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Last Posted January 4, 2022 at 2:13 PM
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#55 NA Invite Top 100: #5-#1 in News
THEBILLDOZERYeeHaw'FPH' > international LAN winsthe tldr on this is that being able to attend an international lan is gatekept by both having an international lan to attend, and having the resources to be able to go at all. a lot of players didnt have either or both, so while its obviouly an important part of history, its difficult to weigh performance vs players that couldnt have gone anyway. tery just wanted to keep the NA discussion to the context of NA performance, that is to say invite regular season and playoffs

doesn't change the fact that lan allows an equal plain field

posted about 3 years ago
#38 NA Invite Top 100: #20-#11 in News

slemnish has some nasty sniper plays as well and was the designated sniper on most of his teams, why only scout icon on his ranking?

posted about 3 years ago