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Last Posted June 10, 2024 at 7:35 AM
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#90 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion


posted 8 months ago
#20 GOAT team for your country in TF2 General Discussion

I was doing some digging and one of the teams that surprised me with how strong it is for a country that is barely ever talked about is Latvia:


I'm sure some Latvians might be able to suggest changes, but overall this is a pretty strong squad. Atomic and Forsak3n is a very solid scout duo that also played together in Prem for a couple of seasons. Uubers was a powerhouse for the Lowpander teams and Mirelin is one of the greatest medics ever in Europe.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 GOAT team for your country in TF2 General Discussion
(Papi is half danish but that might be cheating)
Dr phil

Will get soldier diffed unless papi is allowed to play

I have basically the exact same. Roamer is probably the closest role with someone like Zen being worth considering too, but Papi would be welcome for sure

posted about 2 years ago
#1 GOAT team for your country in TF2 General Discussion

A TF2 World Cup is held where you are to put together the strongest team for your nation. All players are at the peak of their powers. The players are judged relative to the scene at the time they played so any meta changes that have happened since they quit (if they did) are not accounted for.

What team are you sending?

posted about 2 years ago
#1 top5rocket reaches the top level once more in News


You forgot to change before "pushing" lol

posted about 3 years ago
#72 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

I see where you're coming from but I feel like giving too much incentive for winning may lead to good players stacking up and dunking on everyone which would scare the casual player base away, something Faceit definitely doesnt want.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 ETF2L Season 38 Qualifiers Group A preview in News

14 applications :O

posted about 3 years ago
#54 $GME in Off Topic
Makemakeif you buy GME when its this volatile prepare to lose your money
the pump and dump and the hype are mostly over and its not unreasonable to see a downwards trend to around 120-100.
on the other hand there is some support forming around 140 which would be a very good long signal if it holds.
also keep in mind i am in no way a professional and day trade as a hobby

Not sure how you can say the hype is mostly over, shit's been all over the news globally all day and the stock has recovered somewhat despite the stunt pulled earlier. Also, a lot of shorts are still getting roasted at the current stock price and will have to cover at some point. The squeeze has not yet been squoze. I wouldn't necessarily encourage anyone to buy in at this point, but I certainly wouldn't sell yet if I were holding GME stocks*.

*this is not financial advice, I just really like the stock

posted about 4 years ago

I thought this was a joke post with meme changes but people are actually mad in this thread... is this actually for real?

posted about 4 years ago
#67 Redeye thinks TF2 should be an esport in TF2 General Discussion
ghadilliSputougeFoodServiceAnonymous statements as "proof" and a court case where he was found not guilty as evidence what the actual fuck is this bullshit lmaothe guy he assaulted did publicly come out https://twitter.com/SamVanTilburgh/status/1277640894192087050
the guy he assaulted also said that he accepted redeye and the ceo's apologies after the fact and that "time heals all wounds"

also looking at the timeline, redeye was probably in the middle of his court case when this incident occurred, so you can imagine the stress the dude was under.

this is a twitter mob getting riled up over a story that no self-respecting journalist would even think about bringing to their editor because there is no story. 95% is literal hearsay, the other 5% is a court case where he was found not guilty, and an incident from 5 years ago where it seems like all parties involved have moved on. And even the hearsay isn't compelling: it's all "yeah he would yell really mean things sometimes / yeah he never believed in me / yeah he lied about coming up with ideas that weren't his to impress girls at parties."

have these people never had a shitty boss in their life? every manager i've ever had has done this kind of shit constantly. that doesn't make it okay, but we're really ending people's careers and bullying them into thoughts of suicide over them just being a bad boss? i mean jesus christ what the fuck are we doing here

Kinda like RedEye bullied other people into thoughts of suicide by being a terrible boss? Also did you read the tweets by the guy he punched because he sure doesn't seem like he's fully okay with getting punched three times to me. A guy like PyrionFlax, a respected Dota personality, has come out and said it's a long time coming as well. The court case also really isn't as clear cut as people are making it sound. His own family testified against him that he smashed his wheelchair bound wife's head into a wall. That doesn't mean his guilty, mind you, but it's not a good look. This coupled with the, admittedly mostly weak, allegations from Banks make me believe that the "bad boss" is the most generous interpretation you could possibly come up with. Dude quite clearly has some serious anger management issues, how serious is up to how many of the allegations you wanna believe in.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Please Revert Terrible EU DM Changes in TF2 General Discussion

I second this. Getting health on assists and potentially more than half hp back on kills based on your dmg was really nice and DM just ain't the same without it.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 klassy leaves ascent? in TF2 General Discussion

Poached egg?

posted about 5 years ago
#5 klassy leaves ascent? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#29 TF2 Greatest of All-Time Fantasy Draft in TF2 General Discussion

Beater and eepily's EU teams are so much better than wan and koi what happened there?

posted about 5 years ago
#1411 PugChamp in Projects
YeeHawLord_Maximus_WillhammerI watched about 15 mins of his PugChamp demo on Sunshine and he doesn't appear to be cheating. Admittedly, it does seem quite sketchy when the dude plays on his alt and both his accounts have a VAC ban from 2019.i didnt say he was cheating in those games because it doesnt matter (its obviously suspicious like you said) and he is using a low fov silent aim which is one of the hardest cheats to detect if you're doing AC (especially on stv). it's also possible he wasn't using cheats in that particular game

Yeah I can't rule it out either, I'm no AC admin.

posted about 5 years ago
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