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Signed Up January 28, 2014
Last Posted May 28, 2017 at 4:48 PM
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#23 Help me find my father. in Off Topic
LulzyExquisiteStoneIt's always hard to see what someone means by saying "this was his only option" It could mean anything from an affair to suicide, but running away from society is also possible, it's a bit odd he only left a note without any detail on where he went, and that must also be really stressfull..

Try to think if you're dad was really down the last couple of months, or whining about how unfair some things are, or if he was more stressed/happy

It's always a pain to hear these things, not being able to be there for your loved ones is hard, I hope you'll find him!

I keep overhearing my mom on the phone saying stuff like, "He kept saying he felt like he was over his head in work and that nobody was helping him. And we kept worrying about money, but we always worried about it, and it's weird because every so often he would reassure me that we were chipping away at it."

I'm sorry I can't give you guys much else to work with.. I'm just very worried and I can't show it because my brothers will start worrying too. It doesn't help that he's extremely intelligent, so he clearly knew how to avoid being found...

The painkiller thing is weird, because the rest of the story fits better with a runaway

posted about 10 years ago
#3 quick medi beam question in Q/A Help
m0nkeilooks like he's using a low viewmodel_fov + r_drawviewmodel 0 to make his beam smaller. Try to use viewmodel_fov 50 + r_drawviewmodel 0 to see if it works.

Doesn't viewmodel_fov 0 just remove all added particles and tracers, jsut try both I guess.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Help me find my father. in Off Topic

It's always hard to see what someone means by saying "this was his only option" It could mean anything from an affair to suicide, but running away from society is also possible, it's a bit odd he only left a note without any detail on where he went, and that must also be really stressfull..

Try to think if you're dad was really down the last couple of months, or whining about how unfair some things are, or if he was more stressed/happy

It's always a pain to hear these things, not being able to be there for your loved ones is hard, I hope you'll find him!

posted about 10 years ago
#102 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic
AntaresExquisiteStoneAntaresWhat do ya say gents.. shall we raid the rap thread ?Why are all of you talking like I'm some huuuge rap listener lmao
Is it xXxSKRiLLExXx then ?

Yes dude, that was obviously a real post

This is stuff I really listen to

posted about 10 years ago
#86 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic
AntaresWhat do ya say gents.. shall we raid the rap thread ?

Why are all of you talking like I'm some huuuge rap listener lmao

posted about 10 years ago
#83 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic

Is that how you feel when listening to metal?

posted about 10 years ago
#79 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic

Oh I thought this was a noise thread

topkek bros

posted about 10 years ago
#74 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic

Since lately I am really anjoying this!

I like it a.lot

posted about 10 years ago
#812 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV
Teapot_I just hear noise..

Poop music, jesus christ tha tis bad

posted about 10 years ago
#810 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV
TJBPretty mediocre, can't tell if it's a legit remix or just a parody.

100% garbage no base drops??????

posted about 10 years ago
#69 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic
MedusaJust some bands I enjoy listening to in no particular order
Hatebreed - Give Wings To My Triumph
Amon Amarth - Guardians of Asgaard
Eluveitie - Inis Mona
Lamb of God - Ghost Walking
Ensiferum - Twilight Tavern
System of a Down - Chop Suey
Marilyn Manson - Angel With The Scabbed Wings

Also the old stuff... Never forget the old stuff.
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Judas Priest - Leather Rebel
Motörhead - Killed by Death
Guns N' Roses - Paradise City
Just read the lyrics, "The prevention of Christ's birth" ???? Satanic? yes.
It's 2014... Still afraid of that black wearing, satanic metalhead to burn down your church?

I'm not even christian.

posted about 10 years ago
#65 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic

Sorry for not being a cuntcrusher tstm :s

posted about 10 years ago
#61 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic
tstmExquisiteStone-paragraph of bullshit-
Don't judge a book by it's cover, I could write blasphemy about plenty of genres from a first look perspective.

I've recently started getting into these guys, they're quite new, really enjoying the drums:

You're telling me to not judge a book by its cover, and then you post a song of just screaming with the title "Cuntcrusher"

Just read the lyrics, "The prevention of Christ's birth" ???? Satanic? yes.

posted about 10 years ago
#57 Anybody like heavy music? in Off Topic

I don't like Heavy Metal because I feel it is the opposite of what I like to do when listening to music, to relax.

I don't need to hear some satanic screaming about death, and how "angry" I should be at the rest of the world, or sad.
The genre seems to me as an outsider, very aggressive (not that you'll become aggressive of it) and also very depressing. The artist cover themselves in Tattoos of Skulls, and wear dark clothes. It's indeed really childish to me, again, as an outsider.

posted about 10 years ago
#58 Rap you like in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
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