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SteamID64 76561198029155552
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Country United Kingdom
Signed Up January 1, 2013
Last Posted November 22, 2016 at 5:49 PM
Posts 258 (0.1 per day)
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Headphones Plantronics something
Monitor acer geneeric 21" one 60HZ
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#18 Teams announced for DreamHack Summer by & Plantronics in News
TomMaksStevieWould be sick if we could get like 6 teams and maybe throw in an NA team? Would be cool to see 2 international tf2 lans a year.but theres not even 6 good teams
Perilous, nameless, suave, serpents, ronin, froyotech.

There you go 6 top tier teams that would be an interesting tournament

I concede

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Teams announced for DreamHack Summer by & Plantronics in News
StevieWould be sick if we could get like 6 teams and maybe throw in an NA team? Would be cool to see 2 international tf2 lans a year.

but theres not even 6 good teams

posted about 7 years ago
#1 interviewing Nation in TF2 General Discussion

interview number 2 and I'm already scrapping the bottom of the barrel! Nah I just feel that I'll work best with close friends and nation and i are the closest. Interview will happen on sunday after the ETF2L official on my stream @ Post your questions for nation here and he has told me he doesn't care and will spit some real talk so keep that in mind when asking tf2 related questions ty see ya there

posted about 7 years ago
#7 questions for hafficool in TF2 General Discussion
Trianglewhat time

after he finishes pcws so around 22cet

posted about 8 years ago
#1 questions for hafficool in TF2 General Discussion

Hello people today after nameless finish they're pcws, unless he punks out I will be interviewing hafficool on my stream ( ) so give me some questions to ask from you the people! Also they can be about literally anything

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Admirable & django join dd+5abs in News

Most of Iceland in prem now

posted about 8 years ago
#48 Dreamhack Summer Qualifier 1 Playoffs in Events


posted about 8 years ago
#20 I58 Computer Security in LAN Discussion

at i52 i left my phone on charge on my mousemat for 3 hours still have the same phone iseries is fine the world isnt full of dickheads dw my man

posted about 8 years ago
#55 The Spire - new TF2 news/coverage website in Projects

the layout is dope af

posted about 8 years ago
#54 I don't know in Videos

Seeing as this has become as a caster flaw confession booth I'll throw my stuff in.

Continuing the 'he caps, stark does' thing when doing play by play the hardest thing in the world is to not correct yourself mid sentence like if you fumble a word or whatever, it just breaks up what you were saying and throws shit off track and when you're trying to quickly explain something in the heat of the moment and you notice you beef you just feel like you have to. I do it ALL the time when I cast because I try to speak as fast and as clearly as possible when I call a team fight in order to make it seem more action packed and explain what like almost everyone involved in the fight is doing and I fumble over words all the time and when I catch myself doing I usually go to correct myself and I know I shouldn't because it breaks up what I'm saying.

Wow that was like the worst way I could've explained that but I hope yous get it.

Also I'm waaaaay to bias for my friends, which personally I don't believe is an issue (why would I not root for my friends like wtf??) but people seem to not like it.
Anything else people don't like about my casting throw it at me so I can maybe one day get caster of the season tyty

edit: I think I say EVERY sniper headshot is a nice headshot

posted about 8 years ago
#27 ondkaja replaces Serotone for in News

kaja is my favourite player ever glad to see you back my man

posted about 8 years ago
#7 ETF2L S23 W1: Foreskings vs. Publiclir in Matches

Can anyone tell me anything about 4skings?

posted about 8 years ago
#47 DRACKK JOINS REASON! Ownage Squad set to fold. in TF2 General Discussion
fractalMaksi honestly thought that was a copypasta

I hate the enter key and grammar dude it's for weenies

posted about 8 years ago
#44 DRACKK JOINS REASON! Ownage Squad set to fold. in TF2 General Discussion

The only problem is how it's framed to make reason look like cocks and saying they only wanted to trial people that were in other teams, comparing them to hys (a person in the community seen as a 'snake') and posting a chat log with turbo and oh look how sad he is that his team's gone look at all the damage the selfish reason have caused!! It completely ignores the fact that A) it was up to drackk weather or not he trials for reason and who the hell would say no to maybe being on the best team in world right now? and B) Ownage didn't have to fold. They could have found another pocket and kept playing there's a lot of solly talent around right now. Obviously T0m leaving makes that harder as they still have to find 2 sollys but it's not to daunting a task. Ultimately it does suck that ownage are gone it kinda sucks not to have a team I can cast that's full of people I talk to like 80% of the time I'm on my PC but it was their choice and using this as a vehicle to try and yet again make reason look like assholes when all they did was say 'Hey you're good wanna trial' to someone is just aids. Good luck to everyone in ownage squad, drackk you're gonna kill it and someone PLEASE PICK UP NUZE.
Peace and love

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Staff Recruitment in TF2 General Discussion

I'd like to give a try at casting I think I'll be good at it.

Can't be that hard if getawhale gets to do it XDD

posted about 8 years ago
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