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Signed Up June 9, 2015
Last Posted December 2, 2017 at 3:04 AM
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#9 TF2 crashing on local server or on jump servers in Q/A Help
Cyanici swear there was something about a lightmap setting that caused this issue.

It looks like this so i don't think it's a lightmap issue :/ https://imgur.com/YITt6Zq
It's like 480 by 720 or something.
Another problem i've noticed is that my custom settings are gone too.

EDIT: I somehow got my settings back and the potato resolution I simply adjusted in-game and so far everything seems normal again. I'm sorry for my ignorance on this subject but I was panicking a little :/

posted about 7 years ago
#7 TF2 crashing on local server or on jump servers in Q/A Help
One-Twotest it with other hud, i have same problem with old huds without friend list on main menu

I don't think that's the problem. The graphics and resolution are just really bad

posted about 7 years ago
#5 TF2 crashing on local server or on jump servers in Q/A Help
mastercomsMaybe host_thread_mode 0 will prevent the crashes.

The value was already set to zero so that didn't fix it :/

TobPerhaps there is a command that causes crashes that is usually locked due to sv_cheats but local and jump servers allow it to be turned on. I'm not an expert on this subject by any means but here's a way to troubleshoot if this is the case

Back up your cfg and try this: http://www.teamfortress.tv/30651/boost-fps-with-this-one-simple-trick
It should make most of your settings default or recommended. Then try to join a jump server

If I'm right then this should hopefully fix it. If it's fixed you can then use your cfg again.
If the crashes happens again then the cause is a command in your cfg which you can then hopefully find and remove

I just followed all of his steps and now my tf2 looks like potato. How do I fix this?
I already replaced the config file whit the back up i made but that doesn't work

posted about 7 years ago

I just did aal the steps and it made my tf2 look crappy af and I don't know how to get my previous settings back. :/ I made a backup of my config file and replaced but the graphics stay shit. Can someone help me pls?

EDIT: It's fixed :)

posted about 7 years ago
#3 TF2 crashing on local server or on jump servers in Q/A Help

I just tried out the command and it does work. However is there a way of keeping all of my current settings?

posted about 7 years ago
#1 TF2 crashing on local server or on jump servers in Q/A Help

Hello there!

Wednesday I was playing on a jump server when suddenly tf2 crashed. At first I didn't think much of it but when I tried to rejoin the server tf2 crashed again. It just said "hl2.exe stopped working". I tried to rejoin about three more times with the same result. I can perfectly play on non-jump servers though.
When I try to make a local server I have the same problem.
Does anyone have a solution for this?

posted about 7 years ago
#3 yayahud not displaying scareboard properly in Customization
fnmI use the current version of yayahud and it works fine for me. Try redownloading it from huds.tf?

i read the post and tweaked some things myself and now it's fixed thanks a lot dude :)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 yayahud not displaying scareboard properly in Customization


so after toughbreak i suddenly can't see anything besides my stats and the profile pictures. I Have the latest version of yayahud but it's still not fixed. Can someone help me please?

posted about 9 years ago
#180 yayahud in Customization

i downloaded and installed the newest version but when i press tab i can only see the profile pictures, nothing else. How can i fix this?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 problems with my hitsound in Customization


so i typed my hitsound settings (tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 65 and tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 135) in the console like 1 year ago and it worked perfectly but yesterday i put it in my autoexec because it wasn't working properly and now the pitch sounds totally different. I've tried to change the values but without succes. Can someone help me with this?

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Kaneco's Recording and Editing Resources in Videos

i was looking for an explosion sound but i did'nt find it in the sound folder. Can i found it anywhere else or can i record the sound on my own? Here is an example of extv using it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s0F2nAuA1M&list=PL0BE4B33CB87D8F02 at 1:42.
The rocket firing sound is included in the pack in the tf2 sounds folder. As for explosion sounds I believe extv uses custom sounds.
and can i like record it my own? With sfm or something?
Yes, the best way to record high quality tf2 sounds is with sfm, make sure you use a map with no soundscape, a perfect example would be a green screen map and then render the audio only (not sure if thats possible) but even rendering with the video would be easy to separate.

ok thanks, i'll try that. When i was googling for an explosion i find this: https://maurits.tv/data/garrysmod/wiki/wiki.garrysmod.com/index82eb.html wich contains all of the sounds from tf2. But i don't know where i can find them on my pc. edit: i found the sounds in sfm.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Kaneco's Recording and Editing Resources in Videos

i was looking for an explosion sound but i did'nt find it in the sound folder. Can i found it anywhere else or can i record the sound on my own? Here is an example of extv using it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s0F2nAuA1M&list=PL0BE4B33CB87D8F02 at 1:42.
The rocket firing sound is included in the pack in the tf2 sounds folder. As for explosion sounds I believe extv uses custom sounds.

and can i like record it my own? With sfm or something?

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Kaneco's Recording and Editing Resources in Videos


i was looking for an explosion sound but i did'nt find it in the sound folder. Can i found it anywhere else or can i record the sound on my own? Here is an example of extv using it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s0F2nAuA1M&list=PL0BE4B33CB87D8F02 at 1:42.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 viaduct pro in SFM in Q/A Help
saamHere ya go


Thanks alot m8!

posted about 9 years ago
#6 viaduct pro in SFM in Q/A Help
KanecoM4gnusKanecoPlace the .bsp in your Usermod/maps folder of SFM.

Then when you open SFM when you load a map hit the "Rescan" button. SFM will be able to see the new map.

Viaduct pro is pretty bugged in SFM and crashes constantly, afaik you're gonna need to use rc3 for SFM, it's the latest version that doesn't crash
Thanks again m8. Your advise really helps me out. Edit: i've googled around for a bit and i can only find a folder that has not even a .bsp in it


Its normal it has no maps in it because you haven't installed any custom maps yet.

sry for my horrible english but i meant i could'nt find the right map

posted about 9 years ago
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