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Signed Up November 3, 2018
Last Posted November 20, 2018 at 6:45 PM
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#1 +fps leuxd's config in Customization

So, i created a config.cfg for tf2 to increase your fps, and, there's mods included... i hope you enjoy it.

by the way, this is for toaster pc's.

download- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rf0qqd3QbzFdcawbUSRk9Hpq4RKFgnsi
you think it have virus? check it here

how does it work?

when you download the .zip, you will find some files:

few more fps- inside that folder you will find files to give you a few more fps
(i don't like this too much, you need a pc a little better than a toaster, like a microwave)

more fps- there you will find the files that give you more fps
(definitivly, my favorite)

credits.txt- err... i really need to explain what this is? it's just the credits. just that

i don't have a costum folder or i don't know where is it.txt- i think the name already explains what it is about

installation guide.txt- if you don''t know how to install it, read it

updates log.txt- every changes/uptade will be shown here.

current version: 1.0

thanks to nohats mod, it was really useful.

enjoy it

posted about 6 years ago
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