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Signed Up August 9, 2019
Last Posted March 12, 2024 at 11:55 PM
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#13212 stream highlights in Videos


posted about a year ago
#13047 stream highlights in Videos


posted about a year ago
#5 TF2 update for 7/20/23 (7/21/23 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#378 Most aids log? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#3 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

Philly Lan LFG
cu@ + lft

posted about a year ago
#2 Grape Juice Community College in Videos

Good shit

Been sharing these with Newbies, super detailed and explanatory.

posted about a year ago
#6 CeigeBirb LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

CeigeBirb has always been super nice and had a great attitude. Their skills have improved a lot recently, definitely worth a tryout. Based gamer, good luck in semifinals

posted about a year ago
#14 most damage with 1 rocket in TF2 General Discussion

At least 209 in a single airshot here (could have been more, we only know from spectator scoreboard):

posted about 2 years ago
#59 What can we do to stop the scene from dying in EU? in TF2 General Discussion

As a representative for Newbie Mixes, I'll try to weigh in here.

tl;dr Need more players, coaches, and admins. For any help/suggestions, reach out to RoGue#6575 or M17#9599

We had Newbie Mixes for EU players which ran Friday's at 20 CEST (2 pm EST). While we had a solid admin for a while, we were limited on coaches and players. Eventually, our EU admin was unable to continue, and while I tried to continue the mixes myself, it isn't a great time slot for me (since I'm NA), so we eventually put them on hold. I was thinking we would adjust the day/time to something that works best for EU players and coaches since the time is just time-zone transferred based on what is best for the NA scene, so we'll take any suggestions.

I'd love to start EU Newbie Mixes back up, but we'd probably need a few things:

1. Admins for drafting. Ideally 2 so they can back up for each other. We are incredibly lucky with the fact that RoGue is so consistently able to do NA mixes. I wouldn't normally expect that, so 2 admins (with me as a last-case scenario) would be ideal.

2. Coaches. When we had EU mixes running, we would struggle to get coaches, meaning around 25-50% of coaching for EU mixes was done by NA coaches who just happened to be free. Our requirement for EU coaches was only Mid, so we don't even need Prem/Div 1 coaches, which should expand the pool

3. Players. The players wanting to play could vary from 2-24 for mixes, even when announcing them and pinging in our discord server. Since we didn't have them every week like we do in NA, players wouldn't show up as consistently. Also, sometimes players up to Low would play in EU mixes, occasionally even including the coach (once or twice from what I heard) so we had enough for a full mix. Ideally, this would be solved by more funneling and advertising (including but not limited to EU streamers having a command for newer players in twitch chat's).

If anyone has any suggestions and/or is willing to help out, please DON'T HESITATE to contact RoGue (Rogue#6575) or myself (M17#9599)

posted about 2 years ago
#14 M17 Lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump for S11 (late I know). Looking to learn/improve as much as possible

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Day 4 - RGL New Player Experience in TF2 General Discussion

Some Notes about the Newbie Mixes Team Drive:

Coaches (minimum IM playoffs or higher experience) will guide a Team Drive team through an entire RGL season, giving a minimum of 1 map review and 1 demo review per week. The teams will be made by a Newbie Mixes admin (me) and will be announced once they are created, which will be approximately 1 week before their 1st match of the season.

Coaches who play in the same season they coach will get their league fees REFUNDED for that season. You can also bring along a co-coach to help split up the work.

More info about the Team Drive can be found in this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FSAqUtBrheC2zjK1siVXWlNATTf6YjZ0Y5xlyX5UFec/edit

To signup, complete the form in the Newbie Mixes discord server: https://discord.gg/9xNgdBjpXf
However, you'll have to be verified as a coach before you have access to the signups, so message either myself, RoGue#6575, or tonyolsen#3664 to get verified.

If you have any other questions, feel free message me on steam and/or discord.


Thanks so much

posted about 2 years ago
#38 RGB LAN 5 (January 2023) in LAN Discussion

Another lan not during school yay
lft soldier/scout

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Newbie Mixes is Looking for Coaches! in TF2 General Discussion

Hey everyone,

tl:dr Newbie Mixes looking for coaches, join our discord and/or message one of us on discord for more info.

Newbie Mixes is looking for coaches again (minimum experience of RGL IM playoffs or higher is required). If you've ever wanted to try coaching/teaching/mentoring players new to competitive 6s, feel free to join the discord linked here (https://discord.gg/9xNgdBjpXf) and in the initial post.

We currently host mixes Friday nights from 9 pm - 12 am est (we don't expect you to stay the entire time) to coach newer players on the basics of 6s in an organized PUG environment. Also, we host the team drive in which a coach (including a co-coach if you'd like) will guide a newer team (pre-organized by Newbie Mixes) through an entire RGL season, doing a minimum of 1 map review and 1 demo review for each week, which if completed guarantees that your league fees (should you choose to play the same season) will be reimbursed entirely.

To be clear, we are not looking for a specific commitment for a specific amount of coaching, we are just looking for more coaches who are maybe willing to help out when we need coaches. It's still up to you if you'd like to try coaching that night.

If you have any questions or would like any info about Newbie Mixes, feel free to message me (M17#9599) or RoGue (RoGue#6575) on discord, or scroll to the initial post made by tonyolsen. Besides the experience requirement, you must also not be currently banned on RGL (or other relevant league).

Any help is greatly appreciated! :)

posted about 2 years ago
#27 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects

Maybe add the newbie.tf discord server (https://discord.gg/9uDQNcs) along with the newbie.tf website since many people are comfortable w/ joining discord servers.

posted about 2 years ago
#4 how do i start with comp? in TF2 General Discussion

Like #2 was saying, https://newbie.tf/ is a great way to get started learning and playing competitive TF2. That link is the website of TF2 Newbie Mixes. Besides the info on that page, I'll give out some additional info here.
Every Friday night, we host "Newbie Mixes" which are organized Pick-up Games (PUGS) where a more experienced comp TF2 player (RGL IM Playoffs or higher) will teach and guide you through playing competitively. Also, we host a "Team Drive" where newer players can sign up (either by themselves or with 1-5 additional people) to be placed onto a team and given an experienced coach who will guide you through a full 8-week season of competitive TF2, teaching you all of the basics. All of this is completely free, so feel free to join if you are at all curious or interested. Our Discord server (https://discord.gg/9uDQNcs) is the easiest way to participate and ask questions on anything related to TF2 Competitive or Newbie Mixes.

TL;DR Go to the website (https://newbie.tf/) and/or join the discord (https://discord.gg/9uDQNcs) for the easiest way to get into TF2 Competitive :)

posted about 2 years ago
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