feel of comp TF2. Yeah, UGC DOES suck, and ESEA is probably the best bet for everyone in the long run but if we can at least try to make UGC better and perhaps someone or some of us can develop a brand new league then we can truly take TF2 back if we really try. Valve may not care, but I know I and a lot of you do.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Crash when exiting in Q/A Help

Well that is encouraging. Everybody loves Valve...

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Crash when exiting in Q/A Help

So, for a good while now, when I exit my game, it will almost always say that hl2.exe has crashed. This isn't exactly an issue as that is what I wanted in the first place obviously if I am leaving the game, but if there is a way to stop it I would appreciate knowing it. It gets annoying to have to close that pop-up everytime.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Lf pocket mentor in Mentoring

I am but a wee lad looking for a mentor so that I can enter 6's with a better mindframe. For I am but a mere future Iron player. Assistance would be greatly appreciated m'lord. Here is my profilio so we can do the dealio: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024152565/

posted about 10 years ago