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SteamID64 76561198049603494
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Country Finland
Signed Up April 21, 2017
Last Posted August 13, 2018 at 6:53 AM
Posts 36 (0 per day)
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#74 what are your pet peeves in Off Topic
Sometimes people just don't have anything to say, but want to show that they are actually paying attention and reading what you type.

yeah guess its up to person on how they feel about it. It just bothers me sometimes how some people seem to never have anything to say and they just use these to show they're still online

posted about 6 years ago
#8 cp_shrub in Map Discussion

I heavily dislike mid in most aspects. I feel like its a reskinned foundry
Lobby areas between 2nd and mid, while they have a good flow they also feel a bit choke-y
2nd right side (def PoV) is nothing but vast area which has pretty much no purpose and feels awkward (also the displacement texturing is a bit off, its kinda everywhere)
2nd overally feels a bit too tall in my opinion compared to rest of the geometry. <- I love this area
Last feels like the unwanted child of reckoner and logjam.

posted about 6 years ago
#47 whats yo cm/360? in Off Topic

28 baby

posted about 6 years ago
#42 Awful luck with girls in Off Topic
b0wlMONEYI’ve found that the best way to pick up chicks is showing them your profile (or wearing a t shirt with your best logs for a more direct approach)

you show them enemy team is not the only thing you pound

posted about 6 years ago
#19 brain thought in Off Topic
cryosisLinkerif you have a mirrored clone of yourself with identical thoughts, and you both do the same bad call, do you blame yourself or your clone?you blame the demo

tfw main demo
Id do the same

posted about 6 years ago
#49 what are your pet peeves in Off Topic

when you have a conversation with someone and they reply only stuff like "yeah" "lmao" "nice" makes me fucking die can you pls at least try saying something else

also when people point out my dog barks because he an old boy annoys me a lot. I just go mute or push to talk if its necessary for me to voice

posted about 6 years ago
#15 brain thought in Off Topic

if you have a mirrored clone of yourself with identical thoughts, and you both do the same bad call, do you blame yourself or your clone?

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Demoman vs soldier in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998pls dont play demo in mge ive had it with these Habibs ruining my sesh just keep playing 6s!

whats wrong with playing demo in mge?

posted about 6 years ago
#199 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
henloimhalfWhen sjw invade tf2 forum

not supporting harassing =/= being an sjw :popo:

posted about 6 years ago
#44 Too Many Open Players, Too Few Open Teams in TF2 General Discussion
eeedon't captain if you still have problems as a player when it comes to tilting

I just cant put enough emphasis on how important this is. Having a team leader who acts like a total dumbass and yells at their team for doing something stupid (which is yes very likely gonna happen in open), then he needs his leader rights revoked :popo:

Like sure if you have beefs with team/teammates, take it outside of the game and discuss it in a civilized way after scrims etc. Screaming at your roamer for not being able to bomb in or scout letting flank loose accidentally isnt gonna help in game at all.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Demoman vs soldier in TF2 General Discussion

I have this problem where I cant hit a scout that knows spacebar exists. For some reason I just cant land a pipe on them even after all the DM grinds Ive been through

at least I fuck soldiers

btw: as people mentioned, just farm DM or even do Soldier v Demo MGEs in blands mid or via mid both are fun to play
I find hitting soldiers relatively easy, but that might be just me who knows

TL;DR just git gud :popo:

posted about 6 years ago
#6 New cheat bots in casual in TF2 General Discussion

I want to believe it isnt real but who the fuck knows whats real anymore :popo:

posted about 6 years ago
#18 New dangerous scam everybody can fall for in TF2 General Discussion

jesus this is spooky

posted about 6 years ago
#9 ultiduo_introduction in Map Discussion
VisI wouldn't put health and ammo packs next to each other but that's just my thing.

I agree with this. Health should be on highground and ammo near the truck

posted about 6 years ago
#4 ultiduo_introduction in Map Discussion

Couple things I'll nitpick for:
-Resupp in spawn no thanks
-Fences on point seem annoying to play against and gives too much protection (also you can stand on them which creates a huge advantage for that person)
-having ammo on point means its more easily campable by the dominating soldier, and they dont have to venture to scavenge
-imho having 4 trucks looks really uncanny, and them being in the exact same position (no rotating) just confirms it
-Blu side has not enough distinction from red side
-assymetrical detailing outside of map could look nice/better
-Lower highgrounds near spawn a bit, since it confuses the map layout (might be just me)
-This hiding spot gives me the upsetties
-Not an ultiduo pro but this spot yoikened me

posted about 6 years ago
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