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Signed Up September 9, 2015
Last Posted December 24, 2018 at 10:06 PM
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#53 CastingEssentials Spectator Plugin in Projects


posted about 7 years ago
#48 New pyro still kind of stupid in TF2 General Discussion

and what?

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Announcing ETF2L Season 29 in TF2 General Discussion
we are bringing back Granary for more diversity to the map pool


posted about 7 years ago
#81 These People Need to be Stopped. in TF2 General Discussion
HildrethPeople here will probably go up in arms about this comment, but it's just the internet, if you got any tiny reason for people to start name calling you, they will do it, thick skin is needed - This is the reality of the world, it's full of cunts.

I think that just trowing your arm up and saying "Welp, its the internet, nothing we can do" is going at it the wrong way.

posted about 7 years ago
#45 These People Need to be Stopped. in TF2 General Discussion
truktrukIt's just a game and everyone has their own problems whether it be social anxiety, depression, etc. I partly stopped playing pugchamp because I didn't feel like I was good enough, but the other part had to do with how depressing it was to be around people constantly whining about something someone did or shit talking each other
posted about 7 years ago
#19 Rewind II details revealed in News

nice retrowave banner

posted about 7 years ago
#196 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

I would be okay with pyro if this wasn't a thing.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 Valve will VAC ban you automatically for username in TF2 General Discussion
gibuscan someone on linux test this like right now

I am not falling for this bait.

posted about 7 years ago
#132 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

The last thing we need is a long and drag out pick phase for something that doesn't have a that much of an impact.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
b4nnyDisciplinary Action (forces both teams to run it for speed to mid fights)

Is this a valid reason considering the Escape Plan is already the only choice?

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Reworking the pick/bans in Pick/Ban Prolander. in TF2 General Discussion

7v7 prolander is too stale(tm) its time for a new and innovative gamemode

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Amby nerf isn't as bad as most think in TF2 General Discussion
aierawhy did they nerf the amby it wasnt overpowered at all and even if it was at least it rewarded skill

because it blurred the line between spy and sniper

posted about 7 years ago
#18 TF2 update for 10/23/17 (10/24/17 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
sagei dont think censorship is the way

nobody said anything about censorship

sageAlso what does the money have to do with anything?

youtube pays money

posted about 7 years ago
#26 New tf2 whitelist discussion in TF2 General Discussion
EoNPretty sure there's a difference between banning the RR and wrangler and banning the hot hand

I don't remember anyone saying that the hot hand should be kept banned.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Essentials.TF Season 0 in TF2 General Discussion
Alfiehttps://essentials.tf/ournews/2#mapsMaps in the reserve map pool are always played on their latest version, even if the map is updated mid-season
What if the newest version of the map totally changes the dynamic of the map or it is disliked by both teams. Can those teams agree to play the older version?

I think you are missing the point

posted about 7 years ago
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