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Last Posted October 2, 2024 at 11:19 PM
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#7 RGL S16 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

What happened to The Mafia and G6?

posted 5 months ago
#79 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic
wonderbad game. I don't like

y don't like? (besides it still being in testing stages)

posted 6 months ago
#49 rahThread: Comp is not viewed well to casuals in TF2 General Discussion
enthrowGame is just super different and the pubbers complaining are far less invested than you would think.

This is obvious but we should keep in mind that these pubbers who oppose 6s are the vocal minority among the masses of TF2 players who don't care or have no opinion on the matter either way. It's a big enough minority that it probably warrants an effort to clear up misconceptions but like someone already said, putting up more high quality videos or resources for comp tf2 should be a part of all this.

Idk much about ZestyJesus but it probably doesn't hurt to have more than one comp/non-comp content creator in the discussion. As long as there aren't too many cooks in the kitchen.

posted 6 months ago
#6 discuss. in TF2 General Discussion

Any soil texture experts in here?
"Texture is important because it influences: the amount of water the soil can hold. the rate of water movement through the soil. how workable and fertile the soil is." well TIL.


posted 6 months ago
#5 discuss. in TF2 General Discussion
BenplLotusberryI'm gonna need to see that soil texture chart cause idk wtf that is.
How come the corner with the highest %powerlifter is also the lowest %athlete? Surely a powerlifter with a gut is still more athletic than a 100% roleplayer. Or maybe it's mainly sports athleticism vs lifting in general.

On soil texture charts the %s have to add up to 100 still. So if someone is very high %powerlifter, they have to be low % in both other categories.

I get that but in my mind, athlete and powerlifter % shouldn't be opposing on another, unless it's meant to be cyberathlete.

posted 6 months ago
#76 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic
bawnerhave you considered that you may be facing people who have never touched a moba in their life, thus giving you a warped perception on the flow of the game?
that being said, i also dislike the art deco style of the game. none of the characters look particularly appealing to me. for all i know, i could be hovering the most fun hero ever made but their looks put me off.

Yea the characters don't really shine and hopefully their personalities and designs are a lot more fleshed out nearing release. Also, the colors are very neutral and greyish, brownish, sewer waterish looking which... looks like sewage. It doesn't need a super bright color palette to have more contrasting colors on the heroes or their outfits.

vecci dont understand who the game is for, is it for smite players overwatch players or dota playersBrimstonethe game is for dota players that sort of liked tf2 5-10 years ago

I die inside whenever somebody says Deadlock is in any way shape or form like TF2 (not saying you are). It's so unmistakably different even if they've never played it and are only spectating but I reconcile that by assuming that's their way of getting excited for Deadlock and/or trying it out.

Tobsuper monday night combat players

This seems to be the closest thing to Deadlock and chances are that we'll end up seeing a lot of Dota players in getting into Deadlock or at least trying it for the same reason as League to Valorant, but with a greater effect because it's still a moba and with way more similarities in this case. It'll draw a lot of Dota players but because shooting + abilities, you automatically pull some of the hero shooter playerbase and moba players in general.

This game is here to stay unless Valve somehow fucks this up tremendously. You already have people grinding this game for 12+ hour sessions and it's surprisingly playable in its current build. Its even had a small NA tournament already.

posted 6 months ago
#2 discuss. in TF2 General Discussion

I'm gonna need to see that soil texture chart cause idk wtf that is.
How come the corner with the highest %powerlifter is also the lowest %athlete? Surely a powerlifter with a gut is still more athletic than a 100% roleplayer. Or maybe it's mainly sports athleticism vs lifting in general.

posted 6 months ago
#16 pedophile nazi brony moron in TF2 General Discussion
tiberiusthat's so sickening. it's so sad to see people like these exist. i hope they get help

People like this should be involuntarily admitted to a hospital.

posted 6 months ago
#105 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
TynnyriDrHappinessGood job comparing people giving critique to mental illness, really makes you seem like the reasonable one here.TynnyriI really hope the community doesn't only agree/disagree based on my playtime or my address, that's just sign of mild alexithymia
If people disagreed based on playtime, that is a sign of mild alexithymia.
I really hoped people didn't disagree based on playtime
I really hoped people didn't have mild alexithymia.

Alexithymia is a disability to form opinions. This is what you first described; Claiming most opinions here were formed on my playtime or steam reviews.
DrHappinessYour analogy didn't go over peoples heads, it made no sense.
These quotes show failures to grasp basic language and previous definitions.

You seem to lack the reading skills or/and the ability to do deductive reasoning. I don't know which it is or if it's both. Always possible you were just tired or have a reading disability, or just a bad day. Nonetheless, I hope we can discuss this when you get better.

"Alexithymia is characterized by an impaired ability to be aware of, explicitly identify, and describe one's feelings" (Nemiah et al., 1976)

tHeSe qUoTeS ShOw fAiLuReS To gRaSp bAsIc lAnGuAgE AnD PrEvIoUs dEfInItIoNs.

posted 7 months ago
#8 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help
siyois it a specific server or any stv in general

I don't fully understand what you mean by specific server. This only happens when I'm opening up a stv demo in console, whether it's my own demos or those of invite players. I don't have a specific server? It's just stv demos in general, I guess.

posted about a year ago
#6 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help

bump, any knowers?

posted about a year ago
#5 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help

Forgot to include the images > https://imgur.com/a/PLFsqli
Shows the console errors. Disregard the netgraph image. Maybe that was some old bind that I was unaware of.

MothershipIts spec_mode 4 and spec_mode 7

This ended up giving me the same result as using spacebar; zoom in and zoom out in place. Hopefully the console error is enough to figure out the problem because I'm lost.

posted about a year ago
#3 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help

Finally got around to trying this out. Unfortunately, sv_specmode doesn't show up as a command in console. When I binded it in autoexec this netgraph would show up on specmode 4 while specmode 7 seemingly didn't do anything. Maybe it has something to do with all these "could not find table ..." errors when I play the demo?

I considered steam verifying game integrity but idk if that would mess with my configs or not. Idk why sv_specmode doesn't show up for me.

posted about a year ago
#1 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help

When I press space to change POVs the camera will become stuck, stuck again, then switches back to free roam POV again. Surely this is a known problem by now but I couldn't find a solution to this exact problem. I tried unbinding +jump from my mouse wheel up and down and then also unbinding then rebinding space +jump, no luck.
This error keeps popping up when I try to swap POVs (idk how to embed?) https://imgur.com/a/nQ6QUuo

Just trying to watch a STV of the boys killing it in scrims :(, any help is is appreciated.

posted about a year ago
#3 Highlander RGL S10 + UGC Winter S38 new team in Recruitment (looking for players)
1jayyyou're def better off using the rgl discord, it's hard to find hl players thru here :D

Okay, thanks :)

posted about 2 years ago
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