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Signed Up July 19, 2014
Last Posted July 24, 2014 at 3:59 PM
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#143 sun possible cheater in TF2 General Discussion
nickplusMunchAlso what's the deal with people like Sun and this Lift guy putting "TF" in their forum names.Between me and you, they aren't the smartest lets just smile at them and let them go.

That was a Pretty Creative insult

posted about 10 years ago
#136 sun possible cheater in TF2 General Discussion
nickplusLiftTFirrelevant self-procuring blog shitWhining complaints from an uneducated mouth breather

Are you just bitching at me because I left your poorly organized team like 3 seasons ago? I never said he wasn't guilty either. I just said people shouldn't jump to conclusions. Even if he was hacking, people shouldn't be dicks about it. Instead of attacking and threatening him, try to get his side of the story first.


posted about 10 years ago
#133 sun possible cheater in TF2 General Discussion

I know I defended him at first, but honestly I always thought he was hacking. I just didn't want everyone to jump to conclusions. I thought that maybe, just MAYBE, he wasn't hacking. The fact that he said he was going to a LAN gave me some hope, but now he's backed out. He also suddenly said he's quitting all forms of competitive gaming to become a body builder(??!??!?). I just don't know anymore really

posted about 10 years ago
#27 sun possible cheater in TF2 General Discussion

I've known Sun on steam for a while, and he and spend a lot of time in mumble with him. While this may seem suspicious, he has been practicing like crazy as of late, and this is not his first account (he got hacked on his original). I wouldn't necessarily put this down to hacks straight away, I mean he is almost an addict. It's possible that he just got lucky this game, or that he really has improved that much.

posted about 10 years ago