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Signed Up June 26, 2014
Last Posted May 29, 2024 at 8:57 AM
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#34 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion


posted 9 months ago
#87 TF2 LAN EVENT IN GERMANY, 25.-27-11.2022 in LAN Discussion

Just a heads up It's currently a lot cheaper to book using rather than their website, currently Thur to Mon £188 for a single room using and €271 on their website.

posted about 2 years ago
#86 TF2 LAN EVENT IN GERMANY, 25.-27-11.2022 in LAN Discussion

Just curious but will package deals be a thing or do we just need to book hotel and tickets seperately? Just checking as original post said " we expect tickets, accommodation and rentals (as a package) to be cheaper than events like Copenhagen Games or Insomnia." I thought it meant there would be one package to buy everything together but just let me know :)

posted about 2 years ago
#5 TF2 LAN EVENT IN GERMANY, 25.-27-11.2022 in LAN Discussion

HYPE cu@

posted about 2 years ago
#99 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion

Great news! cu@

posted about 3 years ago
#20 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#50 i65 Thank You Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for the amazing lan, was great as always and loved meeting both old and new friends. Until next time <3

Shout out to doggo boys and girls, always good to hang out and had fun with lan team.
Thanks to production for the great show, loved the outro as super adorable (love the kaido wink)
Shout out to all my drinking buddies, had a great laugh and good company from Thurs to Sunday :D
Sorry to people I missed this year, suspect I was sat opposite end of BYOC but i o u all the hugs.
Cheers to sami and family for the post lan hangout, was super chill despite the extra night of drinks ;)

Was so hyped to watch final thanks Ascent NA for travelling all this way and showing a great performance and congrats to Se7en for the win! Looking forward to next year and hopefully another North America versus Europe final, can never match the hype of a lan final and loved the energy of the crowd!

p.s. if anyone would like to play league or TFT or league with a bad player hit me up I need more league friends :p

posted about 5 years ago
#447 age in Off Topic


posted about 5 years ago
#20 What would you like to see in a "mix" website? in TF2 General Discussion

I liked being able to pick a player when I was adding as medic on TF2pickup, means there is the added appeal of medic being used to play with a friend or someone you enjoy playing with. Would definitely be more interested in playing with something like this in place :)

posted about 6 years ago
#82 Copenhagen Games 2019 TF2 - 6v6 & Highlander in LAN Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#280 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

What I would like to be taken from this recent discussion would be to acknowledge that some members of the community are being offensive to the point of absurdity, referring to individuals with racist terms and transphobic terms is not acceptable. Although it’s being argued that it’s simply meant as a ‘joke’ and that the community is being ‘oversensitive’ I would argue that this is becoming more common than in previous years. Especially when it comes to during prem games as well as during streams or pug based games by high level or well known players. It is a problem and we should take note of this, a positive step would be strict warnings on offensive language in chat during officials, since this is involved with our leagues etc.

As well as working together to make it clear this will no longer be acceptable, it’s one thing to have a bit of banter with friends and it’s quite another to repeatedly use offensive terms until someone using the n word or referring to a trans player with an abusive term or inappropriate suggestions becomes almost the norm, which seems to almost be seen as the dark side of the scene. Although yes these negative actions have existed before it doesn’t have to be this way and I hope we can work together to correct this as a community, which I have very much enjoyed being part of for all these years. There are plenty of lovely people and players and I hope we can continue to be that, whilst not ignoring those participating in this ongoing issue. We can make a difference and it’s important this discussion has occurred, I hope rather than pointing fingers or saying its ‘normalised’ we can work together to improve it.

posted about 6 years ago
#49 i63 cu@ thread in LAN Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#9 Copenhagen Games adysky fundraiser in LAN Discussion

Hope you make it :)

posted about 6 years ago
#78 Danish upcoming lan? in LAN Discussion

HYPE! Already got time off work and looking forward to another great lan <3

posted about 7 years ago
#59 Esport United Community Rumble, Lidköping, Sweden in LAN Discussion

Fyi Sweden has youth tickets on the trains for under 25, I realised this a little late myself and booked adult tickets but if you qualify for youth tickets save yourself some money! :)

posted about 7 years ago
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