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Signed Up February 9, 2017
Last Posted March 11, 2017 at 7:51 AM
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#33 SourceRes in Videos
CitroMaindMOCOLONIThe plugin seems to be crashing the game as of February 9, 2017. Hope you're still up to give support to the plugin, and in case this helps:

- The game crashes right after trying to submit a forced resolution
- Windows 10 x64
- I followed all the steps before trying anything
tsc integrated it in statusspec
use command statusspec_resolution_set or something like that

Not sure but I think it customizes your game's settings when I only want to force the resolution, like SourceRes did. Still, thanks for letting me know; I may check it some day.

posted about 7 years ago
#30 SourceRes in Videos

The plugin seems to be crashing the game as of February 9, 2017. Hope you're still up to give support to the plugin, and in case this helps:

- The game crashes right after trying to submit a forced resolution
- Windows 10 x64
- I followed all the steps before trying anything

posted about 8 years ago