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Signed Up August 4, 2015
Last Posted June 15, 2016 at 5:53 PM
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Hardware Peripherals
#1331 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Alright I opened my computer back up and I found that my current PSU is a LiteON PS-6301-08A3. When looking further at its cables I also noticed that it lacks either a 6 pin or an 8 pin power connector. I couldn't find much about the quality of this unit, but the connectors are going to pose a problem for me I suppose. However, your last post means I do not need to go all out on a power supply with high wattage, correct? I plan on keeping this build for several years with maybe only a RAM or SSD upgrade, and I think by the time I do a major upgrade, I'll most likely want to do a new build anyways.

posted about 8 years ago
#1327 PC Build Thread in Hardware

My current PSU is the 300 watt OEM unit, and my budget is $60 max.

posted about 8 years ago
#1324 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I've got a prebuilt desktop that I want to upgrade the PSU on to add a graphics card later. It's running an Intel i5 4460 and I'm going to be buying either an AMD RX 480 or 470 after those are released. What would be a reliable PSU that won't fry my computer?

posted about 8 years ago