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SteamID64 76561198004476128
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:22105200
Country Finland
Signed Up October 23, 2012
Last Posted May 10, 2016 at 5:33 PM
Posts 138 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 4.5
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie AM
Keyboard Qpad MK-50
Mousepad Puretrak Talent
Headphones Sennheiser PC350
Monitor ASUS VG236
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#31 Thoughts on Overwatch? in Other Games

Fun game with some really infuriating mechanics that don't fit an FPS game.

-Meis freezing. Freezing to a standstill and not being able to shoot after an ice spray would be slightly annoying but ok. Fucking with your mouse sensitivity and slowing it down while getting sprayed and taking away mouse control while frozen really annoys players. Just make it slow you down and don't fuck with the mouse input.
-McCrees flashbang needs a rework. It's basically a CQB 1v1 instawin button. Press E, press mouse2, win fight. No skill, just taking the opponents ability to move, aim and fire away for enough time to kill them for free.
-Soldier 76 has huge damage compared to how easy he is to play. I'd say either nerf his healing thing a bit or slightly lower his damage output. Not too drastic changes needed tho.
-Higher server -> client tick rate. Currently the client is sending stuff at 60hz but the server is only sending at 20hz. Makes damage and other shit hitting you around corners a lot worse. The same thing with tracer blinks. See hook coming, blink to the side but still get pulled partly due to the tick rate and partly due to the
-Client side projectile hit detection. If I have 20 ping and I dodge something slow coming my way, I DON'T WANT TO GET HIT IN THE FACE ANYWAY. I should not get punished when someone else has shitty ping.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 country with the best candy in Off Topic


Best candy. For a real man.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Competitve beta pass competition in The Dumpster
Kylo_ren_KermitIf you want a pass without going through this aids add me.
I mean just to make people think instead of plain out gift it. Put some effort into it man

Name the rocket launcher "I'm unoriginal"
Name shotgun "I'm also boring"
Matching set

posted about 8 years ago
#79 why are open pocket mains always so angry? in TF2 General Discussion
but where's the explanation for scout mains

Scout mains can get punished very hard for mistakes especially at a low level because of their hp. Low hp = high anger. Look at cs and cod players.

That's how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men... cruel.

posted about 8 years ago
#269 MLG to host next Major in CS2 General Discussion

Fucking jumping shots, how can you win 1v1 spray battle while jumping, this should not be in CS...

posted about 8 years ago
#17 will TF2 have the same rebound as Smash Bros Melee in TF2 General Discussion
Sam_Houstonjeffisnt tf2 like really shitty to watch if it was a person who has never played tf2 before?
No more so than most other video games I would imagine. I know people always say that mobas are really easy for an outside audience to understand but I've shown my gf some LoL and Dota matches and she was always incredibly confused. New players won't understand the flow of the game or the importance of uber management, but I think that seeing a rocket hit someone or a sniper land a headshot is pretty intuitive, definitely more so than most moba skillshots.

Who the fuck says mobas are easy for new viewers?! All I see is 10 things walk in a pile, massive amount of shit on screen while 2 guys scream random words that possibly mean something idk and then either some guys are dead and others run away or chase someone running away.

Edit: The things that make TF2 good for the casual viewer are the things that can be linked to real world. A regular person knows that a rocket shot at someone will hurt them. Or that explosions throw stuff around and can throw a person forwards. They don't know that a shiny person is invulnerable or that a crossbow with christmas lights on it that shoots candy canes will heal someone when shot up the ass. That's why for example CS:GO is very easy for a new viewer to understand. They know what a bomb is, what a sniper rifle does and what a terrorist tries to do. Everything that can be related to something a person already knows helps bring them closer to understanding what's going on.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 mm expanded beta! in TF2 General Discussion

Tl;dr guy wants match making to be like pub.

Is it possible to get cancer from a post? I think I just did.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Operation Wildfire and the return of Nuke in CS2 General Discussion

New nuke is quite T-sided, atleast from what I've seen so far. Every half ends like 11-4 or 12-3.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 What type of music in this video? in Off Topic
owli unironically dont know what chiptune is


posted about 9 years ago
#202 all aboard in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#43 CSGO revolver in CS2 General Discussion

If you find smokes annoying, you don't have to play with them. You should be able to enjoy your game and see your enemies. Just alt-tab and you can see them. -Valve2015

posted about 9 years ago
#144 TF2 update for 12/2/15 in TF2 General Discussion
TuryMy laptop struggles to play TF2 at a constant 40 FPS, that is with dx 80, a insanely good FPS config, AND a resolution of 854x480, if I was forced to play on DX 90, tf2 would be unplayable for me

Maybe you should stop playing on a toaster. This is like saying "they're forcing me to play soccer on grass when my shoes have flat surfaces and have shit grip on it and great grip on concrete, literally unplayable on grass, WTF"

If you want to play on Valve MM, you play on DX9. If you don't, buy a server and play on that. You can even turn off sv_pure and play without any effects for even more FPS!

posted about 9 years ago
#24 What frag movie would you show to ignorant plebs? in Videos
Rip doing this with the actual weapon models tho

People still link this?!

posted about 9 years ago
#177 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects

I would like to thank everyone in this thread for making my evening much more enjoyable. Can we have minecraft basics next time so this all could be elevated to the next level?

posted about 9 years ago
#57 Fallout 4 in Other Games
BonafideAre there any good pirated versions yet? I'd like to play it before I am able to afford it


posted about 9 years ago
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