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SteamID64 76561197995200829
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:17467550
Country United States
Signed Up October 23, 2017
Last Posted August 7, 2018 at 9:55 AM
Posts 24 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.5
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G400
Keyboard Ducky Blue
Headphones Seinnheiser 558
Monitor ASUS VG248QE
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#681 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

r_shader_srgb -1/1 seem to just make the game extremely dark. By opening the steam overlay I can easily see that the .icc profile has been overridden. Don't quote me on this but I'm guessing that these may refer more to Nvidia color management rather than desktop.

posted about 7 years ago
#679 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsI meant which presets you execute from this section in the mastercomfig_exec folder, or in your own autoexec.

Oh my bad, I left everything default so all of these are still commented and I hadn't executed anything (apart from the main config file).

mastercomsI wouldn't really know since I made my config from scratch and haven't really analyzed other configs to find those sorts of issues. But if I had to guess, probably something to do with the filesystem cvars.

This issue was occurring even after resetting my game back to default, so it's not just something resulting from other configs. Either way I'm not too concerned about it since you've solved it through your config but it's always fun to figure out why.
I really appreciate you making this config and commenting it so well because I haven't seen the game run this well since launch and it's good to be able to understand why it is.

EDIT: By the way I notice you have -nogammaramp listed as a "niche" launch option, but from what I've read this is disabled in TF2. It would be majorly helpful if you know of a way to enable it or some similar effect because my monitor stinks without my .icc profile and I'm forced to play in borderless window.

posted about 7 years ago
#676 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

By preset I'm assuming you mean which of the 3 folders I installed, yeah? I'm using the regular "mastercomfig" one.
mat_phong was causing that, forgot that I had used it a long time ago before switching to r_rimlight but thanks for the reminder.

Do you have any idea what could've been causing the consistent drops from 150+ down to 70-80 even when outlines were gone? It seemed that every config I used before this one, no matter how extensive, still had that issue but only after Scream Fortress 2017 dropped.

posted about 7 years ago
#673 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Hello, I started using this config because I was getting an odd issue after Scream Fortress 2017 that I would drop from 150-250fps in spawn to 70-80 once enough people were within view. Even when using other configs that would boost my initial fps these exact same drops would occur. Another oddity I've noticed (even with this config) is that after respawning, my framerate in spawn will be somewhere from 100-150, but after 5-10 seconds will suddenly jump all the way to 250+. Could this have something to do with the above issue?
Anyway, not only has this config made everything appear smoother and cleaner apart from the increased framerate (which I have no idea how it did), this issue has also been fixed in almost every situation, though I'd still like to know why it would happen if anyone has an idea.
EDIT: The above drop to 70-80 still happens but only if I leave spawn before my framerate jumps back up to 250+. Is something being cached and cleared by this config that normally isn't?
EDIT2: Just realized this is related to the spawn wallhacks. As soon as the player outlines disappear my framerate skyrockets (it was still constantly low without this config)

However, 2 things I don't like are these visuals here:
All of the characters have very simplistic lighting on the tops of their heads which makes them appear sort of gray, and there's odd blue lights on the floor in Turbine.
What commands can I change to remedy these, and what sort of performance hit can I expect from it?

Windows 7
GeForce GTX 970
i5-3570k @3.4GHz
Running at 1920x1080 on 144hz monitor

posted about 7 years ago
#122 No Hats Mod in Customization

is there a version that only removes unusual effects?

posted about 7 years ago
#189 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion

It seems you're right. After testing at a much further range I was able to reproduce the effect by placing the boxes where they would collide with the bot for a longer period.

posted about 7 years ago
#182 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion

Hi Jojo,
I've gone back and tested this again, analyzed fall-off at various distances and the trajectory of the particles. I even went as far to bind mwheelup/down to "+attack", yet I found no increase in damage at any range or "clicking" speed. In fact, just judging by the rate of the dings from my hitsound scrolling/clicking actually deals ticks of damage SLOWER than holding the button down.
Unless there's a macro that can somehow put out particles faster than the limit on hold, I feel that any perceived damage increase you're experiencing could be chalked up to some sort of latency issue or placebo. I'm confident that if you were to attempt it in a LAN environment or against bots you wouldn't experience that.

posted about 7 years ago
#180 The Jungle Inferno bug mega thread! in TF2 General Discussion

Flame particles reactivate after touching a surface, enabling them to deal damage twice.
Hellbent's post on the first page saying "flamethrower does more damage when spamming click vs holding it down" is probably inaccurate as I can't for the life of me replicate this in testing, but the result may have something to do with this bug.

posted about 7 years ago
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